Massimo patted Albion’s shoulder, like he was telling him what a good job he was doing. A thrill of accomplishment had my head swimming.

“Get on your knees and don’t move,” Albion said, and I blinked up at him and felt horribly lost as he turned away and went to the bar, sliding in beside Massimo. I followed orders and tried not to make eye contact with anyone, but it was difficult not to glance around. I accidentally caught someone at the bar looking at me and dropped my gaze quickly to the floor. A clean pink microfiber cloth hit me on the face, and I dragged it down and held it, then shot my attention up to Albion.

“Thank Avery for that bar rag,” Albion said, his voice carrying above the oddly hypnotic music that began thudding over the speakers. The uproar of talking people got louder along with the bassline.

Oh God, people are looking at us again.I stood on my shaking legs and walked over to the bar. A short, cute blond man with fake pointed elf ears stood there and he smiled at me in a friendly way.

“I figured you’d have more fun with that bar rag than I would.” Avery winked. He had an accent that I couldn’t quite place.

“Uh, thank you. Um. I don’t know what I should call you. But thank you.”

He laughed, a happy sound that had people turning to look at him. Massimo sat with his back to the bar and didn’t even glance at the man, even though other people shifted that direction and smiled, too.

“Avery,” he said. “Just Avery to you.”

“Is the back open? Is it too early?” Albion asked, glancing at a nearby wall. Antique BDSM equipment had been used as decorations, and each object was outlined by green display lights that matched the ones in the glass floor. I noticed an archway with a sturdy black door set into it. A large sign beside the door was easy to read from here—Members And Their Guests Only Beyond This Point.

“It’s a full house tonight. I don’t know if it’s a full moon or what, but it’s definitely a circus back there. Have fun!” He beamed at Albion.

Massimo got up off his stool and stretched, then walked with us toward that intriguing door. I wrung the rag between my hands while my heart thudded so hard I could taste it on my tongue. For half a second, I thought maybe I was having another heart issue, but my cock was so hard I decided that no, all this was a direct result of everything Albion was doing to me.

Albion opened the door, and I went ahead of him as he snagged my elbow and tugged me forward. Massimo followed me through and immediately darted ahead before spinning on his heel to watch me, as if I was the entertainment for the night. My gut heated and twisted, and again, I wasn’t sure if I hated this terrifying sensation or loved it. I rubbed my abs, and Albion came around and knocked my hand down.

“You’re mine. I didn’t say you could do that, Pretty.” He grabbed my wrist and tugged me past people who were doing some scary looking things. One woman was tied to a big X that was bolted to the floor, and there was a man on his knees between her taut thighs. At first, I thought he was eating her out, but he appeared to be biting all around her slit. I shuddered, remembering what it was like when Albion had done that to me.

There were other people in the room using equipment—couples and throuples—and back in one corner several men were taking turns fucking a man secured in what looked to be a padded stockade. I bit my tongue and shifted closer to Albion, and when he noticed where I was looking, he looped his arm around me and tugged me in step with him.

“That’s not for my pretty shoelicker,” he growled into my ear, and I relaxed against him.

The tip of my tongue ended up clamped between my teeth when Albion stopped at a glass table that reminded me a hell of a lot of the dining room table at home, only with sturdier legs. Lights glowed on the underside of the glass similar to the floor out near the bar. The green hue was eerie and made everything feel like a sex dream—anything was possible.

“Brace yourself,” Albion said.

“What?” I gasped when he scooped me up in his arms and settled me onto the table. He easily put a knee on the table and hoisted himself up. I couldn’t look away from his tight body as he crawled the short distance to the other side and sat down, crossing his legs so that his boots were prominently displayed in my direction.

“You’re only good for two things, you little slut,” he said, loudly enough that a few people nearby turned toward us and away from the show of the man in the stockades getting railed. “Cleaning things and giving me that tight ass. And you haven’t earned my cock yet.”

He wriggled his boots in my direction.

“Oh yes, Sir!”

The people watching laughed, and I froze, but they didn’t seem as if they were making fun of me, and when I glanced at them, they all seemed to appreciate what they were seeing. Who wouldn’t like looking at Albion? Heat washed through me when I realized they must enjoy watching me, too. I got up on my knees and bent over Albion’s boots, using the rag to buff the already shiny black leather.

Albion let out a dramatic sigh and shook his head at me.

Massimo came over to casually lean a sharp hip against the side of the table, gaze glued to me. So many people were focused on me that my head went tingly and light with the idea of it.

“You’ll never get my shoes clean that way, Shoelicker,” he said with a smirk.

I spit on the rag and used it to buff the boots with more force, and when I glanced up, I could clearly spot the bulge in Albion’s jeans. Oh, he was loving this—loving what I was doing. My cock twitched hard and stole my breath.

“Work harder. Lean a little closer,” he said, a grin playing along the corner of his lips.

“Yes, Sir.” It took me a full minute to realize that the change in position had my ass waving in the air, and a few more people had gathered around to watch. I sucked in a deep breath and ignored them.

“You’re taking too long, you lazy slut,” Albion snapped, and I dropped the rag as true fear raced through me. I glanced up at him, and he twirled his finger around. I wasn’t sure what he wanted, but he slid closer and grabbed my waist, turning me to a new position. “You’re so fucking useless, Shoelicker,” he snarled.

The words stung the way they usually did, and I both loved and hated the way it tore me apart inside. He was stronger and easily forced my limbs where he wanted them, then shoved me. I landed with my forearms in front of me and my ass in the air in his direction. He grabbed my hips and shifted me until my ass was higher.