Ellery drove so slowly through the village it was almost comical. She was so fearless in every aspect of her life, besides jumping into a relationship with him, it was interesting that she was cautious about driving. Maybe she simply wasn’t comfortable yet.

He didn’t say anything until they were clear of the village and on the two-lane road that headed through the open valley and north to the pass that led to Traverse.

“You can up your speed now. If you’re comfortable.”

She darted a quick glance to him and then focused on the road. “I don’t know. What if a Lambo comes from the other way?”

He chuckled. “I highly doubt that. You’ve got it.”

She gripped the steering wheel and then pressed the gas further down. The car darted forward and she let out a little squeal, but she didn’t back off on the speed.

“Ooh.” She went a little faster, then a little faster. They were flying along the road before too long. “I like this a lot.”

Derek smiled. “See? You’re pretty much a natural at everything you do.”

“That’s not true.”

“What do you mean? Tell me something you aren’t incredible at.”

“I don’t know. Lots of things.” She upped the speed again, and they cruised past farmer’s fields and toward the entrance to the canyon. She’d need to slow down once the canyon got tight, but for right now it was fine. The road was open and straight and she was doing great. “I never went to college, so there are many things I don’t know and am not good at.”

“I don’t think that matters at all. You have more knowledge of fitness, health, and nutrition than any college-educated trainer I’ve met.”

“Thank you, Derek.”

“You’re amazingly fit, smart, and talented,” he continued. “And you’re the best kisser I’ve ever kissed.”

“We haven’t kissed,” she protested, glancing quickly at him and back at the road.

“That is regrettably true. But you told Malik that I’m the best kisser, so I’m forecasting how fabulous it’s going to be.”

She looked at him, her eyes wide and her lips soft. He about went to kiss her right then and there. Ellery eased toward him, obviously forgetting she was driving as her hands turned the wheel to the right.

The car slid off the shoulder of the road, the right-side tires catching in the loose gravel. There wasn’t an obstacle in front of them, so the car didn’t stop, but it did try to correct back to the lane by pulling them to the left. Ellery yanked the wheel that direction at the same time. The combination shot them back across the highway. A truck was coming the other direction. Ellery screamed and pushed harder on the gas to get out of the truck’s way.

Derek reached over to grab the wheel, but they flew off the highway, sailing into a farmer’s field. The Porsche’s lower front end took a nose-dive into the soft dirt and slammed them to a halt. The air bags deployed and smacked into his face, chest, and arms. It stung, and white powder covered him and the interior of the car. They were lucky they hadn’t rolled.

Derek coughed and wiped at his face with the back of his arm, but it didn’t help as he had the talcum powder from the airbag there as well.

The car was eerily silent.

“Are you all right?” Derek asked, pushing his air bag out of the way and straining to see Ellery’s face above her airbag. He knew the airbags or even the seatbelt could cause injury. Her face was covered in white powder and streaks of moisture. She was crying? Oh, no!

“Elle! What’s wrong? Where are you hurt?” He shoved at the airbags to get to her seatbelt and release it. “Stay there. I’ll come around.”

He punched his airbag out of the way, ripped off his seatbelt, and flung himself out the door. Running around to the driver’s side, he ripped it open and squatted down next to her.

“Okay, Elle, what hurts? We’ll get the medics coming, but I need to know if I can move you.”

She coughed and then hiccupped and then seemed to cry harder.

He yanked his phone out to call for help. The truck they’d almost hit had come back around, and a middle-aged man was running toward them.

“Call for help,” Derek instructed, straightening to face the man. “My girlfriend’s hurt.”

“I’m not hurt,” Ellery called out. “I’m just … humiliated.”

“Humiliated?” Derek and the man exchanged a glance. Then Derek asked him, “Can you call for a tow truck?”