He cocked his head thoughtfully. “I appreciate it, Albion.” My name had begun to leave his mouth a month or so ago when he wanted to besoftabout something, and I let him use it because I enjoyed hearing the way his lips curled around the syllables. “But you know I’d be fine with a burger joint or something easy. I don’t need to be spoiled.”

“I know.” I grabbed his hand and raised it to my lips, placing a gentle kiss at the base of his palm, right above the knobs of his wrist. “I wanted us to come here for a reason.”

“Hm?” Wade’s lashes fluttered again, and I was lost in his eyes, just staring until I remembered myself. Fuck him for being so pretty and looking drugged up on lust all the time. He was too good-looking for my sanity.

Now that I thought about it, this was all very corny and definitely too romantic for me. It was too late to turn back now. Fuck it. “I love you, Shoelicker.”

Wade froze, eyes widening. His fingers curled in mine, and after a moment of silence, where I reconsidered what I’d just done, a happy grin flitted across his mouth. “You do?”

I snorted at the question. “Am I the type of person to say things I don’t mean?”

“No, Sir.” He bit his lip. “I love you, too, Sir. Very much.”

“Yeah?” I didn’t know why I’d questioned it, but here I was, acting like an absolute idiot because he’d said it back. Fuck. What happened to that cold bastard everyone accused me of being? Right, he was still here, but Wade had tempered my edges, made them less sharp.

“Yeah.” The breath that left him was slow and languid, and his eyes glittered. “I like being your shoelicker. I like being good for you.”

“I’m glad because I like you as mine, Pretty.” I leaned in closer and lowered my voice. “You’re perfect for me, and I’m going to keep you.”

He closed the distance between us and kissed me lightly on the lips, an act I’d have to punish him for tonight because he hadn’t asked for permission. “That’s fine by me, Sir.”

That was all I needed to hear. “Good, because I’m going to show you how much you belong to me after work tonight. Think you can handle it?”

He moaned. “Yes please, Sir.”

I grinned.

We spent the entire lunch hour and a bit more at the restaurant with a range of food that left us stuffed and satisfied. When it was time to go, I held Wade’s hand in mine as we headed back down the street. Wade leaned against my side with a pleasure-high expression on his face, even though we hadn’t done a single sexual thing during that time.


I froze.

Wade immediately stopped, a confused frown taking over his face, and we turned together to look behind us.

Will, my ex, stood on the sidewalk, his blue eyes wide and mouth parted in surprise. Dressed in a suit, he had clearly been at work. He hadn’t changed much since I’d last seen him, other than the fact that he’d cut his blond hair shorter.

“Hello,” I said simply, uninterested in a conversation.

“Who is this?” Will shot Wade a curious look, and instinctively, I curled my arm around Wade’s waist, dragging him closer against me.

“This is Wade Lee Sawyer, my boyfriend.”

Wade offered him a small smile. “Hi.”

“Your boyfriend?” Will pressed his mouth into a firm line and stepped in closer to us, crossing his arms. I’d forgotten that despite being handsome, Will had always been confrontational, too, and it seemed that hadn’t changed. His aggressive side was part of why we’d never worked. “Since when doyoudo relationships?”

“Since Wade.” I smirked at him and held Wade’s waist tighter. “Now, if you’ll excuse us?—”

“You’re a lying asshole,” Will snapped so violently that it made me pause. The hurt in his tone twisted knots of guilt in my stomach, and I blamed Wade completely. He’d worn me down until I felt human again, and I hated and loved it. “Wasn’t I good enough?”

Wade stiffened in my arms, and I pressed a kiss to his temple to reassure him. With a sigh, I turned back. “All I’m going to say to you, Will, is that the problem wasn’t you, it was me. I won’t apologize for hurting you because you lashed out, too. I told you from the beginning I didn’t want a relationship and you still agreed.”

His jaw clenched and he shook his head, taking a step back. He flashed his middle finger in my direction, and then he spun around and stalked away, leaving me alone with Wade again.

I sighed. “Well, you met the ex.”

Wade laid a gentle kiss on my cheek. “I’m sorry.”