“Charlotte will be here this afternoon, Chambers. Your mother and her grandmother will expect a small welcome for her. Have you considered how you want to welcome your wife-to-be?”

Glancing over my shoulder at my second Dominic, I sigh with a shake of my head. No, I do not know how to welcome her. Usually there is a small fete with champagne paired with teacakes or whatever the bride might fancy. Since I know nothing more than her name, I have no clue how to prepare.

“Dom, am I really going to do this?”

“You know you will, because Archie needs you in his court. And because your mother demands it,” he taunts me with a deep chuckle.

Dominic has been my best friend since before I gave a hoot about being a royal. He was not born of royalty, but wherever I went, he went. He is the closest thing I have to a brother, and the person I trust most in the world.

“Chambers, getting married is a tradition they have not yet let go of. Even those without nobility status expect you to wed soon. Producing an heir is you promising their province will be taken care of the same way you take care of it now. It might be dated, sure, but there is a reason for it.”

Smiling as he lifts a shoulder in a shrug, he reminds me why I come to him for counsel. Being married won’t be so bad, I suppose. And he is right. If I produce an heir, then my province will have faith that they will continue to be ruled the way I rule them now.

I might not love all there is about being a royal, but I love this province.

“What shall we do for the future Mrs. Ashe, Dom? What do women these days, love?”

Dating was never much of an option for me, so I am badly out of practice. I fooled around a bit during preparatory school, sure. Almost got caught once in the library with my hands up the skirt of the dean’s daughter. I was being reckless on purpose then. I wanted to get caught doing the one thing I was not supposed to be doing.

If mother had her way, I would have been promised right out of diapers. I was their only child, and she feared she would lose her place amongst the other royals if I did not live up to the memory of my father. I loved my father, but I am a far better leader for our people, even if I could never see myself sitting on a King’s throne.

“Last I knew, women these days like boba tea, trashy television, and they all contour, whatever that means. I don’t pay much attention to them. You ought to know that,” he replies, aiming a glare at me. Yes, I know.

Another reason Dom makes a good second is because he is devoted to me. A lot more than he ought to be. We have blurred the lines a few times, but he always knew I would take over after my father. He always knew I would take on a bride and become a father.

“Don’t be that way,” I answer with a sigh, turning more to face him as he busies himself organizing the agenda for the day.

“I try not to be,” he whispers gently, his gray eyes flashing as they meet mine. “I know what you must do. I knew it was coming one day.”

Crossing the room towards him, I wrap my hand around his wrists, stilling him. He sighs and turns to rest his forehead against my shoulder. He is more important to me than anyone else. I hate I am going to hurt him, but while I feel things for him, I do not feel all the things he does for me.

“You do not have to stay if it is too much, Dom. It would kill me to lose you, but I would understand.”

“Trying to get rid of me before you even meet the wife?” His voice is meant to be sarcastic and playful, but it is broken and somber.

“I do not want to be rid of you. Once I wed, I will stay true to her. Charlotte.... neither of us might have a say about being married. I will be a good husband to her. You know I would never be the wayhewas.”

“I would expect nothing less,” he agrees, pulling back to gaze up at me. He lifts his hand, brushing his fingertips over my mouth. I feel a jolt of sensation, the way I always have when he touches me.

“Thank you, Dom. For understanding. I won’t do to her what my father did to my mother. I could never,” my voice shakes with anger, but I take a deep breath and pull slightly back from my best friend.

“Good. No matter what I feel, I would not stand by the way his second did. I would never let you treat a woman that way. Now... we need to prepare for your future bride.”

Nodding, I let him go ahead of me as I hang back. I need a moment. I did love my father, but I hated him, too. I loved him because I was supposed to. Because I wanted him to love us enough to be a good man. He was not a bad man, I suppose. He loved the power and prestige of his position and let none of us forget he was the one in charge.

If I am being honest with myself, I am looking forward to meeting Charlotte Rye. Mother talks highly of her. Dominic did some looking and says she is bright and beautiful. He also let me know she is about as excited to be forced to wed a stranger as I am.

Following Dom down the hall at last, I catch up as he is calling out my agenda. Meet with my cousin Dexter to go over trade agreements. A call with Archie and the cousins to discuss his plans as King. Meet the woman I am going to call my wife.

“Hello Mother,” I call a second after my phone rings, knowing full well it will be her. “Will you be here today for Charlotte?”

“Of course I will be. Her grandmother and I have been talking all week. I cannot wait for you to meet her. You two will be well suited.”

Making a face of resignation at Dom, who nods with a small smirk, I follow him to the meeting chambers. Dexter will be coming, if he is not here by now, so thankfully I have an excuse to make this call quick.

“I am sure we will be mother. I will see you then.”

Without waiting for her to go on about how we will be receiving our guest, I end the call. Dom stifles a laugh as we step inside to find that yes, Dexter is waiting for us. He has a huge grin on his face, which means he, and that means all my cousins, knows what is coming for me.