“Okay, in five minutes you’re going to answer a question for me. Why do you need to tell me your limits? Think about that.”

Shifting around, I turned to frown up at Albion, but then he brought his hand down hard on the curve of my ass, right where it met my thigh. And he kept raining blows on my upper thighs, which stung and hurt in a way that almost felt like cramps. My cock didn’t go down, but I was too distracted by the building pain to do anything other than lie there. Slowly, I began to whimper, then shout as the sound of Albion’s hand meeting my skin filled the air.

Then, he moved to my ass. I shuddered as he hit me harder. He managed to smack the same spots over and over again until I was sobbing and snotty. I clawed at the couch cushion to stop myself from covering my ass with my hands.

Then, he kept going.

My ass burned in a horrible way, and I rutted my cock against his thigh in a desperate bid to distract myself. He threw an arm over my waist and held me down, then continued. The punishment went on and on until my eyesight began to gray around the edges, and finally he stopped, breathing hard, and squeezed my right asscheek brutally.

When he let me go, I shouted so loud my ears rang.

Panting, my mind spun. I could barely think at all.

“If you had a safe word picked out, you could’ve told me to stop,” he said, his breath hot as he leaned down to murmur into my ear. “If you’d told me limits, maybe you don’t like to be spanked until you’re bruised for example, I would’ve followed them exactly.”

He caressed a single finger down the curve of my left asscheek, and I moaned as tears spilled down my face.

“You know what? The only thing that saved you from being sent directly out that door is how good you were.”

My insides melted in a tidal wave of joy as I went limp across his lap, and he patted my lower back. Hell, even the muscles there were tight.

“What do you mean, Sir?” I asked. Couldn’t help it. I had to know.

He tapped my hands where they were gripping the couch cushion. “You didn’t try to fight me. You were a good boy.” His tone indicated that wasn’t something he was excited about, but the words sent a wave of delight through me anyway. My cock twitched so hard I gasped.

“Since you have no limits in place, I’m going to take a picture of this cherry red ass and send it to a friend.” He moved around, and I assumed he was dragging his phone out of his pocket. I heard the sound of the Camera app, and then he tossed his phone onto the cushion above my head. I froze inside. I knew he hadn’t taken a picture of my face, but no one had ever photographed me while in this type of vulnerable state. I bit my lip and couldn’t decide if I was terrified or delighted.

He thought I was worth taking a picture of so he could remember this. I humped against his thigh.

He chuckled. “Get on the floor between my legs. Put your hands on my thighs and don’t move them.”

Nodding, I fumbled and rolled off him because my legs wouldn’t work. I sobbed when my abused ass hit the floor, then slowly forced myself to my knees to stare at the tent in his shorts. He looked ready to pass judgment on me, so in control as he glared down, hating me, putting me where I belonged at his feet.

He’d said I wasgood.

Tears flowed from my eyes, and I wasn’t sure if they were from the pain in my ass or the joy of being told I’d done something right.

He opened his shorts, and I moaned at the sight. He was long and cut and the head was flushed nearly purple. I’d done that to him. I stared up at him and opened my mouth. He snorted. I wasn’t sure what he was doing at first as he groped to his right, but he lifted the contract and dropped it on my head. I snagged it down and held it with both hands.

“Read that out loud,” he said.

I stared at him, then glanced down at the contract, but my brain was so wrecked the words were a jumble when I tried to spit them out.

“I can’t,” I said, then laughed because I really couldn’t. He must think I was stupid.

Something flitted across his expression, almost amusement, before he snatched the paper away from me. “Did you learn your lesson?”

“Yes, Sir,” I whispered.

“Will you take this more seriously the next time I see you?” His mouth was a thin line that I wanted to touch.

“Yes, Sir,” I breathed out, hating the reverence in my tone.

“Open up,” he demanded. “And next time follow orders. I told you not to move your hands. You won’t enjoy my punishments. You got off easy this time.”

Shocked, I did as I was told, and he shoved his cock into my mouth. I tried to lift a hand to touch him, and he slammed his over my wrists, pinning me in place against his thighs. He tasted musky and perfect, and I loved the way he stretched my lips. I let my jaw drop open, and he thrust, shoving all the way to the back of my throat. I could barely breathe, and then he went farther and I couldn’t at all. My head swam again, and spots danced in front of my eyes like starbursts. I struggled against Albion’s grip, and my cock felt as if it was something that wasn’t part of my body, needy and hungry and so close to erupting. My balls were tight, and heat ran up and down the inside of my shaking thighs.

“If you can’t take this, tap twice on my thigh,” Albion said, pulling out. I struggled to follow after his cock as it left my lips, but he grabbed my hair, dragging my head up so I made eye contact with him.