Hawk walked back and forth, scratching his head with the muzzle of his gun as he addressed Oscar. “You couldn’t leave well enough alone? Vasily was dead. You could have ruled the city, taken his place. But you went after his little girl like the sick bastard you are. Now what?” asked Hawk. “Now you get to die. All the money and power in the world can’t save you from your fate now.”
“You want to do this?” asked Cayden, talking as casually as discussing the weather.
“I’m just thinking about all the weeks of hell I went through because of him. I wanted to take my time, make him suffer. But it seems you’ve already taken care of that.”
“You have no idea,” said Cayden.
“Okay, then.” Hawk aimed and fired. One head shot. Oscar’s body slumped to the side.
He took a deep breath, knowing it was over and trying to digest it all. He’d take Sophia back to the hotel for at least another night until they planned their next move. It would take a while for word to get around about Oscar’s death and the fact there was no one to pay out the three million.
“She’s safe now,” said Cayden.
“Well, she’ll never be completely off the radar.”
“That’s why she has you, right?”
He watched as the other hitman left the room. Not another word. Hawk almost felt guilty for being the winner. Fuck, he felt like shit. He wasn’t sure how it happened, but he knew Cayden loved Sophia. True love was a rarity in their world.
Hawk had done his research on Cayden Walsh. He never had an easy life.
Whatever. Not my problem.
He cautiously made his way out of the house and walked back to his vehicle. Cayden was getting into his own car, only a few away from his.
Just another day at the office.
Hawk opened the door and looked inside, then checked the backseat. Sophia was gone. He looked up and down the street and saw no sign of her.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
There was a pool of blood on the sidewalk. Panic flooded his veins.
As Cayden’s car drove by him, he rushed to the street and slapped the roof, making him hit the brakes. He lowered the passenger window. “Car trouble?”
“Sophia’s gone.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Hawk took a shuddered breath, his reality spiraling out of control. “She was waiting in the car. She’s gone. There’s blood.”
Cayden hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut. He came around the back of the vehicle, coming face to face with him. “Tell me you’re fucking joking.”
“I couldn’t leave her alone at the hotel. You know how that worked out for me last time.”
Cayden did a little spin, staring up at the stars. “I entrusted her to you! You were supposed to keep her safe. Love her. Make her fucking happy.” He turned around and punched Hawk in the face. Once, twice, three times.
He didn’t move. Hawk deserved it, wanted the pain.
Cayden laughed out loud, a man on the edge. “Here I thought I wasn’t good enough for her. Maybe it was the other way around. You’re the one who doesn’t deserve her!”
Hawk pulled out his cell. One of his informants may have heard something. He wouldn’t stop until he had her back. He wouldn’t entertain the idea should could already be dead.
“When I find her, I’m keeping her,” said Cayden.
“Fuck you.”
This time Hawk blocked him when he tried to strike him. He’d had enough. His mind had already switched to find and recover mode.