“Jenn, wait!” Tristan made a grab for her but missed. He had no desire to see her anywhere near William.

“Jennifer, come.” William beamed at her. “You’re exactly the beautiful woman I want by my side.”

Jennifer faltered, clearly realizing she was running straight into William’s power, but wanting to get to her dad’s side. Her eyes darted around, and she shifted her weight back and forth. Her worry, fear, and indecision were palpable.

Philippe yanked out his sidearm. Curt, Tristan, and the king all followed suit. Curt ushered Aliya behind him with his free hand. How could they get Henry away from William’s gun and keep everyone safe? The sheer amount of bullets William’s men could unload in this small space was terrifying.

“Jenn, come back,” Tristan said softly.

Jennifer eased her way back toward them. Surprisingly, William let her. He watched her like a falcon eyeing a mouse, but he didn’t move. Every step Jennifer took away from William, Tristan’s shoulders relaxed a centimeter.

Philippe suddenly leaped at her, jabbed his pistol in her temple, wrapped his other arm around her waist, and yanked her across the space toward William, Henry, and William’s mercenaries.

“Jenn!” Tristan hollered, starting toward them with his Ruger pointed straight at Philippe’s head. What was their lieutenant general doing?

“No!” Aliya cried out.

“Philippe!” the king yelled.

“Please stop moving forward, sir,” Philippe demanded of Tristan in his usual simpering tone. “Unless you want her death on your hands. I respect and admire you, Prince Tristan, but her life means little to me.”

“No.” Tristan stopped moving. “Don’t hurt her.”

“How much pain we inflict on the beautiful and long-lost lady all depends on your next move, Prince Tristan.” William grinned at him, looking like a contented pit viper.

Tristan’s gut clenched, and it was all he could do to not shoot Philippe in the head or rush across the space and pummel the man. He was afraid if he loosed a bullet, it would quickly become a bloodbath.

“Or should I even call you prince?” William asked, all smiles and benevolence. “Once you four royals are dead, and I use the term ‘royal’ very loosely regarding Princess Aliya.” He sneered at her. “A backwoods hick from America elevated to a princess. Despicable.”

“What is in a person’s heart matters much more than their wealth or blood, you disgustin’ fool,” Aliya shot at him.

Curt held her firmly behind him.

William rolled his eyes. “Princess Macey and Princess Ellery are almost as bad. Hattie Ballard being given the title of ‘princess’ is a stain upon the royal house. At least Prince Malik had the common decency to fall in love with an Augustinian.” He waved a hand. “Of course the common people of Augustine agree with me that the August family has befouled the throne by marrying beneath their station. The other princes and princesses will be executed soon after you all die. Thankfully, Lieutenant General Cordon, Prime Minister Shule, and I will be there to help Augustine pick up the pieces. The military will turn to the lieutenant general, naturally, and I’ve got two loyal followers in the police department simply awaiting their moment to assassinate Chief Jensen and take his place.”

“Philippe and Henry would never betray the crown,” the king said, standing straight and giving Philippe a look that made him squirm.

“My apologies, sir.” Philippe actually sounded apologetic. “I couldn’t resist the pay raise, and future-King William offered a retirement package complete with dental coverage. You understand.”

It sounded like a joke Tristan might have made with Henry or his father. How many times had Philippe listened in, smiling indulgently at them as they’d teased? Now he looked uncomfortable but resolute in his choice.

“How long have you been a traitor?” Tristan asked.

“Not long, only a few days actually, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with both of you.” He tilted his head respectfully to Tristan and the king in turn. “But I am getting ready to retire, you see. Once the new regime is installed in Augustine and the people trust their new leaders, I will transition to living full time in Bora Bora with my wife. Giselle and I will live quite comfortably with what we’ve invested over the years and the additional ten million dollar bonus the new king has promised me.”

“You can’t trust William,” King Nolan said.

Philippe simply shrugged, pushing the gun harder into Jennifer’s temple. She winced.

Every muscle in Tristan’s body tensed. He couldn’t stand seeing Jennifer in their power.

“It’s a better offer than you’ve ever given me, King Nolan, and the money’s already been transferred. I do apologize. I was happy working with you, and I truly wanted to find the cure, but plans had to change. Now if you’ll indulge me, I need the queen’s wedding ring.”

King Nolan glared at Phillipe, but he pulled the four-karat diamond out of his pocket. Tristan hadn’t even realized his dad had removed it from the safe and brought it along. He remembered now Philippe saying the queen’s wedding ring and he and his dad were all needed. It made complete sense now. Needed to betray them to William.

His dad hurled the ring at Philippe. It bounced off the traitor’s arm and landed on the cave floor. Philippe calmly said to Jennifer, “Pick the ring up, please.”

She scooped low and picked it up. For some reason, Tristan felt better with his mum’s ring in her hands.