I peeked over his shoulder at his hands, which shook in his lap. He curled his fingers around his knees and kept his gaze straight, but I didn’t miss the bulge in his pants. Judging by the size, he was already half hard and ready to please me any way he could. But I wasn’t going to give him that opportunity. No.

“What’s this?” I reached around him and cupped his bulge, and he hissed. “Do you like it when I call you a good boy?”

He whimpered and exhaled.

“Well? Answer me,” I demanded.

His eyelashes fluttered as he nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Hm.” I leaned closer to his ear, tongue darting out to lick the shell. “What if I said you were nothing more than a fucking little slut? You’re good for nothing but getting off. Your hole’s the only useful thing about you.”

His dick twitched against my hand, and a laugh slipped from my mouth.

“Look at you.” I squeezed the bulge and studied the way his mouth parted in needy pants. “Fucking desperate for it.”

“Sir, I?—”

“Shut up,” I ordered, and his mouth snapped closed. He glanced toward me, eyes wide and fearful, and that did something nice to me. Pleasure coiled in my stomach. I flicked my tongue out to trace his ear again, and the small whimpers that left him had my cock raging. I pictured bending him over the breakfast bar and fucking into him, finally, but I wanted to drag this out as long as I could for the simple joy of it. “Shut the fuck up.”

He shuddered and gripped his knees so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His gasps were small and needy and so fucking perfect.

My phone chose that moment to jingle, and I grabbed it, smiling when I saw Holliday’s name on the screen. I answered it. “Yes, Holliday? Tell me it’s fixed.”

“Should be, yes, sir. It looks like Mr. Baranov had set up a time limit on Sawyer’s account for some reason. He did that several weeks ago. Maybe it was an accident? Anyway, I went ahead and cleared that out. He should be good to go now. Yours was just a.... Well, it would take too long to explain, but there were several people who needed to have updates on their accounts. You saved me a lot of upset phone calls later.” He sounded sheepish.

“Good job.” I traced my gaze over the back of Wade’s neck and the bumps spread across his skin. It took a lot of effort to resist the urge to reach out and scrape my nails over them.

“Sir, would you put in a good word?—”

I ended the call and threw my phone back on the marble counter, making Wade jump in surprise. He straightened his back and licked his lips but didn’t look at me.

“IT has fixed the problem. Maurice was making sure that you weren’t poking around in the system without anyone knowing, I think. Did you bring your computer?”

He risked a glance at me and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. You have an hour before we need to head for the office. Get to it.” I winked at him before I took the stool beside him. Ignoring the long stare he gave me, I focused on my computer and attempted to log in. It worked.

Clearly sensing I had no other plans to play with him, Wade brought out his laptop from his messenger bag and opened it. From the corner of my eye, I watched him as his nimble fingers danced across the keyboard, precise and elegant. The project I had given to him wasn’t one of our most important, but it wasn’t easy, either. Part of me wanted to know if he could handle it, and from what I could see from my seat, he knew what the ultimate goal was with the smaller company who’d approached us for help.

Pride swelled in my chest before I realized what I was feeling and tamped it down. This was still Wade Lee, the traitor, and I wasn’t going to give him anything more than he was owed. Except....

“Listen to me very carefully, Shoelicker.” I turned toward him on my stool, and he straightened again, hands going immediately to his knees, as though this was now his submissive position. Attentive. Obedient. “Before you arrive at work, I want you to go to a tailor’s shop by the name of Sew Much Better Than the Rest. If you’re late to work, it’s fine because I’m ordering you to do this. The shop is close to the Pleasure District. There’s a tailor there by the name of Indy. Ask him to get five suits ready for you. Colors that will look good on you.”

Wade’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “I can’t?—”

“Tellhim to put it on my card. He has it on file,” I interrupted him pointedly. “This isn’t for you, little slut, this is for me. I won’t have my sub walking around in a suit so subpar.” I paused to rake my gaze over his body and the clothing he wore. “I enjoy eye fucking my sub, and I can’t do that when you have something that doesn’t even fit you correctly. Indy is good at what he does, and I want to see his suits on you.”

Wade hesitated, then gave me a curt nod. “Yes, Sir.”

“You can also thank the boss’s assistant and boyfriend, Maurice, the next time you see him. He’s the one who recommended Indy to me.”

He nodded again. “Yes, Sir.”

There wasn’t much else to say. Wade was being a very good boy this morning. I rose from my stool and laid my hands on his shoulders. I studied his work carefully, taking mental note of the way he shivered with desire under my touch. His responsiveness did something to me, and heat filled my chest as the need to take him to my bedroom and do dirty things to him doubled. But no. I wanted to make himdesperatefor it before I finally gave in. I was going to take control of Wade’s life in ways he’d never known existed, and it was going to be all for me and the control I craved.

By the time I was done, Wade would be my sub—full stop. And that started with learning everything about him.