“Please no,” Hattie said. Her voice tugged at his heart.

Jensen walked out of the cabin, William close on his heels. His gaze met Steffan’s, and the world upended. Jensen’s dark eyes were full of despair.

Steffan knew.

Jensen was going to arrest her.

William was a well-known, respected, and wealthy man in their country. Hattie wasn’t a citizen and had no one but Steffan to back her up. It was her word against William’s, and unless that knife had William’s fingerprints all over it, or the recording device was found and proved her story, she was going to prison.

“Trust us,” Ray muttered fiercely, obviously coming to the same conclusion from that look on Jensen’s face.

He’d always trusted his brother and Jensen. Always. But …

“The recording device is gone,” Jensen said heavily.

Where had the recording device gone? Slipped between the planks in the floor, hidden in William’s pocket, swallowed?

Jensen walked toward them. William stayed in the cabin doorway.

“Did you check William for the recording device?” Steffan asked.

“I did.” Jensen shook his head and met Steffan’s gaze. “I’m sorry, but he doesn’t have it.” He took in a breath. “Hattie Ballard. I’m going to need to take you in and keep you in a holding cell until we sort this mess out.”

“No!” Steffan wasn’t sure if it was him or Hattie that cried out the word.

“Steffan.” Jensen’s voice was level, but the look in his eyes terrified Steffan. “Release Miss Ballard and step back.”

“No,” Steffan growled at his friend, sheltering Hattie with his arms.

“Steffan.” Ray’s voice was a whip crack. “Release her.”

“No!” he yelled. He gazed down at her. “I won’t let them take you.”

“You are the most gentlemanly prince in this world,” she whispered for only him to hear, then she arched up and kissed him.

The kiss took him off guard with all the anger, fear, and emotion swirling through him, but he quickly responded and tried to convey to her that he’d fight anyone, including his brother and close friend, who had eons more experience at fighting than he did, and he’d win … for her.

Hattie pulled back. “You said I’d never pay you back for the tips and I’ll never make a dent repaying you for all you’ve done for me, but it’s time for me to take care of you now.”


She dodged away as strong arms wrapped around him from behind and he was wrenched from Hattie. He tried to fight his older brother and two other policemen who each had him in their grip as well.

“Thank you, Steffan, for being so wonderful.” Hattie strode confidently to Jensen’s side as if no one could touch her. She jutted out her chin. “Let’s go.”

Steffan forgot to fight for a minute. She was gloriously brave, but she couldn’t just let Jensen arrest her.

He struggled to free himself and looked over at the cabin. William Rindlesbacher stood there looking very smug. Steffan wanted to attack the man. He’d never felt violent tendencies like this before, but this was Hattie.

Jensen took her arm and they walked away, accompanied by a whole bunch of men.

“Calm down, bro,” Ray whispered close to his ear. “Freaking out isn’t going to help her.”

“Letting her get arrested isn’t going to help her either,” Steffan flung back.

Ray released him and came around to face him. “Everything is darkest right before dawn.”

The pink of dawn was barely piercing the sky above the eastern mountains. Steffan recognized the quote as one their mum had liked. He didn’t see that dawn was going to come for Hattie, or for him.