Madeline pulled in a quick breath.

His blue gaze grew in intensity as he trailed his thumb slowly across her cheek and along her bottom lip. Her mouth parted under his touch, her pulse racing.

Leaning ever closer, Nolan whispered huskily, “Madeline … I’m falling for you hard and fast. Please don’t tell me to stop.”

Madeline could not catch a full breath. His words were beautiful, his gaze consuming, his touch a fire she wanted to feel over and over again.

Something snagged in her mind. Her prayers for help and strength came to her rescue. His words weren’t beautiful; they were full of need, desire, and passion. She would not be consumed by those worldly desires. She was a Christian and lived her life with God’s help and strength, not the devil’s. As a single mum, she never would’ve survived without Jesus’s help. She wasn’t about to let her appetites rule her now. Even if the most enticing man in the world was asking her not to stop.

“No!” She shoved at his chest, pushed her door open, and backed away from him.

Nolan’s eyes were wide and injured. How could the strongest, most capable man in the kingdom be such an expert at making her fall for him?

“This isn’t right, Nolan,” she said. “I’m not some quick burn, and I’m not here to fill your passionate needs.”

“Oh …” He straightened and instantly looked remorseful. “I apologize. I didn’t intend …”

“Let’s focus on why I’m here.”

“Madeline, please.” He didn’t come toward her, but his eyes were intense. “I’m rushing you too fast, but ‘filling my passionate needs’ is not my purpose. Please forgive me. I’ve never felt like?—”

Madeline held up a hand, cutting him off. She didn’t need him to bend the truth and claim he’d never felt like this. Obviously he had. He had felt deeply for his beautiful and sweet wife. “We’ve been friends, Nolan. Let’s keep the focus on our friendship and helping our kingdom.”

“Don’t cut us off before we’ve even begun. You know there’s something special between us. I’ll slow down, but I can’t stop pursuing you. Not feeling the way I do about you.”

Madeline’s eyes widened. How could she fit his words into the fears that festered in her? He’d take it slow. He felt something special. Oh my.

She searched his gaze, reading only sincerity there. “Let’s take it slow. Slow and steady wins the race.”

He gave her a ghost of a smile, but then his lips tightened with determination and his gaze deepened. “You’ve never seen me drive, but I can best most race car drivers. I don’t drive slow and steady, but for you … I will. I will win this race, Madeline.”

Madeline’s heart thumped out of control. Nolan, King of Augustine, wanted to win her? Was it only because of the passionate need she’d seen and felt earlier, or could it be deeper?

There was no way to answer that right now.

She nodded to him, backed up, and shut the door. Leaning against it, she prayed for strength, thanked her father above for his help earlier, and at the same time cursed herself for not simply kissing Nolan and seeing where that would lead.

No. As deeply attracted as she was to Nolan, she had no clue if either of them would stop at kissing. Letting passion rule would lead to a quick burn and nothing good. She’d always expected Chad to honor women, be morally strong, and wait for marriage. She had to follow her own advice.

She had to be strong.

Now to figure out how to do so when Nolan was determined to ‘win this race.’ Whatever that meant to him.

Chapter Eight

Nolan was discouraged and frustrated with himself as he walked away from Madeline’s door that night. She thought he was driven by passion and need. He couldn’t deny those two factors were present, but it was much more with Madeline. He was falling too fast, and it was a heady feeling. With Madeline, it wasn’t only about her beauty. She was a smart, classy, yet sassy woman. He saw all of her and wanted all of her in his life—discussing issues about their kingdom, bantering and flirting, spending time with each other and their families, and growing closer and comfortable. He’d been very comfortable with Anne. The thing he couldn’t remember was feeling these sparks and this drive to be close every moment. It had probably been too long.

Nolan focused back on Madeline. He knew self-control; he’d slow down and prove to her that they were friends and that friendship could develop into much more.

The following month passed far too quickly. Each day was sweet torture. Madeline became a constant figure in Nolan’s life, and he savored every moment of it. Forcing himself not to pull her close and hold her was a relentless exercise in self-restraint.

They hiked each morning, discussing numerous topics, laughing, and teasing. Three mornings a week, she’d taken to lifting weights with him. It’d been fun to ‘teach’ her, and he’d enjoyed touching her as he did. They ate every meal together, always with plenty to talk about, and often he caught her giving him longing and interested glances. He sent his fair share of yearning looks her way too. She sat through the endless meetings that he and Tristan had to take part in or be the instigators and conductors of. After each meeting, they’d discuss and she’d give him and Tristan insight and ideas they both appreciated. She was brilliant and well-read and helpful.

The evenings were his favorite. He and Madeline had dinner with Kiera and whoever else was at the castle. His children had come by a lot more often than usual. Chad, Hope, and Faith came only twice, busy between his military career and traveling to America to keep Lady Fit running.

Nolan wasn’t certain if his family was simply interested in what was developing between him and Madeline, or if they were drawn to be close to her just as he was. For as strong, brilliant, and independent of a woman as she was, she was also a natural nurturer. Even his adult children wanted to talk with her, get her advice, and always seemed to savor her ‘lots of love’ hugs hello and goodbye. He’d gladly take lots of love from her. Maybe someday.

After dinner, they’d either swim or go on long walks with Kiera, his adorable girl showing off her ‘tricks’. Sometimes Kiera would let them use the spa therapy section of the upper level. The pace of the spa was a little slow for his daughter. Kiera was constantly hugging, showing off for, and chatting with Madeline. She seemed as comfortable with and invested as Nolan was. Well, maybe not quite as invested, but he was in so deep at this point nobody could be at that same level. Who could blame him? Madeline was captivating and mesmerizing. A year ago, when people asked if he’d date or marry again, he’d tried not to scoff at them. Now being with Madeline nonstop was all he yearned for.