Glancing up at him, she smiled and then tilted her head down the hall. They walked to the next suite down. She leaned against the door frame and looked up at him. “I guess it doesn’t matter which room I choose. It sounds like none of you are getting any rest tonight.”

Malik rested his hand on the wall next to her shoulder and leaned in. “Do you remember when we stayed up all night … talking?” They’d talked, but mostly kissed the night away.

“I remember.” Her voice was throaty and inspiring. She rested her hands on his shoulders and whispered, “Malik, thank you for being so understanding, for being here for me, and for caring so deeply about me.”

“Soph …” Her name came out in a groan. “You know you stole my heart the day we met.”

“I remember.” Her smile faded. “I wanted to keep it safe for you, but … I’ve failed.”

Malik gently framed her face with his palms. “You didn’t fail. You’ve been through something horrific that was not your fault.”

Her eyes brightened. She leaned into him but didn’t say anything.

“I’ve loved you from afar for six long, lonely years,” he continued. “You were the one who always believed in me. Without you and my mum, I stopped believing in myself. When I lost you, I was certain Heavenly Father had turned His back on me. Then Mum dying sealed my pain and my anger at heaven.”

She slid her hands around his neck, easing closer. Malik’s heartbeat picked up. He trailed his hands down her smooth neck and around her upper back. He pulled her away from the doorframe and close to his racing heart.

“I’m sorry about your mum and your faith,” she whispered.

“Thank you.”

She stared up at him and then asked, “Is it out of line to ask why you’ve dated half of Europe?”

“You broke me, Soph,” he admitted. “I was trying to fill that chasm. I never succeeded.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re saying you’ve never loved anyone but me?”

“Never,” he said fiercely. She had to know how much he’d always loved her and that he would never stop. There was so much to talk about, so much to tell her, so much lost time to make up for.

“Well, then.” She arched her delicate eyebrows. “What are you waiting for?”

“What indeed?” Malik laughed as it came rushing back. She’d said the exact same thing the night of their third date on her apartment doorstep. It had resulted in their first kiss. Even now, he could imagine her lips against his.

He’d flirted and teased with women throughout Europe, but no one captivated him like Sophie. He’d looked for fulfillment and connection but had never found it. It would’ve been impossible to find because only Sophie could inspire, lift, and love him. He’d held perfection in his arms six years ago and miraculously he had the opportunity to do it again.

Malik bent his head and their lips met. He savored the instant connection, savored her lips fused with his, savored her body pressed close. He was finally whole again. Sophie still had his heart, and he didn’t want it back. Their union would keep his heart beating happily in his chest.

Sophie arched up, and they became one as if they’d never been parted. Their lips entangled in a dance of love and devotion, their bodies melding as two pieces of one whole that was meant to be bound together. Her lips were every bit as soft and enticing as before. Suffering and pain and separation made this kiss even more dynamic and powerful than their many previous kisses. Sophie could heal and inspire him; she always saw the best in him. He could heal, protect, support, and love her. It would be the focus of his previously unfocused life.

This kiss shouted forever. Forever wouldn’t be long enough with Sophie.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs. Malik didn’t care. He turned Sophie and offered his back to the person, intent on kissing her and sheltering her and not letting whoever it was even see her.

Then he had an instant of concern. What if it wasn’t Chad, Mason, or Levi?

He broke the kiss and darted a glance back.


The major stormed up to them. He was obviously not happy. Jealous of Malik kissing Sophie, or was something else wrong?

“What? Is Ray okay?” he asked, holding Sophie tight and sheltering her from any bad news.

“He’s fine. I finally talked the control freak into focusing on his beautiful new bride. Idiot anyway.” Chad’s easy smile came, and his shoulders and face relaxed, but Malik could tell he was forcing himself to act chill.

“You’re probably the only man alive who could get away with calling Ray an idiot.” Malik appreciated Chad and his expertise; he was a good friend to his entire family. He didn’t want to quarrel with him, but if Chad thought he could win Sophie’s heart, it would be worse than a quarrel.

“Sometimes I can best the general.” Chad shrugged. Malik didn’t think it was a modest shrug. “Lieutenant Mason said you wanted to help patrol. I really appreciate it. Shall we go down and figure out a schedule? Lieutenant General Cordon will bring some trusted men in the morning to help us out. He’s spread a little thin at the moment with the wedding, making sure Ray and the rest of your family are safe during Ray’s honeymoon, and all the craziness earlier today with Ellery being kidnapped. He’s still a little put out about the Lamborghini Aventador being totaled.”