“Okay.” T looked him over. “I don’t like it, but I’ll give you some time on this. Hopefully we catch the stupid Enforcer, and mum’s killer, and then you can be free to explore Macey.”

Explore Macey? Ray’s body went hot all over.

“I mean a relationship with her, not explore her lips.” T winked as if that were a joke. “I’m showering first.” He slipped in and slammed and locked the door.

Ray didn’t protest. All he could think about was exploring Macey’s lips. Unfortunately for him, it was no joke, and the thrilling experience would never be replicated.

He leaned against the wall, listening to the shower spray, and closed his eyes. He allowed himself to relive the kiss. If he couldn’t get there again, at least he had the memories.

Chapter Seven

Macey struggled to sleep. Especially as she was sleeping in his bed, and it smelled like musk, bergamot, and Ray.

Her mind was consumed with all things Ray. Prince Raymond August. He was the most perfect man—perfect person—she’d ever been blessed to meet. He was honorable, smart, tough, handsome, a Christian, a man focused on his family and his mission as the leader of their military, and he made her warm clear through with one look or touch …

Had she met the man she’d never dreamed could exist for her, or was it like everything in her life beside her brother, Sutton, and her computers and a huge implosion was coming?

She woke early, dressed in a simple T-shirt and shorts and laced up her running shoes, then slipped out of her suite. Ray’s suite. She paused next to Tristan’s bedroom but couldn’t hear any movement inside. They hadn’t discussed when to meet this morning. She knew Tristan would be safe with Ray, but she should’ve asked if she could help relieve Ray’s duties. The press conference was at ten. Maybe she was on her own until then?

The AI model had finished an analysis on everybody who had access to the castle the night the queen died, and quite a few other people she or Ray wanted to rule out or know more about. She was anxious to study the information, but she wanted to go through it with Ray, and she always thought better after a hard workout and some food.

Hurrying down the wide hallway, she ran up the four flights of stairs. Catching her breath, she walked toward the gym. As she got near, she could hear clanking weights. Oh, shoot. She’d hoped to have it all to herself. Which was silly, but this enormous castle was empty. She’d seen guards in the halls yesterday, and that was about it. From what she understood, the staff only lived in the castle if they needed a spot and, as affluent as this country was, nobody seemed to be in much need. Her preliminary research had shown hugely-successful iron mining and wise use and investment of the country’s resources were to thank for the Augustine’s prosperity.

Ray had explained why the castle was so quiet and that they used to have tours and guests staying all the time. Since their mum’s death, they hadn’t hosted friends, extended family, or visiting dignitaries, and had cut back their staff to only their most trusted employees. None of them but the pretty blonde nanny and assigned security guards would stay the night.

That meant it could be Kiera’s nanny, the king, Tristan, or … Ray working out. Her heartbeat picked up again, and she was more out of breath than she had been from running the stairs. She eased toward the fitness center and stopped when she saw him through the open doors. Luckily, his back was to her so she could stare. She’d tried not to stare last night when he had no shirt on as they swam. She’d seen a lot of impressive musculature in her time with Sutton, but nobody’s shape had appealed to her like Ray’s did.

He was doing a reverse fly with the cable machine, the cables crossed as he pulled them out wide and back, his hands level with his shoulders. The muscles in his upper back contracted and were easily visible through his T-shirt. Macey sighed and put a hand to her heart. He was beautiful. Could this man truly be interested in her? Macey Clifton, who hid behind her glasses and her big brain and her brother when Gage was around? Her doubts surfaced and she pushed at her nonexistent glasses, remembering for the hundredth time that she’d let Sutton take them with him.

“Good morning, Macey.” Tristan stepped into view, right next to the door. How had he gotten there without her noticing? That wasn’t actually a hard question. Her mind was consumed with his brother.

“Morning,” Macey managed, her voice breathless.

Ray released the cable handles and whirled around at his brother’s greeting. When he saw her, his face lit in an irresistible smile. The sun wasn’t up yet, but the world didn’t need sunlight with a smile like that. The warmth in his blue eyes reassured her.

She grinned back. Yesterday hadn’t been a dream. Ray was real and as consumed by her as she was by him.

Then his face tightened and his blue eyes cooled. He lifted a hand and called, “Morning, Macey,” as casually as his brother had. Then he turned back to his workout.

Macey’s heart froze in her chest. What had just happened? She yanked her gaze from Ray and saw Tristan was still close to her in the doorway and watching her steadily. She blinked and tried to school her reaction. Tristan was supposed to be her fiancé. She shouldn’t be gone over his brother. Was Ray trying to school his reaction too or had yesterday been a dream of the handsome prince being interested in her and now reality would slap her in the face? Somehow, Ray not being gone over her like she was over him would be a thousand times worse than Steve betraying her and everyone she cared about five years ago.

“Do you want a better tour of the gym than Kiera gave you last night?” Tristan’s gaze was teasing but also … concerned. Was he worried about her liking his twin too much, or worried Ray would break her heart?

“I actually know my way around a gym.” She grinned to show she was teasing too, though her heart was in danger of breaking. Ray was executing controlled reverse flies without even seeming to notice she was in the same room.

“I can see that. You’re very fit.”

“Thank you. As are you.” To the outsider, maybe it would seem like she and Tristan were flirting. Not to her.

“Well, don’t let us keep you from your workout.” Tristan winked, but it was friendly, not smoldering like the one Ray had given her yesterday.

Had they lost yesterday’s connection? They couldn’t have. She was worrying over nothing. Ray was probably just focused on getting his workout in.

Her insecurities screamed that it was much more than that. Ray wasn’t interested in her and had just been toying with the new girl yesterday. Even if he was interested, he couldn’t act on it because it would mess up the plan of her being engaged to his twin.

“I won’t.” She forced a sassy tone she’d never felt, trying to play the role of a confident future princess, even if she was only an imposter. She hurried to an elliptical machine. She’d get warm and plan out her workout and pretend Ray and Tristan weren’t there.

Ten minutes later, she was warm and ready to start lifting on lower body, but she couldn’t stop her gaze from following Ray wherever he went in the gym. He was pairing back with lats, biceps, and abdominals. She loved watching his muscles work and was more drawn to him by the minute. The few times he glanced her direction, he gave her a quick smile and looked away. Tristan kept saying funny things to Ray or to her. Ray grunted back responses, which seemed off from yesterday. Tristan was very funny and a great guy. She tried to respond with humor and laughter, but Ray’s silence made it difficult.