She turned her attention back to the self-help book about finding what truly made a person happy. Because she was frustrated with herself—with her life. It wasn’t that she didn’t have enough to do to keep herself busy during the day. She had friends to lunch with. She liked to cook—though cooking for one was a challenge. She was also learning to knit. She’d started with socks—funny-shaped socks. And she had a sister-in-law and niece that she could visit. All in all, she had enough to keep her from growing bored, including enough money that she could travel the world. But she felt driven to do something important with her life—something to make a difference.

And then there was Xander to take into consideration. She knew he wanted her to be happy. She didn’t think he’d want her to go into business with him out of some sort of sense of loyalty and obligation. Besides, she was fairly certain her brother was just drawing her into the business because he was worried about her and not because he actually wanted her help.

She glanced down at the book in her lap and had absolutely no idea where she’d left off. With a frustrated sigh, she closed the book and placed it on the table next to her chair. So much for reading.

Stasia got to her feet. Maybe some fresh air would do her good. She headed for the door and walked until she reached the sun-drenched deck where there was a light breeze. This trip was not going as she’d planned. She thought she’d have her goals listed out by now. Potential employers all sorted into a list from her favorite to her least favorite. A résumé put together. A five-year plan detailed and ready to go as she exited the ship.

And all she’d done so far was get drawn into a fake relationship with Roberto, of all people. If Xander was here now, he’d have a fit. She couldn’t help but smile at the image of her brother flipping out over a relationship that wasn’t even real.

Xander didn’t like when things didn’t go his way. In fact, he didn’t take it well at all. Just like when his now wife had turned up pregnant. That hadn’t been in his plans and it had turned his whole life upside down overnight.

Maybe that was what she needed. Not a surprise pregnancy. Definitely not. But something to turn her life upside down. Maybe then she’d be able to see the path she was supposed to take in life. Why did she feel like the answer was just out of her reach?

“What’s the matter?” asked a male voice.

The familiar voice drew her from her thoughts. She stopped walking and found Roberto sitting at a nearby table with his laptop open. How was it that on such a large ship they kept running into each other?

If she believed in signs, she would think this was one. But of course, neither of them was interested in starting anything. She wasn’t even convinced that Roberto was thrilled with the idea of her being his fake girlfriend.

“Hey,” she said, trying to sound happy. “What are you up to?”

“Working on that project for my grandfather.”

“I won’t keep you.” She started to walk away.

“Don’t go.”

She turned back to him. “I don’t want to disturb you.”

“You won’t be. I’m stuck. So maybe a distraction will do me some good.”

He wasn’t the only one spinning his wheels. Since she couldn’t concentrate on her planning, maybe she could help him. She wasn’t sure what she could do, but she was willing to be a sounding board while he talked through his thought processes. Perhaps that would give him some new ideas.

She moved to the seat across from his. “What are you working on?”

“Spreadsheets. Itemized income and expense statements.”

That didn’t sound very interesting, but there was obviously something of importance in those numbers or his grandfather wouldn’t have him going over them. “And does anything jump out at you?”

“No. That’s the problem.” He leaned back in the chair. “I thought something was wrong and that’s why I was asked to look at them. But nothing seems to be out of place.” He sighed. “My grandfather didn’t tell me what he suspected because he didn’t want to influence my findings. Is it possible I’m on a fool’s errand?”