Page 70 of Witness Protection

Sophia was twenty-five years old plus three days. He’d kept his hands to himself since her birthday so she could heal completely. She may have denied it, but he knew she was sore after losing her virginity. His thoughts were getting more and more filthy by the damn hour, and the wait time would be coming to an end very soon.

Hawk answered his phone. “Yeah.”

“You wanted information on Esperanza?” asked Danny.

“Go on.”

“Something big is going down at his place right now. I heard his men on their secure line. It’s some crazy guy. One guy. He’s got a fucking arsenal.”


“Okay, thanks, Danny. Good work.”

Fuck, that guy was going to get himself killed. Did Cayden have a death wish?

It wasn’t Hawk’s business, but it was. Morenov had killed both their families. They had that in common. And a lot more.

He knew Cayden was doing this for Sophia. She was an addiction. And he wasn’t stupid to think nothing happened between the two of them when they were holed up together.

Regardless, he couldn’t let Cayden do this on his own. Hawk’s duty was to protect Sophia, to kill Esperanza and anyone else in his way. He wouldn’t let Cayden take the pleasure of the kill from him again. And he wouldn’t let Cayden die a martyr for Sophia to pine over.

She’d just taken her evening shower and was getting ready for bed.

“Baby, I have to go out for a bit.”


“I need to settle some scores. Make things safe for you.”

Sophia scowled. “And you’ll leave me alone? Maybe I’ll get kidnapped again.”

She was testing him, but he couldn’t play games with her now. Shit was going down as they spoke. “Don’t be smart. Just stay put and I’ll be back before you wake up.”

Hawk opened his gun case on the kitchen counter, preparing everything he planned to bring along for this party. The more he thought about leaving Sophia alone, the more he second-guessed his decision. What if someone had followed them home from the restaurant the other day? A bounty hunter could be watching their room right now.

He didn’t want an encore of their last hotel stay.

Shit, he’d have to bring her along.

When he returned to the room, she was already dressed. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m not going to be able to sleep wondering if you’re dead or alive.”

“Here. Take this.” He held out a 9mm and pressed it to her palm. “But you’re waiting in the car.”

“What? I don’t want a gun, Hawk. I don’t even know how to use them.” She followed behind him. He grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair and tugged in on, covering his harnesses.

“This is top of the line. Has a silencer on it, too. Don’t pull the trigger unless you’re ready to kill. Otherwise, aim and have at it.”

He took her hand as they walked down the hallway to the elevators. On the ride down, he went over the different variables in his head, zoning out. If things went their way, this could be the start of a beautiful new beginning.

“Hawk, you’re scaring me.”

He refocused, tilting her chin up. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just that this is the day I’ve been waiting for. It’s a chance to clear the contract on your head, to get out of hiding for good.”

“What about the contract on Cayden?”

“Taken care of,” he lied. He still couldn’t get hold of Antonio. That shifty bastard was up to something.