“Hey,” I said, around dinnertime on the third day while Albion was handing me a couple of pills. He shoved a glass of water into my hand and made me take the pills and drink before I could finish my thought. “What did you tell Mr. Guidry to get him to let you work from home?” I glanced at his open laptop on the coffee table. He’d been sitting on the floor next to me typing away.

He shrugged. “I said I was taking care of you.”

“And he was fine with that? I thought he was going to fire me.”

“What?” Albion whipped around to look at me, and I explained what had happened the day I’d gone to the hospital.

He groaned. “No, he wasn’t firing you. He was worried about you. He’s been trying to be more of a hard-ass since the whole Xadrian thing, but really, he’s just a sweet guy who wants everyone to be all right. It’s terrible for running a business,” Albion said darkly, but he didn’t sound like he disrespected Mr. Guidry’s good nature, so much as thought it wouldn’t lead to anything good.

A couple of days later, a little bit after lunchtime, I was bored out of my mind. Albion and I had been stuck in the same routine forever. We got up, showered, had breakfast, and he immediately started working, since he wasn’t going anywhere, then worked long into the evening in a way he wouldn’t if he were actually going to the office.

Albion wasn’t paying much attention to me from where he was working intently at the dining room table. I slipped off the couch and went over to him.

He ignored me.

I went to my knees, and his mouth twitched.

I rested my head on his thigh, and he sighed.

“What are you doing?” he asked, tapping the top of my head.

“I’m bored,” I said, blinking up at him.

He snorted and grabbed his phone off the table. “Come here,” he said softly, scooting his chair back. He was wearing jeans, and excitement sped through me as he unbuttoned and unzipped, pulling out his soft cock. I glanced up at him as my dick chubbed, and sexy excitement pulsed through me for the first time in way too long. I missed getting owned by him.

“This conference call is going to be boring as fuck and take forever. Come be my pretty boy and give me something to look forward to. Don’t send me over the edge until the call is finished.”

For a second, my mind whirled, then with a whimper, I scooted between his spread, muscled thighs, wrapped my hands around them, and sucked his firming cock between my lips. I loved feeling him go from soft to solid steel.

Albion put the call on speaker. “Tell me what you’ve been doing,” he snapped.

I shivered at the tone.

“Everything’s going great, Mr. Guthrie. Especially with what you and Wade have been doing.”

I froze because I hadn’t been doing anything except recover, but he hummed and didn’t sound surprised by that. “Yes. Please tell me what everyone else has been doing beyond what I can look at in the shared file.”

Well, this was boring. He was right.

I ignored the dull conversation, except to keep track of whether or not it was still going. I only paid attention to Albion’s cock, toying with the head and sliding my hand in to tug on his shaft when I started to bob on him. I carefully noted the stiffness of his muscles and the way he fought arching against my lips. When his cockhead pulsed on my tongue and I thought he might be close to filling my mouth with cum, I stopped and held still, glancing up through the glass table at his flushed face.

“Yes, that sounds good,” he said, and I gave him a small suck that had his eyes shutting and his dark lashes fluttering. “Hold on a minute.” He tapped his phone screen, then said, “Can anyone hear me?”

When no one answered, he glanced at the phone screen again before shifting his attention to me. “Get your dick out and tug it. Don’t you dare come.” With that he tapped the screen again. I held in a moan. “Continue,” he said.

The droning went on.

I got my dick out and began to jerk off furiously, but then he tapped the top of my head, and I squeezed the base because I was already at the edge. Holding in any noises, I focused instead on gently suckling on his cockhead. I was drifting and not paying attention when Albion slid the chair back, forcing me to follow after him to keep my lips wrapped around his cock.

I glanced up at him.

“Call’s over. Look at my good boy, following orders,” he said, running his fingers through my hair.

I puffed up with pride and my dick throbbed. I wanted to come so bad.

He forced me a little farther onto his dick, but he was clearly trying to be careful with me. I snorted at that and sucked him deeper into my mouth until he got the hint and held me down. My head swam as he fucked into my throat, and I gasped when he pulled out and unloaded on my face, leaving me dripping with his cum. He smeared his hand across my cheek.

“Get on my lap,” he said.