“Where would I even start? You can’t love two men, Sophia. And you sure as hell can’t love me.”
He needed to get away from her to clear his head. Cayden grabbed a pack of smokes from the cupboard, pulling one out and putting it between his lips. He became frustrated when he couldn’t find a lighter, sifting through the drawers and slamming them shut.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “Please don’t be mad at me.” She ran both of her hands up his back, kissing his shoulder blades. He closed his eyes briefly, addicted to her touch. “I do love you.”
He pulled away. “You don’t know what love is, little girl. Let me guess, you tell the same shit to every man so you can get your way.”
“Stop it.”
He didn’t believe her.
Felt like she was laughing at him.
Conning him.
Especially if she claimed to love Hawk, too. He’d gone through thirty-five years without hearing those words.
“This arrangement isn’t working,” he said. “Tomorrow I’ll bring you to Hawk.”
“And what about you?”
“Send me an invite to the wedding.” He went to the bedroom, needing to get away from her. Of course, she was on his tail.
“Why are you being an asshole?”
“When did I claim to be otherwise? I’m a fucking murderer. I’m not a good man.”
“You are. This is my fault.”
He threw up his hands and sat on the edge of the bed. Why didn’t she give up on him? Everyone else did.
She stood between his legs and pulled his head to her chest. He wanted to resist, but he was tired right down to the marrow. He could feel the softness of her breasts against his cheek.
“You don’t have to be the tough guy every minute. You’re allowed to have feelings, Cayden. It doesn’t make you weak.”
He listened to the sound of her heart beating. It calmed the beast.
Cayden wanted her to choose him over Hawk, but he’d never say it out loud. Her rejection would destroy him. Loving her back meant he left himself vulnerable. He was scared to death to get too close. To show her just how fucking needy he was for her love.
The pain of losing Frank and his family was excruciating because he’d allowed himself to care. If he allowed himself to fall in love with Sophia, it would fucking kill him to lose her.
“Sophia, I killed your father. You don’t think that’ll come up again? You’ll always resent me.”
“I don’t want to talk about that now.”
“Because this place isn’t real. It’s a fantasy where we get to forget the world,” he said. He wanted her to understand that her love was conditional.
It was the only brand he knew.
She ran her hands through his hair, forcing his head back so he could look up at her. The corners of his blue eyes crinkled. “Fine. Let’s not talk about real life or love. What makes you comfortable, Cayden?”
“This. Holding you.”
He could say anything he wanted, but she knew the truth. Despite the fact he’d killed her father, she’d fallen for him, every broken piece. She had to come to grips with it all, to mourn, to sort through all her emotions at some point. In the end, she’d have to get over it—the anger, the hate, the memories.
She had to get through to Cayden before their stay at the trailer was over, as otherwise she could lose him forever. She couldn’t lose him. There was a darkness inside him that had to be unleashed before he could heal. Sophia wasn’t afraid.