“She is, but my very impressive twin doesn’t get sappy and throw compliments and longing glances at the thousands of ‘impressive ladies’ we’ve met over the years.” T folded his arms across his chest. “I know you, Ray, and this is not normal. It’s so far from normal I almost checked if Malik had traded you spots while I was in meetings, but then I realized even Malik doesn’t sneak glances at some lady like he’s yearned for her his entire life.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” Ray folded his own arms across his chest and tried to look unfazed. ‘Yearned’? For sure. What would T say if he admitted he’d thought of the word ‘craved’ in relation to Macey as well?

How was he going to deal with this crazy pull to her? The first step was refusing to admit it—to T, to Macey, and somehow even to himself. He was stronger than he’d acted today. Macey had simply … taken him by surprise. That was it. The initial surprising and mind-bending kiss, the connection arcing between them, her weapons’ obsession, her laughter … He hadn’t been prepared for any of it.

Preparation was key in his life and work. He couldn’t let anyone catch him unaware, and he had today. That was all it was. Blindsided by a unique and brilliant beauty. He’d pray hard tonight, get a good night’s sleep, and show the strength inherent in him as an Augustine prince, the leader of his military, and a follower of Christ. He knew his Savior could strengthen him as He had throughout his life, but especially in the last six months as their family had been thrown into a vicious tailspin and they’d all longed to have their mum back. Heaven had to help him resist a temptation as enticing as Macey Clifton.

You would do anything to protect this family, protect this kingdom. I know we’re safe with you around.

His mum. She knew how important it was for him to protect everyone, be everywhere, do it all. She’d help him from heaven.

“Am I?” T taunted. “Come on, Ray. It’s me. Flesh of your flesh. I know you. I can read your mind. Admit it. Tell me you are dying over Macey. It’s all right. We can work through this together like we always do.”

Ray was tempted. More than tempted. It sounded fabulous to give this to T. He could unload this burden on his brother, and they’d figure out a solution together. How many times throughout their lives had they done that? They were a team. T had his back, and he had his.

But …

His twin liked to joke and act like he wasn’t taking life seriously, a defense mechanism to not show stress about his heavy responsibilities. Ray knew how deeply intense T was, how he cared for their family and their country. He would give anything for all of them.

Ray wouldn’t add to his brother’s burden. His purpose had always been to shoulder and relieve as much of his dad and twin’s burdens as he could. This plan with Macey was in place. It was a good one, and at the moment their best chance to draw out the ‘Enforcer’ and hopefully their mum’s killer. Macey’s computer skills and brilliance could help them as well. He couldn’t mess this up because of some … attraction.

“T …” Ray stepped up, put his hand on his brother’s arm, and put on the best acting face he’d ever tried to use. “I’m sorry if I’ve been acting off. Yes, I find Macey extremely attractive, but that’s all. I’m not ‘yearning’ for her.” He was such a liar. It hurt to lie to his twin. He’d never done it before. He steeled his spine and continued, “We’ve both been overloaded and stressed, mourning mum, worried about Dad, Kiera, our brothers, the kingdom, the weird notes, a murderer on the loose, and no clues or leads to solve anything.”

He drew in a breath. “I let my guard down today because …” Why? What excuse could he give when inside he thought it was because Macey was the woman his soul had quietly longed for? Sheesh, that was sappy. “Macey is comfortable and fun to be around. It won’t happen again. I’m not messing up this plan.”

T studied him, his blue eyes poking for holes. Ray used the training drilled into him as a youth by grizzled, veteran soldiers who’d been trained by the men who fought the Nazis, spent time in concentration camps and Nazi prisons, and knew how not to let someone into your mind, even if they were torturing you. His brother wasn’t torturing him, but giving up any chance with Macey felt like the worst form of torture. He had to figure out how to shield himself around her and not let her into his heart.

“I don’t believe you,” T said slowly.

Ray’s heart thumped faster. His neck tightened, and he forced himself not to clench his fists.

“When you’re ready to admit you’re falling for Macey … I’ll be here for you.”

Ray blinked. He couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen into his lungs.

Stay stiff, stay impervious, he begged himself.

“We can change the plan, Ray. If she’s the right woman for you, we’ll change it right now. Dad will support us. People are more important. Love is more important. You are more important.”

Ray held up a hand, cutting him off, praying he’d stop. He appreciated his brother’s dedication to him, but … Love? He didn’t even know Macey. Sure, he felt an insane draw to her. Sure, her kiss had rocked him to the core. Sure, she was gorgeous, brilliant, fun, refreshingly sweet, and her laugh intoxicated him.

T watched him with a knowing glint in his blue eyes, and Ray shook his head. Where had he been going with this train of thought? Oh yeah …

“T, thank you for caring about me so deeply, but it’s good.” It was awful. “I hardly know Macey. I shouldn’t have let my guard down today.” Two sentences that were true. That was good. Honesty felt so much better than the lies he’d been spouting. “I’ll be more disciplined from here on out.”

“No,” T growled. “No, Ray. You’ve been ‘disciplined’ your whole stinking life, especially the last six months. The safety of the royal family and the entire kingdom is not on your head.”

Ray only stared at him, disagreeing vehemently inside.

“Fall in love, bro. You deserve a beautiful sweetheart like Macey.”

“It would never work.” He shook his head at his brother’s protests. “Don’t get this in your head, T. I’m not pursuing Macey. She’s your fiancée right now. We have a plan in place, and I’m not messing any of that up.”

His brother’s gaze was intense, begging him for a concession, so he gave one. “If my feelings get too strong to fight…” Sadly, he was afraid he was already there. He had to keep his eyes off her from here on out. The angels above would help him, especially his mum. “I will let you know, and we’ll figure out how to proceed from there.”

T relaxed slightly. “I’ll keep checking in and watching you around her.”

“Noted.” T was on to him, so he’d have to exercise more diligence when his brother was around. Could he let down his guard when he was alone with Macey? No! That would only lead to stronger feelings.