Staring at Albion’s profile, I bit my lip and tried not to let my admiration for his strong jaw and shoulders make me stupid. This man didn’t like me. He wasn’t even shy about saying that. He thought I was lower than dirt.

A thrill shivered through me and danced in my stomach.

Hell, what is wrong with me?

I brushed off that question because I’d never been able to answer it. There was something both sick and sexy about the way he so casually told me I didn’t matter. He didn’t give me anything—on any level—that wasn’t raw and his real, unfiltered self. There were no nice lies. It was all brutal, just like having sex with Albion had been so far.

There was something good about that honesty, though I couldn’t put my finger on what. When my parents had died, I’d been subjected to a lot of pleasant platitudes and zero action from the adults in my life. This experience was the opposite of whatever the hell that had been.

Gently, I let my bag slide from my shoulder to the floor with a smallthud.

Albion wandered in the direction of the kitchen. “Put your belongings in my room, then shower and come out here. Don’t bother with clothes. I want to see all that soft, smooth skin I paid for,” he said, not even glancing over his shoulder.

“Yes, Sir,” I said, yanking my bag back onto my shoulder again.

“Hurry, Pretty.”

Pretty.He’d said that more than once today, and it was such a wild difference from Shoelicker. I had whiplash, but I loved it. Why was Albion being so nice now? He cleared his throat, and I jumped, rushing to follow his orders. I flung the bag near his dresser and hustled into the shower. I was quick but thorough as I washed every nook and cranny he might decide he wanted to touch—and my body felt strangely tender after all the hair removal today. The water felt hotter than usual, even though it was the temperature I normally used, and the washcloth was rougher—and oddly more sensual—especially as I began to think about what Albion might want to do to me.

My cock decided to get in on the action. I moaned as the water pounded against my hard-on. It was all too much, but I knew without Albion ever telling me that if I gave in and dumped a load in the shower, not only would he somehowknow, more accurately than any psychic, he would make me regret it. With an inhuman amount of strength, I left my dick alone to bounce around in front of me while I finished scrubbing.

Drying off was an ordeal with my oversensitive skin, and I gritted my teeth. I stared at my duffel bag. He’d told me to go out into the kitchen naked, but the idea made me feel uncomfortable, so I went to the bag and pulled out a pair of boxers. I made it all the way to the bedroom door before I winced and shoved the boxers off again. I didn’t want to upset Albion over something so silly that was completely within my control. Better leave that for the bigger things. I had trouble looking at anything except my feet while I walked out into the living room, then on into the kitchen.

Albion was pacing back and forth near the island with a red coffee mug firmly in his hand, and he stopped to stare at me when I made it to the threshold between the rooms. He drained his mug in one long swallow, thenthunkedit down onto the counter. His intense gaze settled on my straining cock and had my blood boiling in my veins.

Even if Albion didn’t like me, he couldn’t get enough of looking at me, and I loved that.

He did this thing where he stared and stared, and my cock was all I could think about and felt ten times bigger than it had ever been in my life. Sweat broke out on my body as I repeatedly talked myself out of reaching for my hard-on. My hands flexed at my sides. I wriggled my fingers to give them something to do that wouldn’t get me into trouble.

Albion let out a lungful of air that sounded like a bull snorting, then rushed over and grabbed me by the back of the neck. I stumbled, and he slid his arm around my waist. Next thing I knew, he hoisted me onto the counter and set me there on my ass. With a smirk, he settled his hands on the counter on either side of me.

“You were a good boy today,” he murmured, glancing down at my body.

Heat swirled in my cheeks and I rubbed my neck. I wasn’t sure what to say or if he even wanted me to speak. Before I could get myself together to make a mess of things, Albion leaned in. I closed my eyes, breathing out softly as his lips covered mine. I was shocked because Albion was usually brutal and quick with me, but he ate my mouth like it was his last meal on death row and slid his hands slowly up and down my sides. I’d never had a kiss this good. There wasn’t a place in my mouth his tongue didn’t map, and he teased me into chasing back into his mouth before fucking into mine again.

My cock brushed his jeans, which was almost too much, and I realized he’d slipped between my spread thighs and pressed close to me. His hips caressed against my inner thighs where the hair had been removed earlier. I shuddered because the skin was so sensitive. It was a wild, not quite painful sensation that had me hyperfocused on every point of my body where we touched.

“Listen up, pretty slut,” Albion said, then kissed up my jaw to sink his teeth into my earlobe.

I shuddered and kicked my feet involuntarily.

“Are you listening?” he grated into my ear.

“Yes, Sir,” I said, feeling dazed.

“You’re mine. You signed my contract.” Without warning, he sank his teeth hard into the right side of my neck. It hurt and felt good at the same time, and I squirmed all around on the counter, not knowing what to do. Finally, I gripped his shoulders and cried out. When he unclamped his teeth, it almost hurt worse than the initial bite. I panted as my cock throbbed in a wonderful counterpoint to the agony he’d created in my body.

“Yes, Sir,” I finally gasped out.

He settled harsh hands onto my thighs and moved them wider. “If you spread these pretty fucking legs for that asshole I had to deal with tonight, you will regret it.” He glared directly into my eyes.

“Yes, Sir,” I said on a sigh.

Either he really liked or hated my answer, I couldn’t tell, since his response was to sink his teeth into the left side of my neck and do the same terribly fantastic thing to that side—balancing out the excruciating, wonderful pain he’d already created. My nipples were strangely achy, and my cockhead was the only thing on my body worth considering. I thrust wildly but didn’t brush against him because he put his hands on my hips and held me down.

“Yes, Sir,” I said in between sobs, not even sure what I was agreeing to right now.

There would be purple bruises on my neck tomorrow. Everyone would notice them. A thrill shot through me. They wouldn’t know Albion had done this, but they would know someone wanted me and thought I was worth taking apart. Pride washed over me, a brand-new sensation that had never entered into sex for me in the past.