Stasia let go of his hand and sat up straighter. “It’s true. We are serious about each other.”

His grandmother’s gaze narrowed on them. “How serious?”

Stasia met his grandmother’s gaze without flinching. “Well, you know how your grandson doesn’t like to do big public displays of affection? He likes to keep things low-key. And so we’ve been keeping everything quiet—until now.”

His grandmother’s mouth opened in an O as her eyes twinkled with hope and she clasped her hands together. “So, you are getting married?”


Roberto looked at Stasia. What had she said? He replayed the conversation in his head. Had Stasia really just told his grandmother they were getting married? He opened his mouth but no words would come out. There was a disconnect somewhere between his racing thoughts and his mouth.

Stasia turned to him. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to keep it quiet for a while, with the transition at your office and all.”

“Don’t be upset with her,” Gaia said to him. “You couldn’t expect her to keep that kind of news to herself.”

The next thing he knew, people were throwing around dates. Dates that weren’t that far off. And then his arm was around Stasia’s shoulders as his whole family debated what date would work best for each of them. He moved and spoke in a dazed robotic motion. Since when was his wedding date up for debate by his family members? Not that he was getting married for real or anything.

When all was said and done, his wedding was set for the beginning of August. His grandmother was over the moon, and Stasia, well, she looked happy. And his family loved her. By the time he found his voice, he didn’t have the heart to embarrass Stasia by telling his family that the wedding would never take place.

He knew Stasia had only said those things to keep him from disappointing his grandmother once again. He knew she was even less interested in getting married than him. After all, she’d had her heart ripped out when her husband had passed away. No one would want to risk that sort of pain again. But she’d stepped up, putting herself out there, just for him. No one had gone out of their way for him like she had done. He was truly touched.

“Would you like some fresh air?” he asked, anxious for someplace a little quieter.

“I’d love some.”

He once again held his arm out to her, enjoying when she was touching him. And they strolled outside beneath the big, brilliant moon that reflected off the calm water. Apparently, they weren’t the only ones with this idea, as there were many couples strolling along the canal.

They walked a bit until they found a stretch of rail where they could be alone. Roberto wasn’t in the mood to share Stasia any longer. He couldn’t explain it to himself nor anyone else what it was about her that had him rethinking the whole bachelor thing. What had he found so great about it when he could spend amazing evenings like this with a woman who was as beautiful as she was generous of heart?

“Are you thinking about the project for your grandfather?” Her soft voice broke through his thoughts.

How could she think he was pondering work on such an amazing evening? Perhaps he’d had his emotions suppressed for so long now that even she couldn’t see he was profoundly moved by this evening, by this trip—by her.

He turned to her, finding her standing closer to him than he’d expected. It was all he could do not to reach out and take her in his arms. But he couldn’t overstep again. She’d gracefully forgiven him once this evening. He knew he wouldn’t be so lucky a second time.

That thought dampened his mood.

“I was thinking that tomorrow we have one last day in Venice and I was wondering if you would want to see some more of it.”

A smile lifted her lips. “I would love it.”

“Then it’s a date?”

Before he could correct his slip of the tongue, she said, “It’s a date.”

He smiled. Stasia really did make things easy. He could get used to having her around.

“So I’ll meet you on the deck first thing in the morning?” she asked, while staring into his eyes.

“Yes.” Resisting the urge to wrap his arms around her and pull her soft curves in for a very long, very deep kiss, he said, “Would you like to return to the wedding? I’m sure it’ll keep going until very late.”