He had a million questions for her and his general brother. Except Ray was going on a two-week honeymoon. Dang. Lieutenant General Philippe Cordon would help them. Chad seemed gung-ho to help them. A little too gung-ho. Were Chad and Sophie dating? Malik didn’t keep up with the Augustine news for a reason.

“Let’s load up and chat and hug when we get there,” Chad said with a wink, as if she wanted to hug him. He ushered Sophie back into the helicopter, wrapping his hands around her waist to lift her and her daughter into the Blackhawk.

Malik turned away and thanked the police officers so he wouldn’t dwell on the jealousy blooming in his gut. He was touted as the ‘charming prince,’ but he didn’t know a man as charming or sought-after as Major Prescott. Tristan would probably have beaten Chad for the most female attention, before the bombing disfigured his oldest brother’s face.

T kept claiming he was relieved about that fact—that he was sick of women pursuing the ‘irresistible crown prince’ and would like to know who really liked him for him. Since his beloved Jennifer had disappeared the same day as their mum’s death, T had either focused exclusively on his demanding meeting schedule or been almost as bad as Malik at flitting from one woman to the next. Jennifer was Prime Minister Shule’s daughter, so T’s messed-up love life and hopes to reunite with her had gotten even worse the past week.

“Can you keep Chief Jensen informed of anything suspicious you see as we leave the airport and set up surveillance cameras on the exterior of Miss Pederson’s house to monitor for unusual activity?” Malik asked as she shook the police officers’ hands.

“Of course, Prince Malik.”

The men eased back, keeping watchful eyes on their surroundings.

“Where are we going?” Sophie’s dad Hans asked, his dark eyes bewildered.

The police escort ushering him from his daughter’s home, military helicopter and personnel, and a prince with his daughter might be a bit to take in.

“We’ll let you know soon,” Malik said, helping Sophie’s mum Leanna into the helicopter and receiving a quiet thank you in return. She seemed as uncertain as Sophie’s dad. Malik didn’t blame either of them. They’d always been welcoming when he and Sophie had gone to visit her parents, but he hadn’t seen them in years.

Chad grabbed his arm before he could climb in and said in his ear, “Do you have a place in mind?”

“I haven’t gotten that far.” He thought through various friends darting the continent who would welcome him any time. The military entourage and possible danger were a lot to ask of a friend though. “Any ideas?” He didn’t want Sophie owing Chad anything, but her and her daughter’s safety had to take precedence over those selfish worries.

“I have an American friend who owns a home near Wengen, Switzerland.” Chad dropped his voice and cast a glance around, but no one was nearby. “The home is massive, has a helipad, decent security cameras, and is far enough away from Wengen proper to ensure our privacy.”

“Would your friend mind?” Malik asked.

Wengen was one of the most beautiful ski villages in Switzerland, fairly quiet and exclusive, and only an hour’s flight away.

“I’m sure I can persuade her to let us stay for a few days.” Chad grinned, so suave and handsome Malik could bet few women would tell him no. Did Sophie tell him no, or was she another casualty of the famed Chad allure? They were dating, he could feel it, and the jealousy eating at his gut was almost as bad as when he’d found out she was expecting another man’s baby. It shouldn’t have been so extreme, but after all these years of longing for her, to finally be close, to have a chance, and to find out she was with Chad made him want to hurl.

“I’m sure you can.” This man was a close family friend, only trying to help Sophie—not Malik’s competition. But he certainly felt like competition right now. “Thank you.”

“Anything for Sophie.” Chad held his gaze and reaffirmed, “Anything.”

Malik wanted to tell the handsome major to back off, but Chad smiled and slapped him on the shoulder before he could put him in his place. “We need to go.”

Chad climbed into the helicopter, and Malik followed. Lieutenant Mason closed the door behind them. The only seat open was next to Sophie’s dad.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?” Hans asked Malik as he sat down and strapped on the seat belt.

“I hope we can all discuss and figure that out,” Malik said, looking to Sophie.

She nodded reluctantly.

“Okay, pretty girl.” Chad squatted down in front of Sophie and Sunny. “I need you to put these on for me because it’s going to get really loud.” He held out noise-cancelling earphones.

“I don’t think so,” the little girl sassed him with the cutest grin Malik had ever seen. She was her mum to a tee, except her eyes were a grayish-blue and her skin a bit lighter than Sophie’s. “Maybe if the handsome prince asks me.” Sunny fluttered her eyelashes at Malik.

Everybody laughed at that. Malik the loudest. It was a great break from the tension and a great boost for Malik’s confidence. Sophie’s daughter wanted him to ask her, not Chad.

Chad looked around with a put-on air of disgust. “Something is wrong with this darling girl.”

Malik hurried to unbuckle, took the earphones from Chad’s fingers, only a bit of a tug to free them from his grip, and pushed his friend out of the way.

Chad grumbled good-naturedly and hurried to the front of the helicopter. He started the pre-flight checks. He likely would’ve put up a bigger fight if they didn’t need to disappear so quick.

“Princess Sunny,” Malik said as charmingly as he’d ever said anything in his life. “Would you do me the honor of wearing these enchanted headphones? They’ll keep your lovely ears safe.”