“Can we go back in so I can see Faith?”

He tilted his head to the side. She sped in front of him. Her heart raced as she entered the great room and saw Faith sitting next to Ramone with that ugly pistol against her temple. Ramone was settled back into the leather couch cushion, relaxed and smirking at her.

Faith’s chin trembled, but her blue eyes were full of resolve. Her sister was a creative soul, but she was braver than anybody gave her credit for. Faith would survive. Somehow.

Roger followed Hope into the living area and closed the door behind him. Hope walked across the room, closer to Faith and farther away from Roger.

He tapped away on her phone. Hope prayed whatever the message was, Chad wouldn’t somehow alert Roger with his response that he was already in Wengen and knew Roger and Ramone were here.

Roger paced as he waited for a response. Hope caught Faith’s eye. She wished she could communicate with her terrified-looking sister, but Ramone was studying her intently.

“He responds to you quickly,” Roger said, smiling. “That’s wonderful. He’s willing to do anything for his American beauty, apparently.”

“What about the kiss with the nurse last night?” Ramone asked his father.

Roger waved a hand as if it weren’t an issue. “He did not initiate it, and he was in shock that she’d be so bold, in a hospital and with his mother in danger, or he would’ve pushed her away. Plus, Major Chad is the quintessential gentleman.” His face twisted. “Unless it’s me offering to shake hands. But no. Major Chad is a hundred percent committed to Miss Radisson. I saw that up close and personal last night.”

It was crazy that a madman who was willing to drug and possibly kill the entire royal family and had attempted to kill hundreds of wedding guests last night was reassuring her of Chad’s devotion to her. Could it be true that Chad had been in shock and that was why he hadn’t pushed the nurse away? Roger was right about him being a gentleman, but he could’ve gently moved the woman away from his lips or turned his head. Something.

“The major says he’ll be here in an hour. I hate waiting, but I suppose we’ll all have to get comfortable and do just that. The brunch is scheduled at the castle from ten to noon, so we have plenty of time.”

Hope prayed desperately that Chad had found a spot semi-close to leave the helicopter. How would he get into the house without the alarm beeping and alerting them? What if Ramone got itchy with his trigger finger and shot Faith? What if Roger meant something unsettling by ‘get comfortable’?

“If we have an hour to wait,” she said, “Faith and I can make you a delicious breakfast. Faith is an incredible cook. Also, I need to eat something high in protein so I don’t get woozy or pass out while I’m accomplishing my task in the castle. I have low blood sugar, and a crash could mess up the entire … project.” She had no idea what to call his sadistic plans and hated that she sounded uncertain.

Roger eyed her suspiciously. They locked gazes for half a minute. Hope prayed for strength. She didn’t blink or back down. Years of experience in business had taught her how to stare down the opposition. She had to convince him they were two non-threatening women who just wanted to do what he said so they could stay safe.

Finally, he gave her a slight tilt of his chin. “You two can cook us breakfast, but Ramone will sit at the counter with his gun. If you try anything, he’ll shoot your sister first.”

“We won’t try anything,” she promised. In her head, she promised herself she would try everything. These men could not hurt her sister, and they couldn’t hurt Chad or the royal family. How could she keep everyone safe?

Hope had given up on miracles after Grace had been killed, but if she ever needed one, it was now.

Please, Lord. Please protect us. Please let Chad come. Please keep Faith safe. Please give me the hope I struggle to find.

Could a miracle happen for them? Was there any hope?

For Faith’s sake, she had to at least keep praying.

Chapter Twelve

Chad was focused, but his heart raced as he flew his helicopter around the mountain and toward the small village of Wengen. He’d called Ray and briefly explained he needed help and told him exactly where Roger and Ramone Pitcher were. There was no way his support would get here in time.

Where to land? The village was built on the mountainside. There wasn’t a lot of level open space. Most of the helipads were associated with the larger hotels or the hospital, but they were in the middle of town and someone might try to detain him.

A beautiful church was perched on the edge of the village, the closest larger building to Hope and Faith’s home around the mountainside. A small green lawn stretched to the side of the church. It would be tight with all the trees surrounding it, but he couldn’t see anything else close by and he didn’t want to waste any more time looking. Hope and Faith needed him.

He slowly descended, checking his position to the church, the trees, and the grass below. A tall, thin, bald vicar came rushing out of the church, waving his arms. Chad checked the lawn again. Not a headstone in sight. If this wasn’t a graveyard, nobody would stop him from using this space as his landing zone.

The vicar stormed toward the open lawn, but when he realized Chad was still descending, he scurried back to the church steps. Chad settled the bird and rushed faster than was recommended to shut down the rotors. His phone beeped a text.


Please come for me. I need you and want you desperately. Bring the helicopter and come as soon as possible.

The text confused him. Would Roger have allowed her to keep her phone? The text didn’t sound like her.
