It was nine o’clock, the sun barely setting, when they made it back to the cabin after their leisurely walk. Aliya looked at Curt and gave him an obvious wink. Curt grinned at his wife. What was that all about?

“Well, I think y’all need to get some rest,” Aliya decreed in her bossy but somehow delightful way.

“I don’t know that I could sleep,” Hattie said, glancing at Steffan. Did her look say she didn’t want to sleep away the few hours left to them?

“I find it’s much more restful to sleep in Curt’s arms,” Aliya said. “So here’s what I propose. Y’all go lie down in the front guest room. It’s the farthest one away from our master, so we won’t bother you. You snuggle up like a couple of possums and I’ll bet you’ll sleep right fine. Steffan can set an alarm on his phone so you don’t miss your rendezvous with that snake Franz.”

Steffan had liked Aliya from the first moment he met her, and he thought she and Curt were a great match. He’d pushed Curt to chase her to America. Right now, he adored his sister-in-law and would sing her praises forever. Would Hattie go for snuggling or sleeping in his arms? He didn’t dare look at her and see what she was thinking or feeling. Curt was grinning hugely.

Uncharacteristically, Hattie said nothing, and that got him sweating. Did she not want to snuggle with him?

“All right, you two.” Aliya shoved them toward the stairs. “Up you go.”

Steffan and Hattie fell into step in front of her, neither of them saying anything. Aliya followed them up the stairs and to the front bedroom. Steffan opened the door. If Hattie was in agreement that they should snuggle like ‘a couple of possums,’ he doubted he’d get any rest tonight. He really didn’t want to sleep and miss one minute of holding Hattie close. Anticipation of that event had his body on high alert and far too warm.

He and Hattie walked in and then both turned back to look at Aliya standing in the door frame. Beaming, she clapped her hands together and said, “There are fresh toothbrushes and paste in the bathroom and any other toiletries you might appreciate. Y’all need anything else?”

“N-no, thank you,” Hattie managed.

“We’ll be fine,” Steffan said in a low voice he hardly recognized. Was Aliya pushing too hard? Did Hattie know he was an honorable man and would never take advantage of being alone in a bedroom like this?

“All right.” Aliya hurried across the space, hugged Hattie tight, and said, “I feel like we’re soul sisters. Sure love ya. I’ll be praying for God’s blessings and your angel mama and daddy up in heaven to watch over you tonight and always. When you resolve whatever situation is keepin’ ya from staying in the most beautiful and perfect country on earth, we’ll welcome you back with open arms. If I left my family and the great people of Georgia for Curt, you can leave your traveling lifestyle for Steffan.”

She pulled back, hurried out the door, and shut it behind her.

“Thank you,” Hattie called to her back.

Steffan chuckled, hoping Hattie didn’t take offense to anything Aliya said. He reached for the stethoscope around his neck and rubbed at his neck when he realized it wasn’t there. “Sorry. She’s a talker.”

“She’s amazing. I love her.” Hattie didn’t look at him as she said, “I have so many friends around the world, but Sadie has been the only one I really trust to love me for me. But meeting Aliya and y—” She broke off and said quickly, “I need to use the bathroom.”

Hurrying away from him, she was gone before he could ask if she was going to say ‘you’ … him. She should trust him and know he loved her for her. Did he actually love her? He couldn’t love her. He hadn’t been around her long enough to love her. But he loved everything he knew about her. He felt like her wandering lifestyle wasn’t letting her live up to her potential and face the death that had hurt her. He wanted to help and love her.

Except she had to leave him in the morning.

Steffan’s jaw tightened in determination. He would make the most of each moment tonight—holding her, talking to her, savoring everything about her. Then, after they resolved the situation with Franz, if Jensen and Hattie both believed she had to go, he’d let her. Somehow he’d figure out how to clear her name and then he’d go find her, bring her back home, and date her. He was more than prepared to show her how a gentleman and a prince dated the woman he was captivated with. He’d leave the hospital early every evening to spend time with Hattie. Nobody but his staff knew what a sacrifice that would be. He’d willingly make it. If she could be with him in Augustine.

Kneeling next to the bed, he spoke with his Father in Heaven, thanked Him for bringing Hattie into his life, prayed to know how to help her best, and asked for strength to keep things pure between them tonight, and as they dated in the future. The very near future?

Was he being idealistic? Could they really do something as simple as date when Jensen felt she was at risk even being in Augustine?

He pushed that worry away. Hattie was enthralling. Jensen was brilliant. It would work out. It couldn’t not work out. Steffan had to figure out how to keep this gift who’d dropped into his country, into his life, thanks to a crazy fluke. Because she wasn’t leaving his heart.

Chapter Eleven

Hattie used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, smoothed some delicious vanilla-scented lotion all over her body, put on some mint-flavored lip gloss, and had the strangest urge … to pray.

That was dumb. Despite the few muttered mistakes in her mind recently, she wasn’t the kind of woman who turned to God in times of trial or uncertainty. She refused to humble herself and trust in her Heavenly Father when He had taken so much from her. This was simply a crazy situation, and she was wishing desperately for the opportunity to stay with Steffan. Heaven wouldn’t help her be with him. He was far too good for her. A gentleman doctor, accomplished, driven, far too kind and patient. She and the good Lord both knew she and Prince Steffan were not a match.

She did ask her earthly parents up in heaven if they could somehow help her through this mess with Franz. She wished she could ask for a miracle to get to know Steffan better, stay in Augustine and date him, but it wasn’t to be.

Would he leave his royal family, his beloved hospital, his life, for her?

No way.

He made her feel like she was better than she was. He and Aliya were too kind and welcoming. Hattie wasn’t something special like they both made her out to be.

But she wanted to be … for him.