Page 27 of Witness Protection

“Thanks to Mr. Go-Getter, my identity is no longer a secret. That doesn’t bode well for anyone in this business. If it wasn’t for him, you’d be home by now.”

“No, he bought me time. You weren’t going to let me leave that hotel alive. I’m not stupid,” she said. Sophia looked him right in the eye. “Is there any scenario where you don’t kill me?”

He wasn’t sure what to make of Vasily’s little girl. She was fearless and kept trying to push his buttons. He had to remind himself this had never been about her. He’d entered the Morenov mansion set on revenge, on killing Vasily in retaliation for taking everything that ever mattered to him. He didn’t give a shit about his men or his daughter.

She’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sophia was next in line to the Morenov Empire, so not his average witness. Her innocence was all an act he wasn’t buying.

Now that his name was out there, he didn’t really see the urgency in killing her. He was waiting things out, and expected this could end with a trade, both parties going their own way.

“He took my cat.”


Cayden stood up. “You better hope he doesn’t hurt her. She’s all the family I have.”

Sophia actually kept quiet, which was nice for a change. He checked out his fridge, but there was nothing to eat. He’d have to get the place supplied in case this took longer than he hoped. At least his minibar was stocked. He knew for a fact he could live off booze and cigarettes for a damn long time.

He reached for a glass, but they were all dirty, so he drank straight from the bottle. “Want some?” Cayden held out the bottle.

“You’re disgusting.”

He sat on the coffee table directly in front of her, taking another swig, then licked his lips. “I know you’re probably used to the very best.” He waved the hand holding the bottle in the air. “And this is big time slumming for you. But you know what? I don’t care about your fancy upbringing. Spoiled brats like you make me sick.”

“I hate you,” she spat. “You know nothing about me.”

“Then tell me why I’m wrong.”

“Money can’t buy happiness. It can’t buy love.”

“Daddy didn’t love you? He has men willing to die for you, so I doubt that’s true.”

Her jaw clenched. Cayden decided she was an amusement. Getting her feathers ruffled would be a welcome distraction while he waited this shit out.

She bolted to her feet and came at him with both fists, throwing her weight forward. He wasn’t expecting it, and dropped his bottle of whisky, the glass shattering on the concrete floor. She pounded at his chest, arms flailing, all the while crying and trying to overpower him. He stood up, grabbed her around the waist and slung her over his shoulder. She kicked and struggled as he carried her across the room.

“You don’t know me!” she shouted. “My father didn’t love me. And I never wanted his money. You have no idea what I’ve been through!”

He dropped her down on his bed, shackling her hands at the sides of her face to keep her from striking him. Her eyes were red-rimmed, tears staining her fair skin. “You want to talk shit childhoods, I’m an expert. You had it all. Don’t tell me you don’t miss being queen of the castle.”

“I never asked for any of it. I just wanted his love.” She fought to free her hands, straining and getting more frustrated when she couldn’t move. He kept her pinned until she lost her steam. Sophia started to calm down, trying to catch her breath. “I never got it. Thanks to you, I’ll never get a chance to, either.”

As soon as he eased his weight off her wrists, she tugged her hands free and twisted her body, knocking him to his side. She didn’t know when to quit. They struggled briefly. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her immobile and had to use his foot to keep her from kicking. He could have snapped her neck or knocked her out with a single punch. Cayden wasn’t sure why he kept humoring her.

“I guess you like being tied to a fucking toilet because it looks like you’ll be sleeping on the bathroom floor again. The one here ain’t as nice as the hotel’s.”

Their faces were inches apart, the volatile energy in the room fueling him. He could play this game better than her even on his worst day. She didn’t know who she was fucking with.

“You took him from me,” she cried, barely above a whisper.

Something changed.

Her strength shifted to vulnerability in the span of a second. She wasn’t acting. Her tears were real. He could feel her pain, and she suddenly became more than just a wealthy captive. Cayden saw a new side to her, a broken side he could relate to.

“Behave yourself.” He moved his foot and eased up on his bear hold, but he still had her pinned tight to his body. She wiggled her arms up until her forearms were pressed to his chest. She grabbed handfuls of his t-shirt, and her stomach lurched as deep sobs stole the last of her fire.

Sophia rested her forehead against him and cried, her body shuddering. “I can’t do this anymore. I just can’t.” He leaned away, willing to give her some space. “No, don’t leave me.”