Page 63 of Witness Protection

She collapsed, using the counter to support her weight. Her relief made her dizzy.

“It’s an open contract,” he squeaked out.

“Three million’s a lot of money. I get that,” said Hawk. “But it becomes a problem when your target is my ward.” In a quick move, he snapped the big guy’s neck, then lowered him to the ground before dragging him away by the arms.

She hadn’t moved.

He’d saved her. His strength, confidence, and skill only increased her desire. She was too used to life and death drama to let it ruin her night.

Hawk came back, brushing off his jacket like nothing happened. He looked in the mirror as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “How’d he find me here?”

“Anywhere public is a gamble,” he said, picking up her missing shoe. “We better get out of here.”

She stopped him when he tried to usher her out.

“What’s wrong?”

“You called me your ward again,” she said.

“I’m not following.”

She rested her hand on his chest. “I’m not your ward. You’re not my father’s hired babysitter, anymore.”

“I’ll always protect you. Nothing will change that.”

“I want to be your woman, Hawk, not your ward.”

He smiled, then took her hand in his, leading them to the washroom exit. Within minutes they were outside, waiting for the car. Hawk held her close to his side, a protective embrace. The nip in the air made the skin on her arms turn to gooseflesh. Or was it just having him next to her?

“Not my ward,” he said. She looked up at him, thinking the conversation was over in the washroom. “This. Us. It’ll take time for me to get used to.”

“Nothing has to change,” she said.

Tonight would be a good start because she planned to give her body over to him. She’d trust him not to hurt her, and she wouldn’t refuse him anything. He thought of her as a child, and she planned to show him just how grown-up she could be.