Malik chuckled. “I think everybody except Derek was.” He glanced down at Sophie. She’d been quiet since Chad. Was she embarrassed he had caught them kissing? Malik had never gotten an answer to whether the two of them were dating. Could his sweet, innocent Sophie be playing both of them? He couldn’t believe that.

“I hope you can rest,” he said to her.

“With you all watching out for me, I will. Thank you both. I owe you each deeply.” She slipped out of his arms, pushed open the door, gave Chad a warm smile, and disappeared into her suite.

As the door shut firmly in his face, Malik experienced a letdown that was probably similar to a cocaine addict crashing after a high. Kissing and holding Sophie was what he was meant to do and all he wanted to do. Malik had flitted from woman to woman and from study program to study program. With Sophie he felt settled, focused, and he knew his purpose. She had stolen his heart six years ago—actually, he’d gifted it to her—and nothing had been right with his heart until she was in his arms again.

Malik followed Chad down the hall and the stairs without saying anything. As soon as they reached the foyer, Chad turned to him and folded his arms across his chest. He was well built, and he might intimidate a lot of men, but not Malik. He could hold his own, even if Chad claimed he could beat Ray on occasion.

“What are your intentions with Sophie?” Chad asked.

“After we eliminate the threat of Rindlesbacher daring to come after her, I’m going to date her and marry her.” No reason to beat around the bush.

“I am already dating her,” Chad said, his green gaze threatening in its intensity.

“You’re dating her?” Malik put a lot of doubt in his voice. Sophie hadn’t said she and Chad were dating. She hadn’t said they weren’t, either.

Chad rubbed at his jaw. “We haven’t committed to being exclusive. I’ve been taking it slow because she’s a mum and a busy businesswoman. I know how hard it was for my mum raising me alone and working her way up in Parliament.” His eyes narrowed. “All of Europe knows what a player you are, Malik. The Charming Prince. Please don’t toy with Sophie’s heart. She and Sunny need someone who is grounded and patient. Someone who won’t be gone tomorrow.”

That was a slug in the gut, maybe even lower. “I only dated other women because Sophie broke my heart when I thought she cheated on me. I would never hurt her or leave her. You’re more of a player than I am.”

Chad’s gaze narrowed.

“Major Prescott?” Levi’s voice came from the main area.

“We need to focus on keeping her and Sunny safe,” Chad said.


Malik turned.

Chad clapped him on the shoulder. “I don’t want to quarrel with you, Malik. It’s a nightmare that Treven raped her, had someone brutally murder Jonathon, and she has fought through life alone to protect you from a worse fate. None of this is your fault, but Sophie’s heart and her and Sunny’s safety are what matters. We’ll have to let her decide.”

Malik swallowed. Chad was right. He had to be unselfish and focus on protecting Sophie and Sunny and mature enough to let her choose the best path for them.

“Agreed,” he muttered again.

“You’re a good man.” Chad walked past him.

Malik followed. He didn’t feel like a good man. He wanted to shove Chad out of the way and take away any choice from Sophie. She was meant to be with him. Her kiss had shouted forever and a commitment that would never be severed.

Did she feel their connection, or did she have feelings for Chad?

Chapter Seven

Sophie took a long shower, using all the facial products, hair products, and luscious-smelling body wash. She brushed out her hair, found a fresh toothbrush and paste to scrub her teeth, and rubbed vanilla-coconut lotion all over her tired body, noticing some scrapes, bumps, and bruises that she’d pushed away in all the uproar of tonight.

She wrapped the comfortable robe hanging in the closet around her. It was white with a soft waffle texture. She snuggled into it and thought of Malik’s arms around her. His strong arms wrapped her up, protected, soothed, and thrilled her.

She touched her lips and smiled. Kissing Malik changed her perspective on everything and made her feel like she was in some romantic movie and that everything would work out.

To say she was complete in his arms didn’t seem like enough. Malik had always believed in her. Despite all the pain and years between them, he didn’t for one second think she was in the wrong, but kept believing in her and lifting her up. He was the other half that made her whole. She could never get enough of him—his kisses, his charm, the way he made her smile, his devotion to her. It all restored her like the soothing balm she’d needed all these years.

She kneeled and said her prayers, gratitude for Malik and Chad’s being willing to protect her so diligently, Sunny’s safety, and reuniting with Malik at the top of her list. The Savior had healed her from her pain and now Malik’s love had soothed away any lingering pain.

She begged for continued protection from William Rindlesbacher and a path to keep Sunny and Malik safe. They couldn’t hide out in the picturesque Swiss Alps forever. Though if Malik was here with them, she wouldn’t mind.

Deciding she’d sleep in the robe and hoping it would help her dream of Malik, she slid into the Egyptian cotton sheets and closed her eyes. She was exhausted. The day would’ve been long and busy and demanding enough catering a royal wedding. Add in all the fears for Sunny’s safety and drama from William Rindlesbacher, falling off a cliff into a river, and telling the love of her life why she’d lied to him and then kissing him … Today had been insane and difficult, but the kissing and lost love restored had been beautiful.