Out of her atmosphere. A man who thought of her as a challenge. A man she shouldn’t trust. She had to remember that.

But she had a feeling Derek was only getting started on the challenge of making her fall so desperately for him she’d never recover.

She should not have come on this trip.

Chapter Seven

Ellery’s eyes blinked open, and she forgot for a moment where she was. She didn’t move as she looked around the luxurious jet and then zeroed in on the man directly in front of her. One gorgeous prince, snoring softly in the recliner next to hers, curled on his side facing her.

She studied his face unabashedly. The lights in the cabin were dim, but sunlight was trying to poke around the drawn shades. Derek looked younger and softer in sleep, but still every bit as handsome and princely. The blanket had slipped off his shoulder and his well-formed arm was revealed. She was taken with every inch of his perfect face and body, but his kindness and patience were even more alluring.

His eyes blinked open, and instantly those blue eyes captured her with intensity and a promise of happiness and love she’d never seen before and couldn’t fully comprehend.

“Good morning, beautiful Princess Elle,” he said softly. “Did you sleep well?”

“Too well.” She returned his smile even as nerves assaulted her thinking of all this day would bring. She was going to a royal palace and, more importantly, meeting his royal family. Would they all be patient and kind like Derek and somehow make her, a peasant from America, feel comfortable and welcome and … enough? She hadn’t been enough for her own father. How could she be enough for this princely hero?

“I’m glad.” His gaze held hers.

She needed to escape, or she’d kiss him, even with morning breath.

“Is there a restroom?” she squeaked out.

“Yes, of course.”

She slid off her chair without putting it back to an upright position, reluctant to push all the wrong buttons again.

Derek stood right in front of her. He was so tall, so tough, so manly. He took her hand like it was the most natural thing in the world and escorted her around the recliners. Ollie and Braxton were each in laid-down recliners closer to the back of the plane and splayed out sleeping. They looked too big for the space, but thankfully they’d been able to sleep. The interior of the plane was still dim.

Derek pointed to Ollie and Braxton and put a finger to his lips. She smiled.

He led Ellery past them and to the back of the plane. There was a long bar with baskets of snacks and a glass fridge underneath stocked with drinks. Two closed doors beckoned beyond.

He pointed and whispered, “A bathroom and Brenda’s space that is also a kitchen stocked with all kinds of delicious food. Are you hungry?”

Her stomach rumbled at the suggestion. “Sure.”

“I’ll assemble some snacks until Brenda wakes up. Then we can have breakfast.”

“Thanks.” He was always so humble in small ways. She imagined most royals, and most wealthy people, would have rung a bell while still in his seat to wake the flight attendant up. She loved that he didn’t.

He reached over and opened the bathroom door for Ellery just as Brenda’s door swung open.

“Good morning, you two beautiful people,” she called.

Derek put a finger to his lips. “Ollie and Braxton are still out,” he whispered. “They don’t get near enough rest worrying about keeping me safe and with me waking at four-thirty every morning. It’s good to see them let their guard down enough to sleep in for once.”

Brenda lifted her eyebrows. “You are a very unique prince.”

“I think I’ll take that as a compliment. Just don’t try to assassinate me until they wake up. They’d never forgive me if they missed out on the opportunity to protect me.”

They all laughed.

“I wouldn’t dream of assassinating my favorite Ninja Prince.” Brenda winked. “I’ll quietly make breakfast for you two, then feed the bodyguard brutes when they awaken from their beauty sleep. What would you each like?”

“Whatever’s easy,” Ellery said.

She agreed that Derek was unique, in such a fabulous way. They weren’t even to Augustine and she was already forgetting she needed to keep some kind of distance from this irresistible prince. She was here to protect him and his family, and she couldn’t trust him to not walk away after he conquered the challenge of getting her to fall for him.