Page 81 of Witness Protection

Chapter Sixteen

“I hear you’re refusing to eat.” Antonio closed the bedroom door behind him, and she inwardly tensed. She knew better than to show weakness. These types of men thrived on instilling fear. And she had experience in dealing with them.

Sophia crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re keeping me prisoner. I’m not going to eat.”

Antonio Jr. walked back and forth, his hands clasped behind him. She remembered him from a few fundraisers her father made her attend years ago. “You know, my father thinks this is a match made in heaven. He believes there was some kind of divine intervention that brought us together to unite our houses. I understand his vision. Sounds perfect on paper.”

“What’s the truth?”

“You’re smarter than that.” He smirked. “I guess we should keep the ruse going at least a month after the wedding. It would be too suspicious if you got knocked off in the first couple weeks. I think a suicide note explaining how you couldn’t deal with losing your father would be a nice touch. What do think?”

“Fuck you.”

“You’re lucky this weekend is important, or I’d have that pretty little face black and blue. You killed one of my favorite drivers, too.”

Hawk had told her to pull the trigger if she needed to use her gun. She did. As soon as the group of men rushed her in the parked car, she’d unloaded the clip on them. It wasn’t enough. The other men shoved her into the back of a van, put a cloth bag over her head, and brought her here.

She didn’t even know if Hawk and Cayden were alive.

“I wish my father was here just so he could torture you, nice and slow. Maybe I’d watch.”

“But he’s dead, isn’t he? It’s just you, and soon the Morenov Empire will be gone for good.”

“I won’t marry you, so whatever you’re planning is going to backfire.”

He chuckled, a wicked, sleezy sound. “Test me, little bitch. I live for this shit, so be my guest.”

She swallowed hard.

“I’m not afraid to die, asshole.”

“Good, because it won’t be long now,” he said.

When he left the room, she exhaled, feeling weak and very, very alone. She looked down at the lawns far below and wondered if she could jump without breaking her legs.

If Hawk survived the raid on Oscar’s house, how on earth would he figure out where she was? Antonio was supposed to be helping him. The contract on Cayden’s head was called off, but apparently the Baretti family had their own wicked plans all along.

She just wanted to be a normal girl—with dreams, freedom, and two hitmen.

Sophia paced as she wrung her hands together. She’d only gotten a few hours’ sleep last night, and she was surprised she managed that much. It was much better being Cayden’s captive.

Her wedding day was fast approaching. More than an arranged marriage, but a forced sham of a wedding. She wouldn’t do it. When she married, it would be for love.

She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, envisioning what love looked like. She saw Cayden and Hawk. But how could she have one without the other?

The thought kept nagging her to the point of obsession. Why did love have to be so complicated?

Hawk had committed to her, given her everything. Cayden pushed her away, but the connection they had was real, pure, perfect. She wanted to heal him, show him that family could be a good thing. God, they all needed a redo from their fucked-up lives.

Sophia wasn’t sure how many hours passed, but she jerked when the door opened again. She’d collected a few items to use as weapons and had them hidden around the room. It was another maid bringing her food. Her stomach rumbled when she smelled the offering, but she wouldn’t give Antonio Jr. the satisfaction.

“Ms. Morenov, your food.” The woman set the tray on the top of the dresser.

Sophia ignored her.

“I have a message for you,” she whispered.

This caught her attention, and Sophia turned to look at the woman. She was Russian. Sophia could detect the accent. “What is it?”