He bowed his head down to hers, and anticipation swirled around them like a cocoon of all future happiness getting ready to explode like fireworks when their lips connected.

“Get inside, get inside!” One of the guards was suddenly in their space, pushing them toward the wraparound porch.

Curt released Aliya, ushering her in front of him as if to protect her from someone shooting at them as they ran up the porch steps and through the front door. Luckily, no shots rang out. The guard shut, locked, and armed the door and then gestured to them. “Please take refuge and arms in your master bedroom, Prince Curtis. I will come for you when I have the all-clear.”

Again, Curt didn’t hesitate as he nodded to the guard with a, “Thank you, Levi,” and rushed her up the steps, into his master, and into the master closet. He grabbed that huge gun he’d lofted the first day she was here. He had a pistol on his hip like General Ray had instructed days ago, and Curt told her he had a knife on him at all times as well. He could protect her.

“Please lock this door and stay in here,” he said, his blue eyes deadly serious.

Aliya’s heart was thumping quickly for an entirely different reason as Curt shut the door behind him and she was stuck in a dark closet, waiting for these tough men to take out whoever was threatening them.

She eased over to the door and locked it, then leaned against it and tried to listen, her heart beating high and too loud and her breath coming in fast pants louder than the University of Alabama’s marching band.

Closing her eyes, she prayed for Curt and the guard’s safety. She didn’t think Curt had left the master bedroom, so hopefully he was safe. Unless whoever was coming took out the guards and got in the house. Was it the men who’d killed Gracie and all those other women? Was it another threat?

Long, awful seconds ticked by. She prayed and tried to listen and neither seemed to give her any answers. There was no sound but her own labored breathing and the ticking of a clock in Curt’s room. She drew on the peace of her prayers and her mama’s voice telling her, ‘Don’t borrow trouble.’ She didn’t know what was out there, but these guards and Curt were tough and brave and she knew God was in His heaven watching out for all of them. It would work out. Somehow. She shuddered at the thought of all those murdered women and her almost being amongst them. Sometimes it didn’t work out the way anybody wanted it to, but God would still give her peace if she let Him.

She heard a rap on the master bedroom door and the guard’s voice and Curt’s. Why wouldn’t they talk louder? She needed details and reassurance, for heaven’s sake. She needed peace. Were they safe? What had happened? Her mind spun to worst-case scenarios, but at least the guard was alive and Curt was alive and …

A rap on the closet door reverberated through her as she was leaning so heavily into the door.

“Aliya? It’s safe. You can open the door.”

“Oh, thank the good Lord in His heaven above and all the saints and angels.” She yanked open the door and hurled herself against Curt’s very inviting chest and into his protective arms.

He wrapped one arm around her but hefted the large gun with his other. “One moment.” He stepped past her and lifted the gun onto the shelf. Then he ushered her back out into his bedroom and smiled. “Now where were we?”

She hurried to him and hugged him tight. “What happened? Who came?”

“A few hikers passing through.” He shook his head. “I told the guards I often have guests showing up, and with the trails open again as the governmental agencies have eased back on their investigations and are focused on the new cases of missing women in Amsterdam and London, I knew somebody would come by for food or a place to stay soon. The guards saw them approaching and Levi came to protect us while the other guard intercepted them before they could get close to the cabin, interrogated them, and sent them away.”

“I’m sorry. I know you love to host.”

“Thank you for understanding.” He ran his hands up and down her arms and made her tremble from his touch and his tender look. “I don’t like to turn anyone away, and I asked the guards to take it down a notch, but the hikers will be fine. As my brothers love to remind me, we’re only five miles from Greenville and these hikers are prepared with gear to stay out in the elements if they have to.” His gaze made her stomach hop happily. “Currently I’m enjoying hosting the most important guest I’ve ever had in my cabin.”

“Oh? Are you talking about me now?” she tried to tease, but she was trembling slightly. Was she truly the most important guest? Curt seemed far from the womanizing or saying pretty words kind of guy. She liked everything about him.

Even though it seemed unrealistic and surreal that a brave prince would be interested in a teacher from the backwoods of Georgia, she liked everything about their developing relationship. Except for the fact she was leaving in a few days. Maybe she simply wouldn’t leave. Her mama and the whole town would have a conniption fit, but her family and the town of Blue Ridge might have to cool their jets if the men weren’t caught and she couldn’t leave safely.

“I am talking about you.” He wrapped his hands around her back and pulled her flush to him. “And I’d like to get back to our conversation before the guards flipped out about nothing and terrified a couple of weary backpackers.”

“Hmm.” She tried to look thoughtful, but she felt lit up all the way through. She imagined her eyes were sparkling with the anticipation of kissing him. “What conversation was that?” She batted her eyes like a toad in a hailstorm and plumped her lips. She welcomed the butterflies in her stomach and the warmth blossoming in her chest.

“The conversation about giving you the best kiss of your life.” He gave her a meaningful look. His blue eyes got her every time. Could she live off the blessed memories of her time with her hunky prince forever? No matter how she spun it, she couldn’t see a long-term relationship developing between them.

“No, no, no.” She shook her head and gave him an impertinent look. “It’s going to be the best kiss of your life. I’ve been kissed by hundreds of boys, and I am quite certain even a hunky prince such as yourself can’t hold a candle to that stiff competition.” She was lying through her teeth and hoped he knew it.

Curt smiled slightly, but then his look grew determined. “Well, lucky for you, I’m a man, not a boy, and I am certain no kiss will compete with this one.”

Aliya’s heart threatened to explode. “Well then, quit teasin’ me about it and get ‘er done.”

He chuckled, and then he ‘got ‘er done.’

Curt lifted her up toward him, melded their lips together, and manipulated her mouth in a way she’d never known possible. The kiss was intense, passionate, and mind-blowing. Curt took full control of her heart, body, and soul.

He pulled back and stared at her in awe. They were both breathing heavily as he murmured, “Aliya … I … you …”

“I’ve rendered the charming prince speechless,” she tried to tease, but this was no time for teasing. “Best kiss of your life?”