“Yes?” She moistened her lips. His gaze dropped and lingered there for a thrilling moment. Would he ask to kiss her? Oh, yes please, and hurry up about it would be her response.
“I haven’t wanted to cross any professional boundaries since you were in danger.”
Livvy nodded. She respected him for being professional, but the Rindlesbachers’ reign of terror was over. Right? She couldn’t help but believe Treven would never stop bothering her. Even with his parents gone, he still had friends who could get to her.
“But now that we’re hopefully past all of that, would you be interested in …”
Livvy’s heart threatened to beat out of her chest. One of his strong arms encircled her, and their hands were clasped. She was touching his firm shoulder, gazing into his dark eyes, and catching a hint of his musky cologne. She’d be interested in pretty much anything he wanted to propose.
He glanced down at his pocket and up at her. His dark eyes filled with frustration. “I apologize. I have to check who this is.”
“Oh.” She hadn’t even felt his phone buzz. He was the chief of police; of course he had to check his phone if it buzzed. Of course he had to keep everyone safe. He and his best friend General Raymond August had the weight of Augustine’s safety and protection on their very capable shoulders. They were an impressive pair. Every time she glimpsed them together on the news or social media, she got lost focusing on Jensen. He was a superhero to her, and she was finally in his presence. In his arms.
He released her and stepped back, pulling his phone out. Disappointment surged inside her. He held up one finger to her and then clicked on his text icon. She studied the gorgeous mountains surrounding them to give him some privacy. She loved the beautiful city of Traverse, but this mountainous valley where Greenville and the castle and royal family resided was like an exquisite mystical painting. Jensen had said she was even more beautiful than the setting. Did he mean it?
“I apologize,” Jensen said, stepping up close to her again. “I have to rescue T.”
Prince Tristan.
“Is he in danger?” She’d hoped the danger would subside in Augustine now that the Rindlesbachers were gone.
“In a manner of speaking.” He smiled slightly, but it was tight. Something was wrong. “Scheming women are surrounding him.”
“Oh.” The ninja warrior crew she’d sat with at dinner? Livvy shuddered thinking of Jaylene getting her claws into the crown prince. Prince Tristan was a great guy and didn’t deserve that. Of course Jensen would rescue his friend and the crown prince. He was just that kind of guy.
“Will you save me a dance?” he asked, his gaze intense.
“I’ll try. My dance card will be so irrationally full.”
“I’m sure. The single men will be fighting over you. Stay away from Chad, will you?”
She smiled. Major Chad Prescott was quite the charmer, but she’d never been drawn to him like she was to Jensen, and Chad had a date on his arm. “Done. Hurry back, please.”
Did that sound too desperate? She should probably go back and blend in with the wedding party, but she felt safe here with guards at the lower gate and patrolling the wedding. She wanted to be alone while she waited for him.
“As fast as I can.” He took her hand, kissed the back of it, and made her tremble from hand to head to foot. With one last longing glance, he released her and hurried back through the gates.
Livvy crept after him, stopping just inside the gate, in the shadows and still dozens of feet from the dancing, celebrating throng. She saw Jensen and Prince Tristan surrounded by the group of women from America she’d sat with at dinner. The prince slipped away and Jensen took his place, flirting with all the women at once. It didn’t seem to be much of a hardship on him; on the contrary, it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Shelby was right at his elbow. Livvy had been impressed with that lady, but she still didn’t want to surrender Jensen to her.
Livvy eased over to the interior castle wall, standing in the shadows where no one could see her gawking at Jensen and the women, praying she was reading the situation wrong. He was helping Prince Tristan escape. But then why was he still entertaining that gaggle of beautiful women? He’d said he would hurry back ‘as fast as he could.’ Yeah, right.
She leaned against the wall for support. What did she really know about Chief Jensen besides the fact that his dark gaze held her captive and he kindly checked on her every so often? He dated gorgeous women nonstop. So he’d flirted with her and asked her for a dance. It wasn’t some lifelong commitment. How pathetic that she’d become such a recluse that one dance seemed like a wedding proposal to her. Dumb and immature and lame and …
“I have a message for you,” a cultured male voice said, far too close to her ear.
Livvy jumped and pivoted to face him. Her stomach threatened to claw out of her throat when she realized who it was. Ramone Pitcher, a close friend of Treven’s. They’d all attended secondary school together in Traverse. Ramone was a junior member of their parliament, handsome and successful in business and politics, but something about the guy had always made her skin crawl. She hadn’t spoken to him in years and wouldn’t mind keeping it that way. She could only imagine what his ‘message’ would be.
“Pardon me,” she said haughtily. “I don’t care for any message.” She tried to walk around him, but he grasped her arm.
“Unfortunately, that isn’t an option.” He grabbed her chin with his other hand and forced her to look into his dark gaze. It was interesting that Jensen’s dark eyes could be so intense and appealing where Ramone’s were terrifying.
Livvy wished she hadn’t hidden in the shadows watching Jensen flirt with the Americans, giving this guy a chance to grab her. She should use the moves Cap had taught her and she’d practiced so often, but instead she froze.
“When Treven is released from prison, he’s going to come for you,” Ramone said. “You will be waiting and ready to be his bride.”
“I will never be that loser’s bride,” she hurled at him.
Treven’s coming.