He scooted his chair closer and peered at her screen as she clicked on it.

Meet me at the gondola view area above the Augustine castle at eight a.m. I have all your stuff, including the cash. I just want to make this right. Come alone or I will disappear.

Hattie wasn’t sure what to make of that. No apologies. No explanation beyond ‘wanting to make this right.’ And back to Augustine? Yikes. She kept promising Jensen she wouldn’t go there. Could they make certain the Rindlesbachers didn’t find her?

“Well, you’re not going alone, that’s for certain. And we can’t make it by eight.”

She looked into Steffan’s blue eyes, and she felt … not alone once again. It was a touching and inspiring feeling. “Jensen’s going to kill me if I go back to Augustine. What if the Rindlesbachers catch wind of it?”

“We have to catch this guy and get your stuff back. It’ll be all right. Nobody but Jensen, and some of his trusted men, will even know you’re there.”

“Do we have to tell Jensen?” She wanted to catch Franz. Badly.

He chuckled. “Yes, because we need him to come prosecute Franz.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Text Franz that you’ll be there by nine.” He nodded. “It’ll all be over soon, Hattie.”

Hattie stared at him. She wanted her things back, and she wanted Franz prosecuted for setting her up and stealing from her, but she didn’t want her time with Steffan to be over.

She couldn’t have everything she wanted, though.

Life had taught her that. Hattie had a plethora of the things that mattered very little, and rarely had the things she wanted most.

Like her parents.

She stared into blue eyes that she would soon only daydream about.

Like him.

Chapter Eight

Steffan left a tip for the maid, and he and Hattie left the hotel quickly. They drove toward Augustine as he called Jensen, explained the situation, and discussed scenarios and ideas. Hattie gave a description of Franz Wengreen, and Jensen found some online pictures for his men. At least he’d given her his real name.

Jensen would have his men infiltrate the gondola overlook and restaurant in plain clothes and be ready to arrest Franz as soon as they found him. It should all be over soon. Then Hattie could go on her merry way, keep her promise to never return to Augustine, and stay safe from Treven’s family. Steffan could go back to work, which was his life focus, and he would be … strangely empty without this intriguing and feisty lady.

They parked in the gondola parking lot at eight-forty. The gondola took about ten minutes, and there was a short line of summer tourists.

He looked at Hattie, wearing his hat and sunglasses. She was breathtakingly beautiful, even with the disguise and, at the moment, vulnerable. He doubted she was vulnerable often.

Pulling out some cash, he pressed it into her hand. “Use that for the ticket. I’m going to jump the line and get on the gondola in front of you. Jensen, his men, and I will all be watching out for you.”

“Thank you, Steffan.” She clutched at the money, her dark eyes warm and possibly emotional. He might’ve been reading into that, though.

He didn’t have time to reassure her or look into her eyes. He put his cap and glasses on, pocketed his keys, and slid out of his car. Hurrying toward the ticket office, he wanted to look around and see if Franz was here. Instead, he walked around to the back of the ticket office, rapped on the manager’s door, and waited impatiently for it to open.

The manager opened the door and looked up at him. “Can I help you … sir?” she asked, staring at him as if trying to place him. He didn’t recognize her. He’d hoped the manager would be someone from Greenville who he’d known growing up.

He took his glasses and low-slung cap off, and she gasped and put a hand to her chest. “Prince Steffan.”

He nodded. His family interacted with locals often, but she must’ve not expected him in this context. “I’ve got a situation,” he explained quietly. “And I need to get onto the next gondola and up the mountain quick.”

“Of course. Anything for one of our princes.” She grinned, obviously happy to serve him.

“Thank you.” He hurried to pull his hat down low and slide his glasses on again.

Walking past him, she led the way to the gondola line. He could see Hattie’s hat and dark hair at the ticket window, next to purchase her ticket. The manager held her badge up to the first person in the gondola line and said, “Excuse us.”

The thirty-something dad looked annoyed, but he stepped back and didn’t question them. Thankfully, one of the gondolas reached the landing and only a couple people disembarked. Not many would be ready to come down so early in the morning. He was surprised at the crowd going up, but since they’d closed all tours to the castle after his mum’s death, this was one of the best ways to view it. The picturesque scenery of the valley and mountains were outstanding as well.

The manager and Steffan stepped into the gondola. He thanked her, but she simply nodded and stayed by his side as the gondola slowly filled. Even with the special treatment, nobody seemed to see through his simple disguise.