“Ellery.” The king spoke softly and stepped closer to her. “You are our honored guest and my son’s girlfriend. You are much, much more important to me than any car. If you had totaled my Lamborghini, I would still feel the same. Please push any worry about cost or a wrecked vehicle from your mind. The cars are all insured, and the deductible is not a stress. We’re only concerned that you weren’t injured. Please just enjoy your time here and know how much we appreciate you for coming and that we all want you to feel comfortable and welcome.”

Ellery stared at him for half a beat. Her green eyes were bright, and Derek suspected more tears were coming. He felt a burst of love for his father and for her. Could she let the wreck go and feel comfortable and welcome?

“Thank you, sir,” she whispered.

“Nolan, please.”

“Thank you, Nolan.”

“Of course.” He smiled and then gestured slightly with his head, obviously knowing Ellery was seconds from breaking down. “We’ll see you both at dinner.”

“Take care,” Henry said.

T raised a hand to both of them, and all three men descended the stairs.

Ellery looked at Derek, turned, and ran up the steps. He pumped up them after her. She was not okay. Had his dad’s words helped like he thought they had? What was going on? Of course the wreck was unnerving, but he hoped she could let it go and not let it taint the rest of their time here. They reached the fifth level and she speed-walked down the hallway, not looking at him. Derek wracked his brain to think of how to help her, what to say.

They reached her suite door, and she grasped the handle but stopped. Glancing quickly at him, she said, “Do you mind if I skip dinner tonight? It’s been a busy day.”

“No, that’s fine.” Besides the wreck that had upset her so much, he thought it had been a fabulous day.

“Thanks.” She turned the knob and pushed the door open.

“Elle.” He put a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry the wreck upset you. I hope you won’t worry about it. You can see that my dad doesn’t care about the car or the cost.”

She stared at him. Her eyes were sad. “That’s just it, Derek. I wrecked a million-dollar car and none of you seem to care.”

“Half a million.” He immediately knew that was the wrong thing to say.

She rolled her eyes. “Half a million. More than I’ll ever make in my lifetime.”

“Not if you win next season.”

She glared at him. “Even if I could complete the course, I’d never beat you.”

“I’m … sorry?” He couldn’t not give each competition his best effort. He wanted to tell her he wouldn’t be back next season, as being home had shown him more than ever that this was his spot. His family needed him, and he belonged here. He only hoped he could convince her to not go back either.

“It’s not your fault that you win or who you are. I’m only saying …” She flung a hand around. “Look at this place. Look at you. You’re an insanely wealthy prince. That luxury car doesn’t matter to you. You don’t even know who it belongs to—it’s simply an extra vehicle. I couldn’t even afford to obtain a driver’s license, let alone a Kia. We’re so different; there’s so much disparity between us. Coming here, your family is so kind, but so out of my league I can’t even …”

“Elle,” he started to protest. She was out of his league, not the other way around. What did royal blood or wealth matter? His parents had always taught him it was what was inside a person that counted, and being royal only meant he had a huge responsibility to do more to help, lift, and inspire others.

“Don’t, please. I just can’t tonight. Then your father …” She shook her head sadly, pushed the door open, slipped inside, and shut it in his face.

His father … what? His father had been nothing but kind and gracious to her. Why did that make her sad? Missing her own father? If she’d ever share anything with him, he might know how to help or what was bothering her. Did she not trust him enough? He’d pursued her every step of the way and now that he finally felt like their relationship was progressing, he was realizing how little she trusted him and that she might never let him fully into her heart, her past, and share her issues and hopes and dreams with him.

Derek rubbed at his jaw and gritted his teeth in frustration. He wanted to knock on the door and beg her to talk this all out, to let him hold her if she was upset, to confide in him, to care for him like he cared for her.

I just can’t tonight.

Those words rang in his brain as loudly as anything. She was spent and upset and instead of this week with his family being amazing and encouraging her to fall for him, it appeared to be backfiring.

His shoulders rounded as he walked away. He was messing this all up, and he had no idea how to fix it.

Chapter Eleven

Ellery took a long shower, her tears mingling with the warm water. How could Derek’s family be so unreachable, wealthy, and opposite of everything she’d ever known, yet at the same time be so kind, welcoming, and loving?

She’d wanted to hug his father in the worst way. The king—the esteemed ruler of this beautiful and wealthy country—saying to her, ‘You are much, much more important to me than any car. If you had totaled my Lamborghini, I would still feel the same.’