“I won’t get to give vows to either of you,” Dominic husks, clearing his throat as his eyes glimmer with emotion. “Let me say them now. I will be at your side always, forever, and after that. I will never give someone else what I give to both of you. Whatever family we build together, they will always be safe. I would give my life for either of you,andI give myself to both of you.”
Charlotte sighs, tilting her head to kiss me softly, then press her mouth to his. Dominic takes the silk out of his suit pocket, cleaning her up. Bending his head, he presses little kisses to each breast, then fixes her dress. I laugh when he tucks the silk square in his pocket, mumbling about sexy souvenirs.
“Come, sweet Duchess,” I hum softly, kissing them both once more. “We want to take you out to see your new home. You have been the talk of the town since you arrived. I am not ready to share you with anyone but Dom yet,” I tease as we help her to her feet. “But I want us to make the rounds of Cambridge, I want our people to see their new Duchess.”
Dominic kneels to help her into her sexy heels, and she takes my arm with an adorable smile. Taking the lead, Dom heads out of the throne room and down two long halls. We pass by the library, and she pauses, letting out a cute little sigh. My sweet Duchess could spend hours in there, and I intend to let her do just that whenever her heart desires.
“Where will we be going, Chambers?”
“First, we want to show you some of the beauty of our land here. Cambridge is a beautiful province. We will take you to the city, I suspect once they see us, the townspeople will want to get a look at you. You do not have to do anything you do not want to. Giving them a wave is enough.”
Mother has pushed me to teach Charlotte how to be a Duchess. How to curtsey properly, how to walk with me at events, and even how to wave the way that is expected. After our wedding, I intend to keep my promise. I do not want to share her with anyone else but Dominic just yet, so all those ridiculous royal rituals won’t matter for some time.
“Your mother mentioned waving the right way,” she murmurs after we climb in the back of a limo, Dom sitting across from us. “Can I wave the wrong way?” she wonders, her little nose scrunching up.
“Hell, you are absolutely adorable, Duchess,” Dom mutters, staring at her with the softest gaze I have ever seen.
“No, love. Mother might say otherwise but who is in charge here? Your husband. You could flip the entire province the bird for all I care.”
Dominic laughs and she does too, scooting closer to me to lie her head at my shoulder. Dominic watches us with that same soft gaze, and my chest tighten with emotions. I have held back what he has always made me feel outside of the safety of my bedroom. No more. He deserves more.
When his eyes come to mine, he blinks. Because he can see it. I am no longer hiding it behind some half-truth. Yes, I always wanted more because I want a woman in my bed—damn it I am greedy enough to want him too. Ismileat him and for the first time in my life, Iwatchhim flush.
“I wish both of you could know how bloody happy I am. I might have thrown a spoiled fit once I knew I would be married so soon after Archie’s coronation. I wanted more time, I guess. Now that you have both showed you will give me the grace of letting me have you both.... I can’t express....”
Our car slows to a stop, and we all sit there for a moment, taking it all in together. Dominic has been at my side for most of my life. I always knew he would be there, even if I married. To get the magic of having them both...it is something I could have never hoped for. Before we step out of the car, I grasp what this magic truly is.
I am in love with my Duchess, as much as I am in love with my royal guard.
Chapter Eight
How have I earned such a magical life?
Walking through the beautiful countryside of Cambridge, my ancestorial home, with two beautiful men who I adore is a magic all its own. Knowing tomorrow there will be a grand wedding to tie me to not one, but both, of these men is what fairytales are written about.
Dom walks on my right, my future husband on my left, each holding my hand laced tightly within theirs. As we walk through the hills, they grew up wandering, we stop at the top of hills or in sprawling canyons for them to tell me stories. We stop often to gaze at the view, one of them kissing me softly or pulling me close, or the two sharing a sweet kiss as they reminisce.
My entire world, my whole life, has changed within just a few days. Each morning I wake up at the castle, the most beautiful place I have ever seen, and I realize this will be my home, I am stunned. How is this real?
“We’re real, love,” Chambers whispers behind me as we stare out over the horizon.
Dominic comes closer, the two men caging me in. Without guilt or remorse, I tilt my head back, sighing as Dom seals his mouth over mine. Both their hands touch me everywhere at once. I am trembling when Chamber’s tilts my head back to steal his own deep kiss.
“As unreal as this seems, tomorrow it becomes very real,” Dominic husks as he trails kisses up the side of my throat, his words rough as he whispers them in my ear.
My fingers tangle in his thick, dark hair as my head tilts back. His mouth is magic on my skin. His hands start a fire beneath their taunting touch. He presses against me at the same time Chambers moves behind me. The sounds of their kiss, their tongues fighting for control, make me shudder between them.
“Will the Duke show me the city soon?” I tease, laughing when they break apart, their chests heaving as they struggle to breathe.
Both men grin at me and we laugh together, Dom leading the way back to the waiting car. We talk the whole way, about where I grew up in Silver Shores and how similar it is to the province of Cambridge.
“We will go back together, love,” Dominic tells me as we climb in the car, the driver pulling off towards town.
“Yes, I wondered if we ever would. Gran will be there, I want to at least go back to visit.”
Once I say it, I am hit with a wave of sadness. My entire life has been in Silver Shores. My Gran, Boots, my work at the book shop, and my few friends. If my friends could see me now, they would be stunned. As we near the city, I start to consider how my whole life changes after tomorrow.