They quickly established a routine over the next few days. His driver Benny picked up Jeremy from school, and Will drove him home. Fortunately, Harper’s brother loved his new job and he also loved the people he worked with. Will checked several times each day to make sure his employees were treating Jeremy right. He’d promised Harper he wouldn’t let anything hurt her brother, and he would die before he broke that vow.

The first night, Harper thanked him for bringing Jeremy home—and then shut and locked the door.

The second night, he brought takeout and made sure the bags he was holding at her front door smelled so good that it would be really hard for her stomach, at least, to turn him away. She’d been quiet as they ate together in her kitchen that night, mostly letting him and Jeremy do the talking, but even if it was just a baby step, at least it was one in the right direction.

The third night, while they were eating another takeout meal, he wanted to tell her that she and Jeremy filled up all his empty places. He wanted her to know that he’d drop anything at a moment’s notice when one of them called. He wished he could tell her that taking care of them had grown into a need inside him, on a deeper level even than the bond he had with his fellow Mavericks. His friends—his brothers—weren’t kids anymore, and they hadn’t needed anyone to fight their battles in years. But Jeremy and Harper needed him.

Although sometimes he felt like he needed them even more.

By Thursday night, he couldn’t stand it any longer and asked her if he could take her out again. She told him she needed to think about it, and he wasn’t sure he managed a full breath all the way through until Friday night, when he brought Jeremy home from work again...

...and she finally said yes.

Will couldn’t remember a time he’d ever been happier, or more relieved, in his life.

Now, with Mrs. Taylor watching Jeremy at home, Will had Harper sitting beside him in his ’57 Chevy. Though she was still too quiet, he was content just to be with her. To let her delicious scent wash over him, cleanse him, make him new.

Of course, when he saw an overlook along Skyline Boulevard with a great view, he couldn’t resist pushing for more. Because he couldn’t resist her. She was gorgeous in the moonlight. Stars sparkled in her eyes, and the full moon made her skin glow. There was no wind deflector in the mammoth Chevy and her hair was a mass of sexy tangles.

“Let’s park,” he said after he’d stopped the car, tugging her gently over to his side of the bench seat.

Thankfully she didn’t tense up, but he remained on tenterhooks waiting for it to happen. Waiting for her to pull back. Because they hadn’t talked about what had happened last Thursday. He’d wanted to give her time to process, and to forgive. But should he have pushed a little harder to make sure there weren’t any lingering mistakes that he still needed to make right?

He’d never been afraid of pushing anyone before. But with Harper, everything was different.

Because he was terrified of losing her.

“Harper.” He wanted so badly to reach for her. “Are we good again? Like before? Or are you still upset with me for overstepping my bounds with your brother?”

She looked a little surprised by his question, as if she hadn’t expected him to come right out and ask. But also, relieved.

Had she been wanting to clear the air, too?

“To be honest,” she said slowly, “those first couple of days, I didn’t know exactly how I was feeling. Still a little mad. Still a little guilty. But more and more, as Jeremy came home happier every day, I was able to see just how right you were. He needed this change, needed to get out of that grocery store. I wish I’d been able to see it—”

“You’re the best sister in the world. You do so much for him. You can’t beat yourself up about this.”

“But I did.” She took a deep breath. “And I think I’m finally ready to let it go.” She looked him in the eyes and held his gaze. “And I’m finally ready to let go again, too.”

She reached for his hand, and the act felt huge. Bigger even than a kiss might have.

“Being with you, being wild and free for a little while—it made me happy, Will. Whereas when I was holding you at bay this week?” She frowned. “I wasn’t as happy anymore. Wasn’t as free.” She threaded her fingers through his. “I’m ready to be free again. Ready to fly fast with you, if you still want me.”

“If I still want you?” He didn’t even try to keep the incredulous tone from his voice. “All I do all day long, all night long, is want you, Harper.”