“Red wine,” I said, and she inclined her head as she left again. I went over to one chair and pulled it out. “Come here, Pretty. Let your Dom take care of you.”

Wade’s tongue darted out to lick his lips and he fluttered his eyelashes at me, a soft smile curving his mouth. He shifted over to the chair and sat down, letting me push it closer to the table before I made my way around to the other side and took the seat there.

I reached across the table, and he immediately gave me his hand. I smoothed my thumb across his palm.

“Tell me something,” I murmured. “Did Xadrian ever take you anywhere nice?”

He snorted quietly and rolled his eyes. “You know the answer to that, Sir.”

“Maybe, but I want to hear it from you.” Heat swelled inside my chest as I took in his beautiful face.

He visibly swallowed and shook his head. “No. I was only a hole to him, Sir.”

“And what are you to me, Shoelicker?” I pressed the tip of my tongue to the back of my front teeth.

He shivered and took a deep breath, gaze darkening with lust. “I’m your dirty little slut, Sir.”

“You are.” I traced imaginary lines over his palm with my finger. “You’remyhole, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.” He rocked forward, then back again like he wanted to kiss me but thought better of it.

I didn’t care that we were in a nice restaurant. There was a reason I’d asked for the secluded area. “My sinful little whore who presents his hole to me whenever I want it.” I scraped my nails over his palm, and he trembled.

“I’m your obedient sub,” he whispered, his eyes turning wild as he stared pleadingly at me. “I’ll do anything you want, Sir.Anything.”

The moment was broken when a waiter came toward us with a basket of bread and a bottle of wine. I didn’t let go of Wade, and the waiter didn’t so much as glance toward our hands.

“Apologies for interrupting,” he said, then placed the basket on the table and presented the bottle of wine to us. “Would you care to sample the wine, sirs?”

Wade’s eyebrows furrowed and he stared at me, waiting.

“One glass won’t hurt,” I reassured Wade gently before I turned to the waiter. “Go ahead and pour for us. I’m familiar with the year.”

The waiter inclined his head, his brown hair flopping in front of his eyes as he popped open the cork. He poured the alcohol into each glass before he gave us a smile and left us alone again.

I hummed and grabbed the wineglass and guided it to my mouth, taking a delicate sip. “I prefer whiskey, but it isn’t bad. What do you think, sweetheart?”

Wade froze halfway through reaching for his wineglass and darted a surprised glance toward me. This was the first time I’d called himsweetheart, and while I hadn’t intended to do it, the word slipped from my tongue easily and wasn’t something I regretted.

“Er... .” His cheeks flushed red as he grabbed the wineglass and took a sip. “Yes, very nice, Sir.”

“Look at the menu,” I ordered in a gentle tone, and he reached for the black folder in front of us immediately. I watched, enraptured with the way his mouth moved silently as he read each food item. “See anything you want?”

“I think I would like the beef tenderloin, Sir.” He flashed me a wide grin. “I like meat.”

I snorted out a laugh and shook my head. “Careful, Pretty. Don’t tempt me to find out how much you like it.”

He shrugged, but a blush flooded his cheeks and his smile turned shy. Wade had opened up a lot more over the last few months, and the thing I’d learned about him was that he enjoyed pushing my buttons,justa little. He tested the waters, and I didn’t expect it to take long before he jumped in headfirst. I liked that he was obedient but also feeling out the boundaries very carefully.

The waiter came back, and I ordered the beef tenderloin for us. Wade let me make the choice for him because I always took control, even when it came to the simple things.

“Is there a reason we’re here, Sir?” He glanced around the restaurant, and when his gaze finally rested on me, his mouth curled teasingly. “Because it’s very romantic.”

I grunted, then smirked. “Think you deserve to be romanced, Shoelicker?”

He lowered his lashes purposefully. “I’ve been so good for you, Sir.”

I couldn’t deny it. Even when he was trying new things, he was always obedient. Sweet. The perfect sub. “So, maybe I want to treat you to something nice.”