Massimo: Careful what you do with it. Don’t get attached to him. Snakes don’t evolve into dragons. At the end of the day, they’re still slimy and untrustworthy.

I shook my head at his message and dragged the folder closer. Snakes weren’t slimy, but Massimo hated them, so it made sense he saw them in a negative light. I opened the front flap and the background information hit me from the first page. There was a birth certificate, school awards, degree credentials, social security details, photographs, medical and bank records, and then simple documents of facts.

Almost immediately, I discovered data about his brother, who had a heart defect and copious amounts of hospital debt. Wade wasn’t much better, and according to the bank statement I had in my possession, he paid for medication for his brother, too, putting him in the red. The money transfers also suggested that Wade tried to help his brother with other cash issues.

Wade had his own personal loans, and while I couldn’t assume what they were for exactly, from what I could see already, I figured it was to aid his brother, too. Wade didn’t seem to have much in the way of possessions. He had no car, owned no properties—he rented his apartment. The man had nothing of value.

According to the background check that Adrian and his men put together, his grandparents had owned a farm, probably the same one in the photo I’d seen, but they’d died when he was thirteen in a car accident. Directly after, his parents sold the farm to pay off loans. Wade’s parents had died young, leaving him and his brother with even more financial obligations because they didn’t have life insurance. Wade had been sixteen when they’d died, and his brother was barely a legal adult. The Child Welfare services were so overwhelmed that they’d allowed Wade to stay with his brother without an investigation.

Everything was a disaster.

If Wade hadn’t worked his ass off for good grades and applied for scholarships, he wouldn’t have gone to college.

My chest squeezed as I stared down at another photo of a child. Wade, eyes sad and face drawn with loneliness, and something ached inside me. I stroked the tiny face and cursed his family. And his brother.... Well, Wade still went to make sure he ate, which probably meant he cared for him. But according to this file, the brother—Neil—couldn’t hold a job for long. He also smoked according to the covert pictures they had attached. Not exactly healthy for someone with a heart issue.

In terms of Wade’s ex-relationships, he didn’t have many to speak of, and none had been BDSM based, which both made sense and didn’t. He served as a sub so easily. He belonged in this lifestyle.

I flipped the file closed and glared at it. Fuck. How could I make it all right? Something else played on my mind, too, something I didn’t want to give too much thought to.Why don’t I ask him about his life?The voice was my mother’s rational one. She’d always been kind and considerate, and people had loved her. Unlike me. It was easier to hate me and my coldness.

I sighed as a knock echoed on my door again. I took the file and opened a drawer, sliding it inside. “Enter.”

Wade stepped through and swung the door behind himself, though it didn’t fully close. He offered me a timid smile, walking toward me, and then stopped near the desk. Clasping his hands in front of himself, he lowered his chin to his chest.

“We’ve done the job, Sir. Christie suggested I come and ask what you want me to do next.”


My hard-on had dwindled during my time reading his file, but it wouldn’t take much for it to rage again with Wade standing in front of me, looking particularly submissive. His hair was windswept, his skin a bit pink around the ears and cheeks, and he had a brightness in his eyes.

I stood and walked to him. I cupped his face in my hands and guided his head back so he was staring up at my face. “You can do me.”

The rosy blush on his cheeks deepened, but a smile curved his mouth, soft and touchable, and fuck if it didn’t make my stomach turn warm. Damn it. Despite the unwelcome feelings, I leaned forward and kissed him gently. His lips yielded delightfully under mine. He moaned and pushed himself on his tiptoes, hands reaching for me before stopping short of grabbing my suit lapels.

“You’re a good little slut,” I growled out against his mouth. “Don’t touch me unless I give permission.”

He whined. “Please, Sir.”

“No.” I reached around to slap his ass, and he whimpered. “How do my marks feel on you, Pretty?” I kissed his neck, nipping playfully at his skin, and he rocked against me. “Does your body hurt from my bruises?”

“Yes.” He moaned low in his throat, desperate. “Want more.”

Every night, I gave him more hickeys. I reminded him through bites that he was mine. Xadrian would never touch him or see his beautiful naked body again.

My hands found the curve of his back, above his ass, and I dug my fingers into a spot where I knew he had bite marks. He hissed, jerking forward, and I captured his mouth in a hard kiss again.

Someone groaned, and I wasn’t sure if it was him or me.

“Albion, your assistant wasn’t at the desk, and I was hoping?—”

I jumped away from Wade and spun around to face a wide-eyed Maurice.

“Oh.” Maurice visibly swallowed, gaze jumping from me to Wade, and his mouth worked. “I’ll come back.” And then he turned, ambling out the door. He popped his head in again a moment later. “Maybe you should shut the door? I’m pretty sure they all lock. Er, sorry.” He jerked the door closed.

“Fuck!” I grabbed a handful of my hair. This wasnothow I wanted this to go, but Wade,fucking Wade, made me senseless with lust. Why the hell did I kiss him at work?

Yet, I couldn’t be angry at him. This wasn’t his fault. It was mine.

My shoulders slumped.