“Dominic is not talking fancy, love,” Chambers laments as he turns to face me, taking my hand. “He would step in front of an assassin’s bullet for either one of us. He would be proud to do it. There is nothing I could not ask of him. Until I met you, love...I never thought there might be more I could ask of him. Now that I have you, I know what his true purpose is.”

Blinking at him, I start to ask what he means. Before I can speak, I feel Dom move, his hands sliding up my legs slowly. A path of fire sizzles beneath his touch even as I lock eyes with my future husband. It feels so wrong for another man to be touching me. So why does it feel right too?

“Dom has always been good to me,” Chambers states, his voice deeper, hotter, his eyes shimmering at me. “Now he will be good to you. Will you do whatever our Duchess asks of you, Dom?”

“Yes,” Dom swears, his breath hot against my thighs as he pushes at my dress. His head bends, his hot mouth pressing kisses to my bare thighs. I whimper, my hand going to the back of his head reflexively. His teeth scrap along the sensitive skin of my inner thigh and I cry out, head falling back against the high back of the regal chair.

“Good girl,” Chambers murmurs, bringing my hand to his mouth. He kisses each fingertip then the palm, before pulling it down. When he folds his fingers with mine around his hardness, I gasp. Blinking at him, I see he is stroking himself slowly, our fingers woven together around his thickness.

“How is it right for the three of us to be this way?” I manage before my throat closes on me.

Dom yanks at my thighs to tug my bottom to the edge of the chair. Lifting them, he kisses the inside of each before draping them over his shoulders. Chambers groans a deep, guttural sound as he watches his best friend tuck himself between my thighs. I don’t need them to speak once I see the look in their eyes.

“It would not be right with anyone else, love. They said we were meant to be married before we ever knew one another. They were right, only not for the reasons they think. You were made for me, my sweet Duchess. For me and for him. Because he is a part of me, something I denied for too long. If we get married, he will always be there. Is that how you want it?”

Glancing between them as I struggle to breathe, I take a moment. Dom kisses my thigh again, his eyes locked on mine. The air buzzing between us is thick, sensuous, and I know this is how I want it. I was right all along—I was never meant to be a traditional bride. I was meant to be theirs.

“Yes...but...wait, wait,” I sit up, my hand still working Chamber’s cock as I hear Dom tear his zipper open. “What if it wasn’t? Would we still get married?” I am not even sure why I want an answer to such a silly question.

“Yes, love,” Chambers stops our hands, sitting forward to be closer to both of us. “I would make you my wife no matter what. Dom would accept us however we came, wouldn’t you, Dominic?”

“Yes. I want it this way,” he laments with a dirty smirk. “I never thought I could get the best of both worlds before you came along, sweet Charlotte. Now that I might be able to have him and you...God, could we be so lucky?”

“Yes,” I whisper on a dreamy sigh, bending close to him. “We can be. I am. I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be someone’s wife.”

“Oh, love,” Chambers whispers, his voice thick. “You won’t be just a wife. You will be aDuchess. Our Duchess. Our goddamn queen. We will give you the entire world. Because you coming to us, it is giving us a world we never thought we could have together.”

Feeling emotions stir the air thicker between us, I nod. Bending more, I press my mouth to Dominic’s. He groans and licks at my mouth, kissing me hungrily as I whimper into his mouth. Before I know it, he pulls back and then it’s Chambers kissing me, his tongue tasting both of us now.

“Let us show you how we will please you, love.”

Nodding, I fall back against the tufted chair with a whimper. Dom pushes at my skirt until it’s bunched at my hips. I am exposed to him, his eyes fixated hungrily between my thighs. His head dips and his hot tongue wiggles between my slit, licking up to curl around my throbbing clit.

“Oh, oh my God,” I whimper, my fingers clutching at his hair, my hips raising to his mouth. Chambers stands, his slacks dropping past his hips.

“Good girl. Now, open your mouth for me, sweet Duchess.”

Chapter Seven


Pleasure has had its limits—until this very moment.

Watching my best friend bury his face between my bride’s thighs as she wraps her sexy mouth around my cock is a pleasure I didn’t know could exist. Charlotte looks like a goddamn queen sitting on her gilded throne, and to both of us, she is.

“Oh, oh my God,” she whimpers as Dominic suckles greedily at her pussy, his hands clutching at her thighs.

Last night he came to me in distress. He has always been very open about his desire for me. Other women have come and gone, brief moments all of them before Charlotte. He came to tell me he wanted her more than hewantsme. He was wrought with guilt because he wanted my future wife.

“I will go before the wedding. I won’t come between the two of you. I could not stay here without having one of you. To have neither...”

It was late and I was distraught myself. My mother and Charlotte’sgranhad kept us apart most of the day. Wedding planning had taken over all their thoughts. This was fine by me because their distraction meant I got plenty of quality time with my new bride. They were choosing wedding gowns, so I was forbidden to see her most of the day.

When Dominic showed up, I was well past my patience. I had to see her. Charlotte had become my sole focus in just a few days. We would be married soon enough, and I would get to work on an heir as soon as I could. Until then, I wanted to spend every single moment with her.

“It is wrong of me to feel what I do for both of you. I am so sorry, Chambers. I swore to never betray you. I never thought I could have a reason to.”

“Charlotte is reason to,” I agreed with him, sitting him down as I knelt before him. “That woman is worthy of wars being started over her. I see why men have fought for thousands of years over certain women. I would die for her the same as I would kill for her. A few days ago, I had no idea she even existed and now...I don’t think I can exist without her. Or you, Dom.”