A shiver slithered down my spine and I nodded as I walked toward him. When I got close, he gave me a light swat on my ass—not the kind of thing that really hurt, but also not something I could ignore.

“Tonight, I want to hear snappyyes, Sirsandno, Sirsfrom you. Got it?” He tilted his chin up and stared down his nose at me.

“Yes, Sir.” I nodded for good measure, and then I scrambled to do what he’d said, sitting gingerly on my bruised ass as I faced the metal table leg and put my arms on either side of it. I was able to sit upright without ducking, and the top of my head brushed the underside of the cool glass. I moaned when he tied my wrists together with elegant knots. He was all economy of motion, not a single wasted movement. The rope was soft against my skin, as I’d suspected it might be, and it wasn’t overly restrictive. The bow he tied in the rope was pretty, but I was definitely stuck, unless I wanted to flip the table and pull my hands free that way.

I couldn’t imagine what he might do to me if I did something like that. It wouldn’t be pretty. Goose bumps rippled across my body. I didn’t have the courage to be that disobedient, but what would he do to me if I did?

“What is this, Sir?” I finally asked after almost a minute of him tugging at the rope, as if he wanted to make sure he wasn’t cutting off my circulation.

He grinned at me and hunkered down closer beside me. I sucked in a deep breath when he unbuckled my belt, then pulled it free of the loops of my suit pants. He trailed the leather over my cheek, then gave me a little slap with it that had me hissing. There was a warm stripe left behind on my face. Next, he slipped my shoes and socks off, and he stopped to tickle along the arch of my foot, which had me kicking. He stared directly into my eyes as he undid my pants, and I moved around and helped him so that he could tug them down my legs. Albion left me in my suit jacket, shirt, tie, and boxers.

I felt wildly naked, even though I was still mostly covered.

“We’re going to eat dinner together. I’m going to sit here,” he said, tugging the chair over next to me. He patted the seat. “And you’re going to be a good boy and do as I say. You’re a shoelicker, so you belong near them.” He flashed his teeth at me in a rough smile. “On the floor.”

“Yes, Sir,” I moaned out.

He laughed and easily popped to his feet. I bit the inside of my cheek as he strolled away.

“Sir, what am I supposed to be doing?” I asked, and he stopped, turning on his heel to cross his arms and glare at me.

“You’re doing it. And right now, you’re doing a good job, but if you keep asking annoying fucking questions, you won’t be.” He lowered his eyebrows and tipped his chin down.

“Yes, Sir.” I nodded quickly and almost exploded into confetti when a small smile twitched across his lips, even though it disappeared quickly.

The wait for the food was bizarrely euphoric. I was trapped and couldn’t go anywhere. I couldn’t do anything except what I’d been told. I was clearly pleasing Albion—well, I’d seen that smile, so I had hope that he was happy—and he wanted me here. Yeah, maybe he didn’t want to treat me like his boyfriend and sit me at the table, but this was fine.

The rope was so perfect. I even loved the color. With a quiet hum, I tugged at the rope and couldn’t get free, and by degrees, I relaxed into the situation. When Albion came back with a bag of food in his hands and plopped it on the table, I was ready to melt as he ran his fingers through my hair.

With everything going so well, I spaced out a bit. I leaned my head back and watched Albion through the glass as he unpacked the food, gathered silverware, and then got two glasses of water. When he sat down in his chair, I whimpered because I was so close to all the parts of him I wanted to touch. He nudged my knee with his shiny shoe, and I leaned down to kiss it.

“Oh, well, that’s certainly nice behavior, Shoelicker,” Albion said, and his tone was nearly pleasant. He opened a container, and next thing I knew steaming food was hovering in front of my mouth on a spoon. I glanced up at him, and he watched me as I opened my mouth and accepted what he had to offer. He hissed, and I moaned at the delicious flavors that burst on my tongue. He tapped my lips with the spoon.

“Good?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Enjoy it because I’m going to stuff my cock down your throat when I’m finished. Dinner, then dessert.” His wicked grin put my dick on high alert, and I was squirming with a hard-on when he slipped me another bite of food.

I didn’t mind at all.

The meal was winding down, and I was feeling pleasantly full and sleepy when Albion’s phone rang, a shrill sound that made me flinch. That was exactly why my phone was always on silent. I hated the way the noise belted out into the room and ruined everything. No one called anymore unless the news was bad. He sighed and went to the living room where he’d tossed the phone, and I buried a yawn against my arm. I shifted around, trying to get some friction on my dick, but there was no relief in sight.

“Hello, Albion Guthrie,” he snapped.

Albion stood there listening for a minute, and my gut dropped as his shoulders tightened, and then he shifted around and scowled at me.

No, no, no. What happened?I hadn’t done anything wrong! Anger ping-ponged through me, and I tugged on the ropes. There was no reason for him to be giving me that terrible look. I’d done everything he’d told me to do. Things were going so well!

“I apologize for wasting your time, Indy,” he said loudly.

I stared at him.

“Yes, I still want you to make those suits for my boy. Let me talk to him and reschedule. I know you were doing me a favor this morning. I’m very sorry,” he said, and his face flushed red.

Oh, fuck. The suits.

He ended the call and tossed the phone back onto the couch. “Why didn’t you go today?” he asked, tone so cold that ice crept through my veins.