Malik was still devoted to her. Right? Her perma-grin slid away. The fact that he’d dated so many women penetrated worry into her mind like a flavor needle injector marinating meat.

No. That was dumb. Malik had said he’d been trying to fill a chasm and hadn’t succeeded. She’d been the one to say he’d never loved anyone like her, and his fierce whisper of ‘never’ made her stomach pitch happily and heat fill her.

She rolled over and plumped the pillow. If only she could still be with him, holding him, kissing him. There was still so much to talk through. So much hurt she’d never wanted to inflict upon him, trying to keep him safe from Treven and his vicious threats.

Was what they had together at the tender age of eighteen real and strong enough to commit him to her forever? Did he care for her as much as she did him? Had he longed for her these past six years? Could they really pick up where they’d left off?

She was a mum now. That changed everything. Did Malik still love her? Enough to marry her like they used to plan and dream about? Enough to be a dad to Sunny? He’d been adorable with Sunny, and Sophie would never forget the sight of her angel falling asleep on his muscular chest. She’d never forget how that chest had felt pressed tightly against her. He’d gained some muscle since they were youths.

Rolling over again, she heard footsteps outside her door. She perked up. Could it be Malik? What if he was patrolling the hallway? Would it mess up his patrol if she simply kissed him for a few hours? She smiled. They could at least talk while she paced with him. They used to love going for long evening walks along the river and chatting.

She slid out of bed and tied the robe tightly. She didn’t want to show Malik anything untoward; all the rips in her dress had been bad enough.

There were soft slippers in the closet. She slid into them, then said another prayer of gratitude and asked for protection, and if it was possible the blessing of being with Malik. She’d stolen his heart years ago. He would settle down from his playing and meandering ways for her. Right? The way he’d kissed her and the depth of devotion in his blue eyes certainly said he would.

She hurried to the door, needing to see him, to be with him, to touch him. She opened the door and right there in the hallway was … Chad.

“Oh,” was all she could think to say.

Chad gave her his charming, megawatt smile. Before she could explain she was hoping to find Malik, he had her pinned against the doorframe. Chad was fabulous, attractive, tough, charming, smelled nice, acted nice, truly everything a woman could want, but he wasn’t the one for her. How could she explain her change of heart? She’d been semi-dating him before Malik had miraculously been restored to her life. There was no room for another man any longer.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, his gaze traveling over her face.

“No,” she admitted. She needed to slip away or push him away. To explain Malik was the only man for her.

“You’re so brave and impressive, beautiful.” His words were sincere and kind. Though Chad was a flirt and charmer, he was honest and good. “I’m sorry Rindlesbacher put you through all of this.”

“I’m just grateful you and Malik are here for me. Thank you.”

“Of course.” He searched her face. “Sophie, you obviously know how gone I am over you.”

Sophie wanted to close her eyes and hide. She’d kidded herself that Chad wasn’t serious about any one woman. Whenever he’d tried to pin her down to a relationship, she’d explained she wasn’t ready to get serious. He’d patiently dated her and waited.

“I’ve loved Malik since I was eighteen,” she admitted. “I’m so sorry you’re caught in the middle of this, but now that he knows the truth …”

“Please.” Chad shook his head. “Malik is a player. A charmer. I’m completely invested in you and Sunny. I haven’t dated anyone else since our second date. I want to date you exclusively. I want to take the next step in our relationship. Please give me a chance, beautiful. For me, the sun rises and sets on your face.”

Sophie’s stomach churned. She’d known Chad was interested in her and he’d pursued her relentlessly, but this was next level. How could she explain without hurting him? “Chad … I?—”

Chad kissed her. Sophie was pressed against the doorframe; it was digging into her back. She had nowhere to go.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs and into the hallway. She turned her head to the side, using the distraction of someone coming. Peering over Chad’s broad shoulder, her stomach tried to claw its way out of her throat when her gaze met Malik’s.

His eyes were wide as he studied the two of them. He looked … betrayed.

Her robe had slipped off her shoulder and Chad was holding her close. She side-stepped away from him, slid her robe back into place, and tightened it again.

“What is happening …? I thought you were going to rest.” Malik focused on Chad, his voice full of accusation.

“I was.” Chad smiled at her. “Sophie surprised me.”

“Malik, this isn’t?—”

“Just answer me this.” Malik looked between them. “Are you and Chad dating?”

Sophie looked at Chad. His earnest look begged her to say yes. She didn’t want to lie—she’d had to do that too much with Malik—and she didn’t want to hurt Chad. “We have been dating …”

Chad’s green eyes studied her. She had to tell the truth and hurt him. He’d been so kind and patient and fun.