Tristan’s grin grew. He knew his next line by heart, had used it on her many times before. He wrapped his arm around her lower back and pulled her in tight. He had at least a minute to confirm she had his undying devotion.

“All the better to kiss you with, my dear.”

She let out a telling, sweet sigh and arched up toward him. Tristan bent to meet her, eagerness and anticipation making his head light. Nine long, lonely months were over. Jennifer was finally in his arms.

His phone rang, bringing him back to the reality that the entire wedding party was probably waiting for him to cut the cake.

He cursed, and she actually smiled.

Holding her close, he took his time looking over her gorgeous face, lingering on her lips before meeting her gaze again. He saw the hope of every good dream in her deep-brown eyes.

“Hold that thought,” he murmured huskily.

Her eyelashes fluttered, her lips softened, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed.

Yanking himself away from her was a concerted effort. He did it. Only because he was the crown prince who knew his duties, and he knew he’d be back soon.

“Please stay here,” he cautioned.

She studied him but nodded her head.

His phone finally stopped buzzing.

“Do you need anything?”

“No. I noticed you stock your mini fridge with my favorite seltzer water. I stole one.”

“To remind me of you,” he said softly. “You can have anything of mine, Jenn.”

Her dark gaze was still uncertain. He hated that.

His phone started ringing again. “Twenty minutes,” he promised, planning on fifteen.

She raised her eyebrows as if she’d believe it when she saw it. He forced himself to hurry out the door, shut it behind him, and jog down the hall. Answering his phone as he ran, he muttered, “Yeah?”

“T.” It was Ray’s voice. “Hurry.”

“I’m almost there.” He dropped his phone back in his pocket and pounded down the stairs, his Ferragamo dress shoes making the noise even louder.

Bursting out onto the courtyard, he pulled in a quick breath to calm his racing heart and pasted his crown prince smile on. He waved to Derek and Ellery, who were indeed waiting on him to cut the cake. Derek gave him a questioning look but focused back on his bride, and the festivities continued with the cutting of the cake.

The group of beautiful Americans edged toward him again. His and Jensen’s flimsy excuse of ‘crown prince business’ probably wouldn’t work again, and he did not want to risk Jennifer seeing him with them a second time. He beelined for Ray and Macey.

“What does she know?” Ray muttered when he got close.

“Both her parents are in danger,” he said quietly, then cheered with the rest of the crowd when Ellery smashed cake in Derek’s face and Derek kissed her with his cake-covered lips before flipping her over and dipping her long hair and veil in the nearby water fountain. Those two and water fountains.

“As soon as the send-off is done, get Jensen and meet in my suite,” he instructed his twin.

“What about Dad, Chad, and Phillipe?”

Tristan shrugged. “Maybe just Dad. I don’t want to overwhelm her, and she’s terrified of what William might do if it somehow gets out that she talked. He’s threatening to send her parents to her in pieces.”

“I hate that guy,” Ray muttered.

The newlyweds made their way to the temporary monkey bar obstacle where they would swing across to the honeymoon getaway car, the king’s brand-new silver Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. Derek claimed he was going to let Ellery drive. She’d completed numerous driving lessons in the ugly Kia Soul she’d asked Derek to buy for her. It had been comical to see that car amidst the beautiful vehicles in their well-stocked garage and to see Derek squished into the tiny vehicle as he instructed Ellery. Tristan wasn’t certain how wise the ecstatic new bride driving the luxury supercar was, but he bit his tongue. Ellery knowing they trusted and loved her was more important than an eight-million-dollar car. That was what his dad kept saying.

Tristan cheered and shot confetti along with everyone else as the talented couple completed the obstacle. Ellery swung around onto Derek’s chest, clinging to him like a monkey as he completed a dozen pull-ups to show off, then kissed her while they were suspended in the air. They were crazily talented, and the crowd and media representatives obviously loved the display.