As the door closed behind Tristan, Nolan strode to Madeline. She turned to face him, her back against the countertop. He wanted to press into her and kiss her, but he stopped. She looked uncertain. He didn’t want her to look uncertain. He wanted her to look smitten.

Straightening his suit coat, he wondered how to get back to her in his arms.

Slow down, he cautioned himself.

“Thank you for helping T and Jenn,” he said instead of sweeping her off her feet.

“I’m happy to. I hated morning sickness.”

He wondered who had taken care of her. Had her husband been a great guy or a punk? He hadn’t known her and Chad until Tristan was in secondary school. Anne had liked ginger suckers during those first months of pregnancy. Nolan had ordered hundreds of them, which had made her laugh.

The moment was lost between them. When Ray and Macey walked in, he knew they weren’t getting back to the closeness of a few minutes ago.

“Good morning,” Macey called out, her happy, bright self as always. “Breakfast?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Nolan teased.

Their simple breakfast of boiled eggs, oatmeal, and fruit went well as Macey and Madeline chatted about Macey’s brother Gage and his wife Cassandria and their new baby. Macey showed them pictures, which Madeline oohed over. Ray gave him a confused shrug about the fuss over a newborn. Nolan smiled. He’d been thrilled with each of his children from birth on up, but he hadn’t fully known how to engage them until they had started smiling and interacting with him. He knew women were smitten with newborns, though. The little ones were angelic, and you could feel heaven from that wide-eyed stare.

After breakfast, they headed to his office. The day was busy with meetings and a luncheon with Prime Minister Carrera and his wife Chandria. They were both friendly, more friendly than normal, in Nolan’s opinion. It was just the four of them as Tristan had gone to spend lunch with Jennifer. Nolan liked having Madeline by his side and he loved her insights on everything to do with their country.

Things were far from settled between them. Very unsettled, in fact, if the lurch in his stomach each time their knees brushed under the table or she turned her sweet smile on him was any indicator. Even with the unfamiliar and intense feelings making his head a bit cloudy, she was a great companion to have by his side—witty, informed, smart, and pleasing to the eyes. She smiled at him. Very pleasing to the eyes.

Before Carrera left, he apologized again for the ‘business’ with Naomi. Nolan assured him it would work out, but he put steel in his tone when he told him he expected them to work well together and to have each other’s backs. Carrera rushed to assure him he did have the king’s back and as soon as they quieted Gustaff and Monaco’s concerns, the two men would lose credibility and clout. It would be a win for Nolan and his allies.

Nolan wasn’t certain if the prime minister was fumbling for excuses or truly on his side. He couldn’t alienate the man, but he also couldn’t be too careful. If the Rindlesbachers had been able to use his closest friend against him as the prime minister, they could turn Carrera too.

The afternoon was busy with meetings again—no alone time with Madeline besides their brief breaks between meetings when they stretched and walked onto the balcony and discussed the most recent meeting.

Finally, it was time for dinner. Tristan hurried upstairs to get Jennifer. Madeline slid her hand through Nolan’s arm and cupped his bicep, smiling confidently up at him.

Nolan felt as if he could do anything with her at his side. He’d missed that feeling more than he’d realized.

Glancing down at her as they walked along the hall, he tugged her to a stop before they reached the staircase. “Thank you for being with me today.”

“I’m actually on assignment to be.” There was a tease in her voice, but that was no reassurance that she returned his feelings.

“Madeline, I love your insights and your presence here, and I need to make something crystal clear?—”

Footsteps came down the staircase. Tristan and Jennifer. Nolan pasted on a smile, and Madeline seemed to do the same.

It was time for dinner with his family and then time spent with Kiera. It was always the highlight of his day. With Madeline by his side, he knew it would be even better. Would they swim again tonight? Heat filled him at the memory of his hands on Madeline’s smooth skin as Kiera instructed him to throw her.

Jennifer thanked Madeline for the tea, and they walked together down the stairs and toward the smaller dining room. Jennifer was thankfully feeling better tonight but still lamenting that she wasn’t accomplishing much. Since she’d stopped traveling on humanitarian missions, she now used her contacts, the castle’s reach, and the August family resources to organize humanitarian trips and help children throughout the world.

Voices came from the dining room. A lot of voices. Madeline glanced up at him. “Are you expecting a crew for dinner?”

“I didn’t think so.”

They cleared the dining room door and the noise grew louder as everyone rushed to greet them. Nolan’s eyes widened. Every one of his children and their spouses were here. Kiera was bouncing around, grinning and holding Sunny.

“King Papa!” Sunny called, scrambling out of Kiera’s arms and running to him.

Nolan released Madeline to swoop Sunny off the floor. “How’s my princess?”

“I’m good, King Papa.” She grinned at Madeline. “Hi, pretty lady. Mama says you’re gonna be the queen.”

The room went silent except for Sophie’s hushed, “Oh, Sunny …”