“Well, sweetie, it must’ve leaked to the media today. It’s all over the internet. Those girls probably checked their phones at lunchtime and then they had something to taunt you about.” Macey was as logical and sweet as always. “Why would that matter, though? Does the idea of Madeline being your mum bother you? You said you love her.”

“I do love her.” Kiera’s voice sounded so depressed Madeline didn’t feel very loved. “I love being with Madeline but I don’t want a new mum. I don’t want to just replace my mum as if she never existed. I don’t want to forget her. What kind of brat could do that?” Kiera’s voice escalated, and then she was sobbing.

Madeline felt her words and her cries deep, a hot poker into her chest. Of course Kiera didn’t want to replace her mum. It wasn’t right and nobody would expect it of her. The poor girl had lost her mum at a young and impressionable age. She acted so well adjusted and happy it was easy to forget she was young, in pain, and dealing with deep heartache.

“You think my dad will marry Chad’s mum and forget my mum? I can’t believe he’d do that. I thought he loved Mum.” The teenager began crying in earnest. Macey must’ve been hugging her and murmuring soothing words.

Madeline had gradually taken over the role of nurturing Kiera and all the family this past month. It stung to realize she wasn’t needed in that role and Kiera didn’t want her there. All of Nolan’s children besides Kiera were adults and more than capable of helping and loving Kiera, just as they’d done before Madeline came here.

The hot poker in her chest twisted. It hurt worse than the scrapes on her hands, elbows, and knees.

Their footsteps retreated and their conversation was lost to her.

Madeline didn’t move. She was numb. In pain. Out of place.

She needed to leave.

Slowly, she made her way back to her suite and shut herself inside. It was early afternoon. She could not sit here alone waiting until dinner. Too much ache and too many questions swirled in her head. She picked up her phone off the side table where she’d left it earlier today. She’d missed a lot of calls. If the media story had broken, that would make sense.

She scanned the names—Chad, Hope, half a dozen friends from parliament, Chief Jensen, the prime minister, and several numbers she didn’t recognize. Most likely media wanting a statement.

Who should she respond to first?

Madeline hit the call back on Chief Jensen. She wanted to know what he’d learned about that man and his boss. She needed to hear that Nolan was safe.

“Ms. Prescott.” The chief’s voice was warm.

She sank wearily into the couch. “Madeline, please.”

“Of course, Madeline. How are you?”

“I’ve been better.” She scowled, hating that response. “How are you? How is that beautiful Livvy?”

“Exceptional. We’re very blessed to have found each other.”

“I’m thrilled for you.” His words made emotion fill her throat. She and Nolan had found each other, but their happiness seemed further away than ever. Added to the list of issues they already had—sweet Kiera didn’t want to betray her mum’s memory. Madeline couldn’t come between him and Kiera.

“Thank you, and thank you for returning my call. We have your attacker, a Johann Hendry, in custody. He confessed who his ‘boss’ was and we have that man in custody as well. A Harold Tempest.”

“Oh, what a relief.” She relaxed a fraction. She’d never heard either name.

“It is. We’re still riddling out Harold’s motivation for the attack and threats, but I thought you’d feel better knowing they won’t be coming after you or King Nolan.”

“Thank you, Jensen. I feel much better.”

“I’m glad we could help. Give my regards to the king.”

“I will. Goodbye.”

He hung up, and she gripped the phone. What a relief. Now she needed to think about what to do with the media leak. That seemed easier than knowing what to do about Nolan and their relationship. She couldn’t in good conscience pursue him if Kiera wasn’t ready. Maybe when the girl was older …

A heavy weight pushed down on her shoulders. Being without Nolan would be excruciating.

Her phone rang. She glanced at it and then cleared her throat. “Prime Minister Carrera.”

“Ms. Prescott.” His voice was warm, happy even. “I suppose you’ve heard the good news?”

“Good news?” Madeline was at a loss. Had he been informed of the attack this morning and the capture of the man and his boss?