Albion reached down and something happened. There was a yell from behind me. Albion pointed. “If you touch him again, Byron, you’ll be down a finger.”

“Sorry. Jesus. Usually you share,” a man said.

“Not tonight. Fucking hell, all you get to do is look at my pretty slut.” Albion dropped to his knees and eased me onto my back with a hand behind my head and one on my chest. The glass was deliciously cool against my spine and bruised ass. I was drifting on a cloud while he drew a tube of lube out of his pocket and got me ready. His fingers in my hole were a dream, and I couldn’t get enough. I fucked myself on his fingers and squirmed when he took them away again, wanting more.

“Sir,” I sighed out.

“It’s okay. You’ll get what you need,” he said, loud enough for me to hear. “My slut needs my cock to be happy, doesn’t he?”

I tried to answer but could only nod, and he seemed satisfied by that.

He opened his jeans and drizzled more slick onto his cock until it gleamed, the best sex toy ever, and I bit my lip because I’d done such a good job he was going to put that in me, or at least, I hoped he would.

“Are you all right, Wade?” Albion asked as he brought my legs up over his shoulders.

“Uh.... Yes, Sir.” I couldn’t stop giggling like an idiot.

He leaned down and slammed his mouth over mine, then filled my ass with his cock. The stretch and slight burn satisfied me on every level. “You’re mine,” he growled in my ear, then fucked me harder than anyone had pounded me in my life, and it was the most perfect, delicious thing to ever happen to me. I clung and hoped that this would never end.

“I want to be your slut, Sir,” I said in his ear, then kissed it.

He moaned and fucked me faster, and before I knew it, he had his hand between us, stroking my cock until I thought I would die with how good everything felt. Time became a slippery, shimmery thing that didn’t make any sense as it drifted along, and then he toyed with my cockhead, slipping his thumb over my slit faster than a hummingbird’s wings. I came, and he grunted, pushing deep. I swore I felt the heat of his load as he filled my ass with cum.

There was a cheer, the kind you hear at a baseball game when there’s a home run.

I didn’t remember him dressing me, but it must’ve happened. I felt too good to help. The walk to his truck was more of a vague memory, and for me it was actually a ride because Albion carried me. Massimo opened the door for Albion so he could gently set me inside.

I wasn’t really aware of anything in the world that wasn’t the bliss in my brain until we were home. He showered me without any help on my part, then changed my clothes and put me in soft pajama pants and a silky shirt that was kind on the bruises littering my skin.

“Come back to me, baby,” Albion whispered.

It was like resurfacing from a tropical pool when I lifted my head from where it had been resting on his chest. He stroked his fingertips across my forehead and down my cheek, then smiled.

“How are you, Wade?” he asked, then tapped the tip of my nose.

“Good. Real good.”

He hummed and kissed my cheek. “Do you think you might want to do that again?”

All I could do was laugh and hug him, and he wrapped his strong arms around me and held me close.

“Is that a yes?” he asked after a while.

“Yes, Sir. Anything you want, Sir. Whenever you want, Sir.”

It was his turn to chuckle. I’d never heard him sound so warm and happy. And I loved it. And maybe.... Maybe I loved him, too, even though this wasn’t conventional or even nice all the time. I buried my face against his chest and prayed this would all work out. My mood shifted, and I shuddered.

“Are you okay, Pretty?” he murmured, running his fingertips through my damp hair.

“I just don’t want this to stop.” Humiliated heat burned through me as my voice wobbled. I blinked away tears and glanced up at him. The friendly expression on his face took me by surprise.

He kissed my lips gently. “It won’t.”



I rolledmy shoulders and stared at my computer screen for a little longer. Glaring, I squeezed the bridge of my nose and huffed out an irritated sound.