A gun shot went off in the night, and she jumped. Then the air erupted with gunfire. A shootout was going on around the front of the house. They couldn’t see it, only hear it. Did that mean Mason had gotten out and warned Malik, or were William’s men ambushing him? What if Malik got shot and killed? What if Sunny or her parents got caught in the middle of a battle? If she screamed for Malik, would it distract him and get him hurt? Would he even hear her over the sounds of fighting?

They listened for half a minute, then Levi said, “I fear when William realizes Malik isn’t going to open the door, which he may have just figured out, he’ll detonate the bombs remotely.”

She blinked. “So it’s try to climb to the other balcony and fall to our deaths, or wait to be exploded?”

He lifted his hands, his dark eyes grim and serious.

“Which will hurt worse?” she asked.

He gave her a surprised smile. “No idea, but I’m not the guy to sit and wait.”

“Good. You go first and I’ll follow you.”

She had no idea if she would or could follow him and only prayed that he’d make it and she wouldn’t have to watch him fall to his death.

Please protect Malik, Sunny, my parents, Chad, Mason, Levi. If possible, let us all live. Please help us.

She didn’t even want to think about the fact that Malik must’ve killed his dad, brother, and the prime minister or impressively faked their deaths.

She didn’t want to think about the fact that she’d never hold Sunny or Malik again.

Chapter Twelve

Malik strode out of the castle with a 1911 pistol secreted in the small of his back, knives hidden in his pockets. His brothers, dad, and four guards stopped just inside the doorway, all of them heavily armed. He glanced back over his shoulder and caught one reassuring nod from his dad. Then he took a steadying breath, prayed for another miracle, and jogged to the helipad.

William’s men were in the helicopter with Chad. He had to take them out or distract them so his backup could do it. But he had to make certain they’d called in to report to William first. Terror that Henry had lied about the recording device and even now Sophie and Sunny were dead made his chest tight and his heart thump painfully.

Jumping into the helicopter, he caught Chad’s unsettled gaze. Fear and confusion warred in Chad’s normally confident green eyes. Did his friend believe he’d killed his dad, T, and Henry? He couldn’t possibly believe that but Malik couldn’t tell him how it had all played out yet. It had to all be genuine.

“It’s finished?” the guard asked.

“Yes.” He met the man’s gaze. “Did you call William?”

“I will now.” The man pulled out a phone and pushed a number.

Malik waited, forcing himself not to shift uneasily or give anything away. The other guard clung to his gun. They both faced Malik with Chad up front, waiting for the command to fly back to Wengen.

“Prince Malik placed the bomb and has returned. We saw the correct office explode.” The man paused, listening.

Malik’s heart beat high and fast.

“Yes, sir. We’re on our way.” The man hung up and nodded to Malik. “He says your prize is waiting for you.”

That was a disturbing way to phrase that Sophie was waiting, but William was a sick psycho.

“Time to end this,” he said to Chad.

Chad whipped around from the driver’s seat, stood, and jammed a pistol into the closest guard’s neck. Chad had taken his words literally. Okay, then.

“Don’t move,” Chad warned. “I’d love to pull the trigger.”

The guard facing Malik swung to look at Chad and the other guard, bringing his weapon around. Malik tackled him. The man hit the floor with a loud oomph, landing on top of his huge automatic rifle. Malik wrapped his elbow around the guy’s neck, clamped his other hand around his forearm, and yanked. The man struggled, grabbing at his arms, but couldn’t dislodge him.

“Set your rifle down nice and easy,” Chad instructed the other guard.

The man bent as if to comply, but then he twisted and slammed his rifle into Chad’s legs. Chad went down on top of him, clinging to his handgun. Malik didn’t know if he dared release his grip on the guy to help his friend.

Chad grasped the guy’s shoulder with one hand, shoved the pistol against his other shoulder, and fired. The man grunted in pain as blood sprayed the inside of the copter. It wasn’t a killing shot, but definitely a disabling one. Chad shoved the man to the floor, put the gun against his neck, and growled, “Don’t mess with me again.”