They viewed the ballet and yoga studio and the art studio, which Kiera informed them nobody really used. That was sad; the works of art an accomplished painter or sketcher could complete from here would be mind-blowing.

Then they climbed the stairs to check out the spa. A spa. In their home. Alternate reality didn’t begin to describe this. They had a steam room, cold plunge, various hot tubs, a hot pool with jets to massage the entire body, massage chairs, and tile beds. Ellery had been to a spa with Ninja Warrior, once, and it hadn’t been nearly as nice as this one. Separately, there was an Olympic size swimming pool with patios and chairs and retractable walls and balconies.

“Are you planning our day tomorrow?” Derek asked.

“Oh, can I?”

“For sure.”

“Would it be incredibly selfish to work out for a couple hours, use every part of this spa, swim, and then lay in one of those reclining beds?”

Derek spun her to face him. Malik and Kiera were over by the door, waiting. Malik distracted the little girl, showing her something funny on his phone by the way she was grinning. He was a flirtatious charmer but Derek’s twin seemed like a really great guy.

“I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word selfish,” Derek said, his hands on her shoulders and his blue eyes warming her clear through. “It would be selfish to not spend the day with me tomorrow.”

“Oh, would it?” She smiled. “And after my morning plans of working out and spa therapy, what did you have planned?”

“I’m thinking a hike through the mountains, swimming in a waterfall, and then a drive through Augustine in whichever luxury car you choose. Then dinner, just the two of us,” his voice got deep and husky, “in the most romantic restaurant that overlooks a mountain lake.”

“Do we have to wait until tomorrow?” That was far too transparent. Where was all her resolve to not trust her heart to him?

He chuckled, took her hand, and tenderly kissed it. “Sadly, we do. My family will want us with them for dinner tonight, and you have to meet Curt and Aliya. I do have some romantic plans for tonight though.”

“Oh, do you?” She was lost in him. She didn’t fit here, couldn’t stay here, and she was supposed to be finding Hattie Ballard and helping Naomi, but she couldn’t stop being sucked into Derek’s vortex.

“You ready to show her the solarium?” Derek asked, raising his voice and looking over at Kiera and Malik.

“Yes, please.” Kiera clapped her hands together, her blue eyes shining with anticipation.

“Let’s go, Wild Child,” Malik said.

“Come on, Elle,” Kiera beckoned, then took off at a run.

“I adore her,” Ellery told Derek as they followed Kiera and Malik around the pool and out the doors.

“Thanks. We all do.” Derek took her hand and squeezed it. “Was that how you were as a twelve-year old? Rambunctious and hilarious and beautiful and loved by all?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Are you being modest?”

“Derek.” She stopped and looked at him. “As a twelve-year-old, I was cleaning office buildings every evening and Saturday, most of the time without much help as my mom was already suffering horribly from MS.”

He blinked at her. “Oh, Elle. I …”

He clearly didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t blame him. She didn’t want him feeling bad for her, but Kiera’s life was nothing like hers had ever been or would ever be. This time was a fantasy. Ellery had to somehow remember that.

“You two coming?” Kiera asked from a set of double doors with a bunch of greenery behind her.

“Yes.” Ellery pushed the smile back onto her face. It wasn’t Kiera or Derek’s fault how she’d grown up, or how they had, but it was impossible to think she’d fit here. It didn’t matter anyway. She wasn’t leaving her mom, and she was here to get the information to Naomi and protect Derek and his family from Hattie Ballard. Hopefully the murderous woman wasn’t even coming. Was it awful to hope she was dead and Steffan really was on a humanitarian mission using his skills as a doctor?

They followed Kiera into the greenery-filled room, and all the stress and worry seemed to float away.

The room was naturally lit with windows and glass patio doors. Even the ceiling was made of glass. Most of the windows and the patio doors were open wide to let in the warm late July day. Even in July, it wasn’t sweltering or muggy here. It felt perfect. The room was spacious, with flowers, plants, and even trees growing in it. Patio furniture was placed throughout the room and a large stone water feature stood at the center.

“Do you love it?” Kiera spread her hands wide and giggled as only an adorable girl could do.

“This is straight out of my dreams.”