“He’s from Warsaw,” Jensen confirmed. He looked at Steffan. “Of course she’s supposed to come alone.”

No way would either of them let Hattie go alone. Josephine’s Lake wasn’t far from his brother Curt’s cabin. Interesting that this guy not only knew their mountains but also that he thought he could isolate her in a remote area. Franz had to be planning something nefarious. Maybe he planned to force her to give him more money. He probably thought he’d stripped her of her power and pride by stealing everything from her. He must have no clue she had support from Augustine’s police force and royalty. That was in their favor.

“So here’s what I’m thinking,” Jensen said. “He thinks he can isolate her, send her running around before she can get her feet under her. He has no clue that she has support.”

Steffan smiled.


“I was thinking the same thing.”

“We have to be careful that he keeps thinking that. I’ll have some of my most trusted men carefully infiltrate the area tonight, stake it out, and be waiting for us when we get there a little before four in the morning. You two hike to Curt and Aliya’s from here. It’s a good safe spot to hang out today. Try to get some rest. I’ll send Curt a message on his satellite phone where to meet up early in the morning and have infrared goggles for you.” He nodded to Steffan. “And a headlight and some recording devices for you.” He nodded to Hattie. “Any questions?”

Hattie looked to Steffan. She appeared determined, still a touch vulnerable, and achingly beautiful. He was relieved he had more time with her.

“Do you feel all right about everything?” Steffan asked.

“Just ready to get that idiot arrested. I can’t believe he thinks he can manipulate and isolate me.”

“Definitely an idiot if he doesn’t know how strong and independent you are.”

“Not independent enough. You keep paying for things.”

Jensen looked between them. Steffan didn’t know how to respond. She had no money; of course he’d paid for a few tips and given her cash for the tram ride. Were they going to have a discussion about him paying for things like last night at the hotel? He’d been trained to be a gentleman, and that to him meant picking up the check whenever possible, amongst other things.

“You like the plan?” she asked, as if anxious to change the subject.

“I think it’ll work out great,” Steffan said. “Thank you, Jensen.”

“Of course. I’ll take off first. I want to run prints on this and make sure this Franz is who we think he is, not some assumed identity. You two separate and meet up the trail a bit. After you’re away from the visitor’s center, I think you’ll be fine to stay together, but I’d keep the hats and sunglasses on. I’ll see you bright and early.” He frowned. “Maybe dark and early is more appropriate.”

“Thank you,” Hattie said.

Jensen lifted his chin to them and slipped out the door. Steffan wasn’t some military or police guy. Should he have Hattie go first or him? He didn’t want her alone and vulnerable on the trail, but he also didn’t want to leave her behind. He made a quick decision and prayed it was the right one.

“Go directly out the back door where you saw me come in,” he said. “Take the stairs and the wide path to your right and then take the first dirt trail you see. It heads southeast. When you hit the thick overgrowth and tree cover, slow down. I’ll catch up to you.” He should easily catch her, and she should be fine until he got to her, but the what-ifs bugged him. What if Franz was around and intercepted her? What if they somehow missed each other?

“All right. See you in a few,” she said.

“You are a very brave lady.” A genuine smile stole across her face, and he couldn’t resist adding, “And very beautiful.”

Her smile grew, and she shook her head. “If you think I’m beautiful in my ripped clothing with none of my own makeup, you are one sweet, gentleman prince who likes to pay for stuff—and tell lies.”

He eased closer to her. There were so many things he wanted to ask her, but there wasn’t time.

They were in a bathroom, which wasn’t really a romantic spot. Thankfully, it didn’t smell. Reaching up, he brushed a lock of her hair over her shoulder. “Maybe I have a thing for women in unusual circumstances with rips in their clothing.”

“Oh, I hope not.” She laughed and arched an eyebrow. “You’d be distracted all day at the E.R.”

“You’re right.” He grinned. “Thankfully, I don’t have a thing for women brought into my hospital. With the exception of one beautiful and captivating American.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth softened.

“Maybe …” His voice lowered. “I simply have a thing for you, Hattie Ballard.”

“Nobody would blame you for that,” she teased.

Steffan knew it was time. Past time. He wrapped her in his arms and prepared to show her that he was falling for her. Falling for an independent American billionaire who wasn’t safe in his country. It wasn’t smart or logical, and he prided himself on being both, but Hattie was more important than his pride or his good sense.