Tristan stared down at her. The ache in his eyes dug at her heart, but the guilt over forgetting her purpose stabbed her. Her parents needed her to keep her head on straight, not waste away the hours kissing Tristan until she got another message from William. Yet she had been ordered to gain his trust. A thorough kissing session should get her back in his good graces.

Guilt stabbed her hot and quick at that thought. She wouldn’t use Tristan or manipulate him. She knew he’d help her if she could only figure out how to share what was happening.

“Come sit with me at the dinner,” he requested. “We can continue this after the dancing.”

Nothing had ever sounded better. “T, thank you. I’m honored, but… I can’t.”

His eyes reflected a deep disappointment. She’d wounded him. Would he walk away? Would she lose him all over again? She wanted to beg him for his help, but she didn’t know how or even what to tell him.

He studied her, beseeching her to give him something, to at least promise she wouldn’t leave again.

She shook her head, helpless to promise anything with her parents in such danger.

“I can’t ruin Derek and Ellery’s day,” he murmured.

“I know.” She swallowed against the thickness in her throat.

Tristan took a step back and then turned to go.

“They have my mum,” she whispered. “And now my dad.”

He turned back to her.

She wanted to tell him how deeply she loved him, but instead she said, “You’re the only one I trust.”

Maybe she shouldn’t have let it spill, but if she couldn’t turn to Tristan as she always had, she was in deep trouble.

He studied her. They both knew there was no time to hash this out right now.

“Please don’t disappear on me again.” Tristan’s exquisite blue eyes beseeched her to never leave his side. Her heart raced, and hope and happiness she didn’t know she’d feel again filled her. “Can you wait in my suite? I’ll slip away as soon as I can.”

“I don’t want you to miss out on your brother’s wedding celebration.”

“And I don’t want to miss out on you.”

Jennifer quivered from his words and the depth of his blue gaze. Could he still love her? Did those other women mean nothing to him and had only been a distraction because she was gone? Getting engaged to the incredible Macey couldn’t have meant nothing.

She didn’t know. But Tristan would help her. Together, they could figure out how to beat William and rescue her mum and dad. With a lot of miracles, they could keep everyone else safe from William’s machinations. She had to push her desire and love for him to the back of her mind and focus on her parents.

“I’ll be waiting in your suite,” she promised.

Tristan smiled. His genuine, unique, perfectly T smile. His cheeks crinkled and his smile made his lips even more appealing. How she had missed that smile.

Sweeping her glasses and hat off the ground, he handed them to her. Then he gave her one more longing look before he turned and strode down the hall. Jennifer watched him go, admiring everything from his powerful body to his kindness and patience with her. She wilted against the wall. That man was too enticing for her own good.

How long would she have to wait for him?

It didn’t matter. Tristan was her only hope to beat William and Naomi. Tristan was also the only person besides her parents who would do anything in the world for her.

If only she knew what power William wielded over her father. Yes, he’d kidnapped her mum, so obviously her dad would do anything to save her, but even when her dad sent her away eight months ago, he’d been terrified and in William’s powerful clutches. Her smart dad wouldn’t stupidly go meet with William and get kidnapped himself. Right?

For her mum, he would.

She prayed as she hurried to the nearest set of stairs. Just knowing Tristan was on her side made her shoulders not feel so burdened and her step lighter. Her parents were still in mortal danger, but Tristan would help them. Of course he would. It was one reason she fell in love with him. He was brave, impressive, connected, and determined.

Jennifer made it to the fifth floor and hurried down the hall to his suite. Thankfully she didn’t see any guards; they were all probably out at the wedding. What about the cameras? Would guards descend on her, capture her, and haul her away before Tristan could come for her? Her pulse sped up, and she upped her pace. She’d lock herself in Tristan’s suite and only open the door for him. Did the guards have keys that overrode the locks?

Finally, she reached his door and twisted the knob, slipping inside. Resting her back against the door, she took some slow breaths. Mint and cedar. So familiar, so safe. She was here, and Tristan was only minutes behind her.