“If I must.” Kiera grinned and launched herself at him. He picked her up off the ground, surprised by how much taller and heavier she was. It was still an easy feat to lift her. She hugged him fiercely and whispered in his ear, “Did you propose yet? Can we make it a double wedding?”
“Double wedding?” Ellery’s voice was full of uncertainty.
“Calm down, sis,” Derek said softly. “We have to woo the princess first, remember?”
“Oh, blast. I loathe waiting.”
“We know, we know,” T said. “Don’t worry, little princess. Soon you’ll have more sisters than you know what to do with.”
“I thought I was your favorite sister,” Macey Clifton teased.
Derek had never officially met any of his new sisters-in-law, or in Macey’s case, future sister-in-law. She’d been gone by the time he had made it to T’s hospital room. He’d chatted with her on video calls, though, and he liked her a lot. He glanced at Ellery and could see she recognized the beautiful brunette from the internet and magazine covers. The rumors were she was a brilliant introvert who’d met Prince Tristan online, fallen in love with the prince, and gotten engaged to him, but then when she met Prince Raymond, she’d changed her mind about which prince she loved. Ray had finally admitted to him that Macey had been a protection detail sent from Sutton Smith for a fake engagement. That made more sense than Ray stealing T’s fiancée ,and it was obvious how in love Ray was with his fiancée and how comfortable T was with both of them.
“You are my favorite new sis,” Kiera said, looking a tad uncomfortable, which was unusual. “But come on, she’s the Adorkable Boston Beauty, the best American Ninja in the world.”
“Hey,” Derek protested.
“Out of the mouth of the most beautiful, talented, and brilliant princess,” Ellery said, nudging him with her elbow.
Kiera grinned.
“You know what we have here, my Brave Boston Beauty?” he asked, wrapping both his arms around her.
“What?” She looked leery. As she should.
“Water fountains. Lots and lots of water fountains.” He picked her up and carried her toward the closest one.
Ellery laughed, her green eyes shimmering at him as he held her in the air with her arms pinned to her side. “We both know how this ends.”
“With you begging for a kiss?” he asked, arching a brow.
A body slammed into him from behind and he barely held his footing without going down.
“No!” Kiera hollered. “Don’t dunk Elle in the fountain. She just got here and I want her to love it here and never want to leave us. I want you to never leave us, Derek, please.”
Derek’s heart thudded against his chest. Ah, Kiera. Ellery’s suddenly concerned gaze said she was worried for his sister, but was she also worried that they’d never let her go? He didn’t want to. He wanted to keep her here. He wanted to live here himself. Could they relocate her mum and maybe even Aunt Elise to Augustine? It wasn’t the strangest request in the world. Was it? If she’d let down whatever wall she’d erected around her heart and let him in.
He set Ellery on her feet, released her, and turned to Kiera. Bending down, not as far as he used to have to, he pulled his little sister close, surprised to find her blue eyes bright with tears.
“It’s okay. We’re here now. We’re here now.” He hugged her tightly, looking over her head at his dad, brothers, and future sister-in-law. Everyone looked more tender than usual and more concerned. Ray looked uncomfortable with the emotion and seemed to cling tighter to Macey. His dad’s blue eyes were full of pain. T’s entire face looked hurt, and that hurt Derek. Malik’s blue eyes were full of emotion as well, but he turned away when Derek met his gaze and straightened his tie.
His family was hurting. They needed him.
Kiera clung to him. She didn’t cry, which concerned him. Ray had told him how she’d sobbed and sobbed when T had been hurt by the bomb and then again a couple hours later when Macey had left them. Thankfully Macey was back, but Steffan and Hattie were in hiding. Where were Curt and Aliya? Would everyone be together for the wedding? Would it be healing for all of them or even more painful because Mum couldn’t be here?
He glanced over at Ellery. She gave him a soft, sweet smile, none of her usual teasing in it at all. Ellery was a stranger to his family, but not to him. To him, she was the piece that could make him whole. She’d teased and flirted with him and brought light and sparkle back to his life.
She was here now. Could he get her to stay? Not only for him, but for Kiera and the rest of his family as well?
Kiera pulled back and dried her tears. “Okay, whatever.” She sounded like a sassy American teenager but it was obvious she was trying to cover her emotional outburst. “We’ve got to make this fun for Elle, okay?”
“Okay,” Derek agreed, glancing at Ellery. He’d happily do anything for her. Would kissing him ‘make this fun’ for her? She’d told Malik that Derek was the best kisser and he’d never kissed her. He was ready to prove it was true. “Let’s do it.”
“Thanks, bro. I love you. I’m glad you’re finally home.” She hugged him fiercely, then released him and moved to Ellery’s side. “Princess Elle. Allow me to introduce you to my family.”
Derek grinned at Malik and thankfully his twin grinned back, no longer uncomfortable. It would be okay. It had been too long since he’d been home, but it would be okay. If Ellery promised not to leave him. When she hadn’t even committed to date him for real.
Kiera took over introducing everyone as Derek received long hugs from his dad and T, and a manly hug from Ray. He also hugged Macey, happy to get to know the woman who had captured his toughest brother’s heart.