“Get her out of here,” Chad yelled at Malik. “We’ll deal with them.”

One of the men lifted his gun, and Sophie cried out and ducked into Malik. The man shot out the cameras mounted around the room. They obviously didn’t want any proof of what they were about to do.

“Stop right there, Prince Malik and Miss Pederson,” a cultured voice that sent tremors of fear down her spine said. “Or I put a bullet in his brain right now.” William Rindlesbacher walked through the garage entry and shoved a pistol into the back of Mason’s head.

“No!” Sophie cried out.

Malik held her behind him.

“Good evening,” William said, all ugly smiles as he held that pistol against Mason’s scalp. To Mason’s credit, he didn’t flinch, simply stood as straight as he could. He was clearly injured. Why had they beaten him up? What would they do to all of them? Would this man hurt his own granddaughter?

“I apologize, Major Prescott,” Mason gritted out to Chad. “They caught me as I was exiting earlier, and I wasn’t able to arm the door. I never would’ve allowed them access.”

“I know you wouldn’t have, Lieutenant.” The pride Chad felt toward his soldier was evident, but they were clearly in desperate trouble.

“If it makes you feel any better, it took four of my men to subdue him. A very impressive soldier.” William was all fake benevolence.

“What would make me feel better is you exposed and imprisoned for the underhanded filth you are,” Chad growled at him.

“What do you want?” Malik demanded before William could command one of his men to shoot Chad, which he looked ready to do.

“I need a little help,” William said pleasantly. “And you are going to give it to me.”

“I would never help you,” Malik snarled. It was the second time Sophie had heard him snarl. She loved how brave he was, but did he have any clue how evil William was? And her angel baby was sleeping upstairs with her parents. Thank heavens they hadn’t woken or come downstairs.

“Oh, I think you will.” He gestured with his head to his men.

Four of the men strode across the room to Malik and Sophie. Chad and the captain clung to their guns, but neither of them fired. Doing so would’ve meant certain death.

The men all pointed their guns at Sophie. Cold chills raced down her spine.

“Set your guns, knives, and cell phones on the floor, Major Prescott and Captain Favor.”

Both men looked like he was asking them to give up their firstborn, but they slowly set their pistols, cell phones, and several knives on the floor and straightened.

“Thank you. Now, Prince Malik, kindly step away from Miss Pederson,” William instructed. “Unless you want her and her daughter’s deaths on your head.”

Malik gazed steadily at her, ignoring William. “I won’t let him hurt you,” he promised her.

“If you don’t want her hurt, it’s very simple,” William said. “You perform a task for me and when it’s done, you can return here to find your girlfriend and my grandbaby unharmed. If you fail, I will kill her and her parents. Of course these men who failed to guard you will be a pleasure to slice apart, but I’ll keep my grandbaby to raise up right. Treven will be such a great father, don’t you think?”

Sophie was going to throw up.

“I’ll keep you safe,” Malik said again.

She had no clue how he could promise that, but she loved him. She loved him so fiercely she’d do anything to keep him safe.

Anything but let Treven raise Sunny.

“I know you will,” she said, but her voice trembled from fear.

She loved him. She trusted him. But how could anyone keep them safe with William and his evil henchmen here?