She scowled and left the trailer, the screen slapping back in place. There was no lighting outside, and she hadn’t taken a flashlight. He would have offered, but she wanted to prove she was tough shit, so he left her alone.
He kept tabs on her. When she didn’t return after ten minutes, he stepped outside the trailer and waited. He heard her footsteps. The glow from the windows would be her beacon in the darkness.
Cayden tossed a rock into the woods behind her.
“Watch out for the wolves!” he called out.
Sophia screamed and raced toward him, throwing herself into his arms. It felt way too good to be her safety net.
“I’ve got you.”
She clutched his shirt, looking up at him. “I’m not used to the wild.”
“Time to spread your wings.”
He ran his palm over her hair. Cayden couldn’t remember the last time he cared to comfort another human being. With Sophia, it came naturally.
“Will you teach me how to fly?” He became hyper aware of her hands on his body, their proximity, and the tone of her voice.
“How about we get a good night sleep first.” He winked at her and pulled away.
Once inside, he went to the bedroom to change for the night, tossing his shirt into the hamper.
Sophia went to wash up in the bathroom. They needed to get some rest and recharge before they both burned out. A lot of shit had just gone down. Tomorrow was another day.
She came in when he was half dressed, only wearing a pair of grey jogging pants. Sophia leaned against the doorframe, combing her fingers through her hair. “Were there really wolves out there?”
He approached the door, towering over her. Cayden slid his hand under her hair and cupped the back of her neck. His urge for physical contact overwhelmed him. The fact she didn’t push him away only compounded the desire. “There are a lot of scary things out there.”
“Will you protect me?”
He stared down at her. “What if I’m the worst of them?”
“You’re not,” she said.
She was destroying him, making him want something unattainable. “Really?” He pinched her sides with both hands, making her squeal. Cayden made growly wolf sounds as she crawled on his bed to escape him, but he pulled her legs, bringing her closer. He tickled her until she laughed uncontrollably, barely able to breathe.
It was a beautiful sound.
Something he’d missed since losing Frank and his family. Life had gotten way too damn miserable.
He held off long enough for her to catch her breath, continued, then stopped again.
“No more,” she panted, her palms up on his chest.
He was on all fours with her body beneath him. Her eyes roamed over his bare chest. She licked her lips.
“But you’re not afraid of anything, are you?”
“Just tickling. It’s my weakness.”
He smirked, starting up again, just enough to make her giggle. His fingers lingered on the skin at her side. “Then behave or I can go all night long.”
She wet her lips, the humor fading away.