A moment later the door opened, and a nervous Wade stepped over the threshold. His suit was black today with a crimson tie, and it would be a lie to say he didn’t look good because the suit did his body the best kind of justice. The material fit him like a glove, and while it was clearly cheap and not as expensive as my Hugo Boss, he’d managed to find himself one that aligned with his build perfectly. The attire was better than the awful polo shirts that Xadrian had expected his people to wear. His golden hair was styled to sit flat on his head and wide hazel eyes stared at me, concern mixed with apprehension. I rarely invited him into my office, and I suspected he thought thatI thoughthe would spy on me, which wasn’t exactly untrue.

I had a lot of trust issues with this rat.

Wade took a deep, wobbly breath. “Mr. Guthrie.”

“Sir,” I said simply, and he blinked at me. “Call me Sir the way you did a few days ago.”

He cleared his throat, and I didn’t miss the way pink tinged his cheeks. “Yes, Sir.”

I stared at him while he peeked around the office, taking in the minimal furnishings. I didn’t have many decorations, going for a modest approach instead. Everything was gray and cold, and if you asked my ex, it matched my soul. My home was exactly the same way. I found color to be distracting and useless.

“Is there something I can do for you... Sir?” He lowered his chin against his chest.

The perfect sub. Too bad he was a snake in the grass. I kept my face neutral as I rose from my seat and walked around to the front of the desk. I rested my ass against the edge, leaning completely on it, and crossed my arms.

“Close the door,” I murmured.

Of course, he rushed to comply, then returned to his previous stance.

Fuck.“Tell me, Wade, what’s your end goal here?”

He glanced at me from under long gold eyelashes. “Sir?”

“Why are you staying in a company run by people who hate you?”

He flinched, and Ialmostfelt bad for my harsh words. Almost. He licked his dry lips and exhaled. “I love working here, Sir.”

“Bullshit.” My jaw hardened. “You’re useless. A thorn in my side.”

Something flickered over his face that looked close to lust.Oh, what is this?

Smirking, I rolled my shoulders. “This isn’t a movie or a book, Sawyer, and if it was, you’d be the villain. You’re pathetic.”

A small shudder traveled down his body, and I almost missed it. Shit, Massimo was right. This wasn’t torture to him, this was pleasure. He wanted me to say horrible things about him. Yet.... I’d also seen him hungry for praise. Was it possible for him to want both? I’d only ever met subs who wanted one or the other—but both?


I didn’t fantasize about bossing around Wade too deeply because this man wasnotgoing to be mine. Absolutely not.

I pressed my lips together and hummed in thought. How much could I push him before he broke? I was tempted to find out. “I have another job for you today.”

He blinked at me and clasped his hands together in front of his crotch. “Sir?”

I shifted and sat on the desk instead of leaning against it, then stretched out a leg. “I want you to buff my shoes.”

His gaze dropped to my black shoes before darting back up to my face. “With shoe polish?”

I grinned, a pleased sensation swirling low in my stomach, moving farther south to my cock.Hmm. How far is too far?Well, I wasn’t trying to keep him as an employee, was I? “No, with your tongue.”

He froze and a deer-in-headlights look flashed over his face. He glanced at the door, then back at me, and a part of me expected him to flee, to tell Wick he quit and never come back—or at the very least, to beg to have someone else supervise him. To my surprise, he didn’t move. He fiddled with his fingers, eyebrows drawn together in thought as though he was weighing his options.

The simple fact was that asking him to do this wasn’t professional. Not by a longshot. He had every right to tell me to go to hell, and I would understand. Cleaning the bathrooms with a toothbrush was one thing, but to ask him to lick my shoes clean? Ridiculous. I’d seen Doms do it to subs, and I’d enjoyed watching, but I’d never had a reason to punish any of my partners like that. Also, Wade was definitely not my plaything. He was a work colleague under my supervision.

Yeah, this had gone too far. I didn’t know what was going through my head. I almost opened my mouth to tell him it was a joke and try to laugh it off, but he was stillthinking.

Wade pushed the lock on the door, then fell to his knees in front of me, swallowing visibly.

Oh, fuck.